Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 145 - To Survive

"Aa…. Argh.. Body! There's a body!".

"Hey. Don't scream! It scares me!".

"Really. I swear. Really. Come here and see?!".

"Is she a corpse?!". The housekeeper's eyes bulged, wanting to run.

"Call for help ASAP!". The other one made a call for help.

"How?? Is she breathing?".

"Her body is very cold. She's pale? Ah, I also don't know how to check a pulse. We'll just wait for help to come rather than we make a mistake".



"Hendra!! Where are you?!". This man just opened his eyes when the call from his personal assistant sounded like the yell of an angry person.


_Ah, where am I? I forgot?!_

"Go to the hospital now! Your wife was found passed out in the bathroom. She hasn't woken up since she was given first aid." Surya's voice sounded chaotic. The recipient of the phone was even more chaotic. He ran without caring about anything. He was still wrapped in pajamas under a coat. Even the spots of Juan's blood and the scratches on his hands gave off contrasting colors. He still wore slippers. His hair was disheveled with a bloated face after waking up. Although his good looks were still the same, of course.

_Shit! Why did I forget about Aruna?_

This man pressed the elevator button several times and he made sure which elevator opened first. When he tucked himself into the crowd, this man was still the center of attention. Especially the elevator attendant who was nervous because he knew that this blue-eyed man who was panicking was the CEO of Wenceslas Group.

"Prepare a car for me?".

"You need a driver, Sir?".


When he was downstairs and the car was ready, Wiryo's grandson pulled out the driver who'd been prepared for him. The car sped away as fast as he could.

_Aruna, you have to wake up!!_

"Ah, come on!!".


"Beep..". The blue-eyed couldn't stand the traffic jam in front of him. He turned the steering wheel several times.

_I won't get mad at you after this. I promise!_

"Surya, how's Aruna's condition? She's awake?!". The blue-eyed still had time to put on the headset on his ears and made a call to his secretary to confirm his wife's condition.

"I don't know. She's still in the ICU".

"How bad is she?".

"The temporary diagnosis was dehydration. Wait! Are you the culprit? I mean, you locked your wife?!".

"Yes..". He confessed his sin.

"Oh my God. Hendra… You?! What kind of husband are you?!".

"Keep it first.. Don't let other people find out!!".


I was just a kid in the playgroup who was running around because we were playing chase. Suddenly, someone grabbed me, hugged me, then felt entitled to me. I asked to be released because I still wanted to run and laugh with my friends. Unfortunately, you weren't an ordinary person. Out of nowhere, that space began to be built. As if a line of trails have lined up in front of me and you alienated me in your private space.

Look! She's mine! No one can touch her!

That was how you proclaimed ownership.

Enough! I want to go there..

Looking at the old world for a moment..

I miss the old me and the simple world that is now like two strangers who can't greet each other..

Let me play again, run to find my laughter. Don't ever feel alone. I will definitely invite you. Just a little leniency regarding the meaning of ownership in which there is no eternity.



"Surya. Ah, how is Aruna now?". This man was messed up. He was more than panicked. His brain focused on arriving and knowing his wife's condition.

"She was just transferred to the room". Both of them walked down the hospital hallway quickly. For a moment, his secretary stopped, observing the condition of his boss.

"What happened? Your hand? Ah. You really look messy".

"I don't want to tell you yet. Many things happened last night. Let me make sure Aruna is healthy before you lecture me".

Surya exhaled his breath. He calmed himself down.

"I'll ask someone to bring a change of clothes for you". Both of them walked down the hall to the VVIP room where the young lady of Wenceslas was.


"Surya. How??". Mahendra immediately stood up when his secretary came out of his wife's room. He waited anxiously in front of the room where Aruna was.

"You really can't see her, Hen?". Surya's question was only answered with a tired nod.

"Try from this gap.. I'm sure you really want to see her.. Maybe you can still fight your syndrome from a distance?".

"I don't know. I don't have the courage yet". Mahendra stroked the door of the room where his wife was resting and he didn't dare to peek at the rectangular glass containing the silhouette of the sleeping woman.

