Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 140 - Blue Oceans

And the cupcakes arranged in line greeted the astounding couple walking through the crowd. Those cupcakes were likely to spell a magic that anyone ate them would be part of the oceans.

How could not that be?  There was a cake with Balaenoptera Musculu (Blue Whale motif. That giant with 33 m long and weighed 181 ton looked as if jumping, mingling, and even dancing over the cupcakes lining on that corner.

Wondering how the Wedding Organizer had organized this party, Aruna felt she was on another world.  The lights, the ornaments, the floors, and the people presented life in the oceans.

Oh, this weird man was not the lord of another planet, from a planet out of the Milky Way. In fact he belonged to the earth. Not on the ground but in the oceans. 

The Lord was still holding her hand. The typical sign of his dominance was his wide smile anytime he looked at her from the side. His dimples were visible. 

The hands of the blue eyed led his lips to kiss the long tiny fingers of Aruna. Like a prince who was begging something to the queen, and the wish was granted with light gestures. She  put her hand on his muscular chest, and then the tune was on for them.

The Lord guided her to dance on the altar presented for them, only for them,  ignored  all eyes staring at them, only focused on the couple, the owner of Blue Ocean party.

He was drowned with thirst. Thirst for something else. His eyes turned black, like a predator found its prey. The red color among the blue shade pulled up his attention. He crushed it, so deeply. In the middle of the crowd that started clapping.

The claps got louder and louder, awoke the consciousness to the rotten mind of the admirer.

He managed to blink his eyes, looked around to get back the neurons in his brain jumping for sanity.

Mahendra bent his head slightly as an honor to his guests. He got fully alert now. After the cocaine he had inhaled slowly faded. 

His  real world  was  his wife he  just crushed. She was shocked, tensed, and shaken. She was just introduced to the new world of his dominance by force. She wasn't used to, yet.

The husband helped ease her by caressing her back, once in a while kissing the top of her hair which was  left loose.

The festive was still on.  That shocked girl walked behind her husband and went around from one formal chat to other ones.

Some of colleagues and business partners of her husband were familiar to her. Aruna saw them on television. Either in an interview about business, or market targets for the following months, as well a number of public figures.

Aruna just realized that Mahendra was not an ordinary man. Anytime he came to greet his guests or just came by, he would be welcomed. And their face expressions were hoping mimics.

That girl felt tired and thirsty. She whispered to his husband. Without pausing, he called waiters to bring water for the most beautiful lady that night.

Suddenly, the song that contained secret messages of her started rolling. 

"If one day I have a chance to propose the Red Radiant, I won't let her freeze in the bottom of blue oceans. I will make her warm, like her warmth, as my love message to her.

No artists performing on the stage was able to draw the attention of that queen of the party or to come closer to the stage.

Now while the Red Radiant were pronounced, it was like a secret code to call her. She ran to the source of the voice. Then, she stopped there. The message which sounded impossible for anyone who read it was broken by Damar.

"Tiing…". Heart-shattering melodious guitar was played.

The song Red Radiant was recomposed into more mellow song.  The rhythm was not the same as they sang it under the sparkling sky of Bandung at night.

On the other side, Mahendra searched his lost his wife from the last spot she was seen. His eyes brushed up the backs of visitors enjoying the song that was sung  on the stage.

It was normal that his WO was inviting the best artists for his wedding. But his heart was burning in outrage when the lyrics of Red Radiant pounded his ears.

It felt like it was a call for a war for him.

Hendra walked past and pushed some  guests angrily.  He found her there. She was charmed  by the song like other guests.

"Come with me honey. Didn't you say you were thirsty? And you must be tired, too. Let's have some rest!". His voice was soft and friendly but his eyes were blacked of anger.

"Can't I just watch the performance of my best friend? Can't I?" her voice was tremble, holding for something. It was so painfully that Hendra didn't miss the sorrow  in her gasp.

He closed his blue eyes a second to understand  the present of the third party in their life. He took Aruna away from another man who was mourning with his song.

But he was Mahendra, a man with a million of logical analysis. While walking in a way to protect his wife, he whispered a command to his guards:"take care of that artist after his performance and make sure he will never show up again".

Instantly, two guards were on the exit door where artists came in and out.

Knowing what was going on,  Aruna put her husband' hand down from her shoulder.

His angel face was turned into a blue devil. He smiled and brushed her hair softly. But his guards were ready to jump on someone.

"Juan, make sure Damar is safe"

"My Lady, I have been looking for an artist named Damar. But I can't find him, yet".

"He is on the stage".

"Oh,Danu Umar is Damar?

"Yes, and your friends are going to catch him".

"I'll do what you  request from me. Just to make sure he isn't caught.

"Okay my Lady. I'll work beyond you expectations!

The secret message ended the song Red Radiant



"Alright Miss... I will do it beyond your expectations!

The secret message ended the Red Radiant song.

Things didn't go as planned. Damar was suppossed to sing his new songs. Then, it would be continued with Red Radiant.

He had watched that girl from the very beginning. And the decision to change strategy was taken when he was on the stage. The owner of Red Radiant had to hear the call first so that she knew her existence. Since in the beginning the Red Radiant was dominated by a competitor who did not deserve to be mentioned. She was controlled firmly and no mistakes would be tolerated in watching her.

Damar was about to sing his new song, a message about to go back to the most comfortable place. He walked to the grand piano. And he had learned the new musical instrument to make the best performance.

"I'm going to sing new song and I dedicate this song especially for her or you who need to go back to the most comfortable place". Applause was rambling once he finished his words.

Even the businessmen who did not really care for music were also curious hearing the echoing applause. Let alone for those who wanted to stay exist in the social media.

Who long for Danu Damar.

~stand still.. remain strong..

~everyone could make a mistake then repent

~but remember  no mistake is eternal

~there will always one to support you in silence

~ he expects no  reward

~don't stop

~remember the faces of the true supporters

~still here, right behind you

~waiting for your shine to be back

~like when we believe in dreams


~keep pursuing your dream

~ a light is in the front

~never turn back

~cos no one wants you to give up

~but when you're tired, walk slowly

~let me know

~I'm still in the same place

~waitibg for you to leave

(back to reff)

~run to me anytime you want to

~I will always be in the same place

~'waiting for you to leave him


Aruna sighed when accidentally someone spilled a drink on her hand. But it did not ruin her dress.

"Hendra, I'll go restroom. Perhaps I'll go to take a rest right after that". That girl walked away. Hendra followed her. He wanted to confirm her safety. And he didn't know why but he didn't want his girl was out of his sight.

On the other side the Red radiant felt odd that someone spilled the liquid on purpose. She stopped and tried to remember the face she felt familiar with.

"Yes, sure. He was Pandu"'.

Her sudden jerk made her stalker stopped abruptly. And he gasped when Aruna turned around and ran.


Aruna found Hendra was following her. She let go down her blue gown, her heart pounded in fear. She was shocked with the presence of the predator blocking her way.

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