Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 143 - A Victory Hunter

For the two-edge knife bearer who's accustomed to wander on the hearts of two humans. I know you had to do that. Injuring one of them and running to the other. Then what if you raise your weapon and it turns out that I'm the recipient of the wound?

You have to know, I can't! A choice creates an impression of selfishness. And those who aren't chosen, but expected to be winners are just as selfish.

But, isn't the world a competition? And someone, whoever he is, will want his victory. Likewise, I found you in the most beautiful corner of my life. Who taught me that breathing is the most magnificent way of enjoying life.

So how can I let you go? If it turns out that I understand about life from the way we meet. From my way of stalking you, following you all the time, imagining your face, your body, even the silhouette that doesn't show you become so extraordinary in my eyes. You are a universe in a most hidden world.

You are the eyes in which I see life. The most beautiful nights that I pass are the nights when I embrace you. Wandering to the highest sky just because of the soap that you use. Or dreaming all day because I accidentally see a part of your body. I pay attention to such details, the things that aren't important in the eyes of others.

Letting you be taken means taking my life. I'm forced to be selfish. To sneak up on the line that you drew between yourself and him. Arranging the greatest shackles, full of compulsion. Using a status that is said to be legal in the eyes of most people.

Then I snare you with the promises that I made. I know you will run as far as you can without it. In every shackle that I created by myself. In fact, it will make you hate it more. I have no other way? Predators who want to control their prey. A selfish man who builds iron bars for the strongest confession. Chanting mantras every night. Whispering into your ear when you fall asleep in my arms. So that I can stick in the long-term memory, stay there forever. A pattern that I plugin until you are forced to say : I am your true owner, irrefutable. And he's just a memory that you deserve to leave behind.

This is my sweet dream. I make sure it's not your nightmare.



"Aruna, what are you talking about??".

A man was shocked because of his sorrow. Even though there was something burning in his chest, he muffled it deeply. He didn't want his woman to know that he understood many things.

"So your loyalty is limited to MoU sheets??".

"That thing, you don't need to question it anymore?".

"It means that I'm never considered your husband at all?". The blue-eyed got closer. From his gesture, there was an aura of anger.

"Which one is important?! The marriage agreement or ME??". Hendra grabbed Aruna's arm and held it tight. He demanded a confession by force.

"Think by yourself..!". Aruna pulled herself out of the grip of the crazy CEO.

"ANSWER IT!". Hendra snapped, losing his temper.

"Did you forget that this marriage exists because of a promise?! If only my father were like you who could easily break his promise, I'm sure I'd never be here!". Aruna's voice trembled between the rage in her chest and the pain from the grip of the man's hand.

"Oh, you mean there's no me in your eyes at all?". Their fight was inevitable. The man shook his woman's body.

"Hendra, it hurts! Let go". Aruna complained.

"How dare you said that after meeting another man!". Hendra could no longer hide something that he'd kept tightly.


The woman in his grasp was getting more confused and scared.

"You're too presumptuous to me.. Did you forget who I am?? I'm the ruler here. Just because I've changed a lot, it doesn't mean I can't be angry with you!!". That hand hurt his woman's arm. Aruna's arm was gripped so tightly.

But she didn't want to complain. She was more afraid if that man got caught. Her tears couldn't be stopped anymore. It rolled down her cheeks.

"Hehe..". The blue-eyed started laughing horribly.

"Your father?! Haha..".

"You think that aide is willing to give up his daughter just because of a promise??".

"Open your eyes wide.. Your family is using you as collateral.. To be exact, you guys don't have the strength to fight back".

Her silent tears turned into disturbing cries. She groaned.

"Fine, I'll fulfill your wish! Don't insult my father?!". Her palm grabbed the silk that covered her chest. She tore it herself.

The man was really surprised. He did want to touch it, see it, moreover enjoy it. That's what he wanted so badly. But this wasn't the way to do it. Hendra just needed a little of this woman's heart.