It was only now he realized that not being able to see his woman sick was heartbreaking.



The time shifted towards evening.

This man was still sitting on a bench in the hallway, right in front of his woman's room. He'd just changed clothes and was still there when the wife's family started arriving.

He quickly stood up and greeted Mr. Lesmana, a man who was so precious in his wife's eyes. This friendly man didn't smile at him. There were streaks of disappointment that could be seen clearly.

"Hey. What did you do to my sister?!". Anantha, who followed behind his parents, looked more friendly. He was willing to greet Hendra. Even though his way was still the same, annoying.

"Just a little accident in the bathroom. Sorry. I'm really sorry I didn't look after her properly".

_If they know what happened, Aruna's family will definitely separate us_ Hendra's brain wandered full of worry when his wife's father and mother entered the room.

"Why are you still here?". Anantha who just came out was confused because Hendra didn't accompany them.

"Oh. Young master has been inside for quite a while. He needs a little fresh air. His heart is in a mess. Let me replace him". Surya took the initiative and started to mingle with Aruna's family.

This girl began to wake up because of the voice from the quiet conversation between the secretary who was good at composing words with his boss' father-in-law. Behind the door, someone was waiting anxiously.

His dimples showed up for a moment. He began to dare to peek at the rectangular glass right above the door. Not so wide, but enough to capture the atmosphere in the room.

He wanted to run inside, but the sick woman was still lying weak. It was clear that her eyes were opening and closing slowly. Every time he saw a movement of her closing eyes, his heart filled with fear. He was forced to step back and cancel his intention.

His heart skipped a beat and he began to run out of breath.

_Ah, no! I can't enter_



"Yes.. Baby?. Lesmana stopped his conversation with Surya. The mother immediately helped her youngest child sit up. She seemed like she wanted to sit down while finishing a sip of water. Aruna started staring at the people in front of her.

"Hendra is waiting at the front. Let me call him". Surya looked excited seeing this young lady sitting down. He was sure that his boss would be very happy when he could approach his wife.

"Sorry, Mr. Surya. Give me time to talk to my father and mother. Mr. Surya and Ananta, please give me some space?". This girl expressed her wish. When both of them came out, the door was immediately locked by the father. It seemed that the father knew what his youngest daughter wanted to say.

Someone was startled by the sound of locking the door.


There was a much deeper fear that attacked someone. Surprisingly, Hendra banged on the door.

Bang. Bang. Bang. His face was uneasy.

"Dad, I want to go home". This girl's voice was struggling to fight the other sound that someone was making outside.

"Aruna.. Give me a chance to speak first..". Hendra looked weird, making his secretary sad.

"What are you doing? My sister is only talking to Dad? Why are you messing up like this?!". Anantha pulled him and gave his brother-in-law a weird look.

"Hendra.. It's okay.. They're just talking?! Control your emotions?!".

"But the door is locked, Surya!?". This man couldn't accept his body being pulled.

_Aruna will definitely express her frightening desire_ (can't stand this marriage). He banged on the door again.

"Aruna.. Open.. Open the door.. I'm sorry.. I'll fix everything.." Hendra was caught doing the same stupid thing in Anantha's eyes. The madman who was banging the gate of the Lesmana family's house.

Bang. Bang. Bang.

Inside the room..

"Go home? But you're still sick?". Mr. Lesmana came closer.

"Yes, Baby. Heal first then go home". The mother added.

"Aruna wants to go home to Dad's house". This girl looked nervously at someone who wanted to enter.

"Oh my God". The mother hugged her girl in tears.

"Dad, how?". The mother added, started sobbing.

"I know you guys are fighting, but give him a chance to talk before deciding". Mr. Lesmana was more logical. He stared at the door that blocked a stubborn son-in-law who was afraid of losing his daughter.

"But our daughter must've experienced so much trouble that she dared to speak like this."

"This is Aruna.. Not Anantha or Alia who is easier to express their feelings". The mother supported her daughter.

Bang. Bang. (outside the room)


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