Hendra let go of his grip. He couldn't see this woman in despair.

"Do it now!". The silk strap had already been pulled. Even the lingerie inside was torn apart by herself.

The man stepped back. He was really afraid to see his woman in despair. He'd been given a tranquilizer injection because of the kiss that symbolized this woman's despair.

"This is what you want, right??". Now his girl came forward.

"Do as much as you want.. But watch your mouth! Don't insult my father!!".

"Aruna, tidy up your clothes!".

_Please! Don't show your desperation or I can go crazy_

"You don't have to do that.. I'll give in to you!". The man closed his eyes, a sign that he was suppressing himself.

Sobs.. sobs..

This woman weakened. She fell to the floor, sobbing, fidgeting, tired.

Obvious desperation.

Hendra couldn't see her or he'd be just as down. He could be worse.

Before he couldn't control the contents of his head, this man chose to leave.

"Don't arrest Damar. He's innocent.. You can punish me to your heart's content!".

_Damn, why is your mouth still mentioning that man?_

A husband who could no longer expect her heart because his woman clearly chose the other one. And she openly tried to protect his greatest poet competitor.

Hendra dragged and threw that girl into the bathroom roughly and locked her.



Blue Oceans


Who are you..

Dare to run from me


You are the prisoner I hold

At an infinite roar

Run as far as you can

But do not forget

The walls you walk through

And the floor you walk on

Talk to me

Just accept your fate

Because I am a predator

And you are the prey.



Hendra dragged her and threw that girl roughly into the bathroom and locked her.

The man with PTSD was in chaos because he saw his wife's desperate face walking, feeling crushed. It was the night of the wedding. Several hours ago, he found himself very happy. He accompanied his most beautiful queen to the altar, embraced her, and invited her to dance.

Now what he found was rejection. The fact that he wasn't even allowed to touch her, let alone ask for her heart.

"Nathasya, give me my medicine!".

"Young Master, you've had it a while ago". This young doctor slowly stepped back. She realized that young master Wenceslas was in a bad condition.

He tried to operate his cellphone behind his back to call the other doctors, Tio and Firman. Fellow doctors who were specifically assigned to help Mahendra.

"Don't fight back. GIVE IT!!".

Nathasya, this young doctor, was feeling guilty for introducing his young master to sedatives and now he looked addicted. She made her two friends furious. But what could she do? All she had to do was try to control the special patient in taking these medicines.

"If you take more than the dose, you'll get worse". Nathasya managed to call Tio. She only had to make sure that Tio overheard her conversation with their patient.

"In the future, if something happens, the usual dose won't be able to help you".

Hendra's brain realized the meaning of Nathasya's worry but his heart didn't. He needed it desperately.

While trying to force him, Diana's team arrived. They intervened and calmed Mahendra. They asked him to control himself from taking medicines.

Hendra couldn't keep arguing with his doctors or he'd beat them up one by one.

Shortly before grabbing one of his doctors' collar, Hendra found an incoming call on his cellphone.

"Sir, we've arrested the bodyguard who helped Ms. Aruna. Too bad, we were deceived. Ms. Aruna's friend has escaped".

"Haha.. Wait for me. Where are you?". Shortly after receiving the information, Mahendra walked in a huff, leaving the doctors who were worried.


"If you feel that this place isn't suitable for you, it's easy.. Make Hendra change. Change the love that Hendra has for you. If necessary, make that feeling disappear. Then you'll be freed from his shackles faster".

"Love??". (Aruna)

"I feel that he's just so-so towards me". (Aruna)

"Ah. You really don't know?? This marriage happened faster because you were chosen by Mr. Hendra. Your marriage isn't just a marriage agreement between Mr. Lesmana and the elders. But it's more because he wants you".

"As long as his feelings for you are so strong, he won't let go of what he's holding. A year, two years, it could be forever".

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