Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 153 - Hyperarousal Symptoms

After being released, this girl walked slowly assisted by her husband's secretary into another hallway and stopped at the patient room door.

She suspected something but just kept quiet. Until the door opened, presenting an extraordinary surprising sight.

That girl approached the body lying there. She was trembling. Wasn't it a moment ago that this man violently grabbed her neck? How come he could lay here? She found the doctor who had spoken to her standing near the patient.

"Why? What happened?". She caught and held Mahendra's hand. Was he really fast asleep or??

"He fell unconscious after leaving you". That doctor explained something that was difficult to understand. Aruna replayed her memory. Hendra went down the bed and left her alone with hasty steps.

"Is it about the Post Traumatic Syndrome that you mentioned?". The tall and well-built body was helpless. He didn't give any response. Aruna's hand rubbed got no reply.

"Yes..". The doctor answered.

"How bad?". Aruna was looking for an explanation.

"As bad as the feelings that he has for you". Doctor Diana made Aruna completely speechless. This girl looked at Surya, as if Hendra's secretary was also guilty for hiding something.

"Does Hendra's fall when he was at the Mansion Sky Tower also have something to do with the syndrome that he has?". Aruna cornered Surya even more. Mahendra's wife couldn't accept that she was lied to and made to look stupid.

"Hendra has been traumatized since he was a little. Everything stopped when he reached the age of 10. I was also his doctor at that time. We're sure even though he's still as difficult when he sees a woman lying down, or rather fall asleep in front of him, we believe he won't fall and have difficulties like when we handled him in the beginning. Until that incident at the mansion. It changed everything. For the first time in 22 years, the trauma came back to greet Hendra". Doctor Diana gave an explanation at length.

"What does it have to do with his feelings for me?". This girl was trembling even more while holding Mahendra's hand.

"The more he has feelings for you, the harder he is to control himself, including the syndrome that he has". This doctor tried to get closer to his patient's wife.

"So I really need your understanding. Tell me the last incident before he left you".

_A similar incident happened again, knocking out Hendra for the second time this bad. What really happened between him and this ordinary girl?_ (No Reason, Chapter 54) Diana's mind wandered out of control.

"Hmm.. I made him angry. I… Hmm… I thought he wouldn't be that angry if my friend whom he hates came to see me. In fact, he was very angry and accidentally rude to me". Aruna was so hesitant. She even used the word 'accidentally' when she wanted to tell how rude Hendra's actions were.

"How rude was he to you?". This doctor asked a difficult question.

"Hmm.. He might not intend to. But because he was too angry, he slightly used his hand to touch me". This girl answered in the best possible way to make her husband look humane.

"Do you mean he..". Diana couldn't bear to say the words 'physical violence'. This girl still looked pale. Diana heard from Wiryo that Hendra locked this kid in the bathroom until she lost consciousness.

"Are you hurt?". She needed to confirm the condition of Hendra's wife.

"I'm fine, Doc. I'm more worried. How come Hendra can be like this? May I know what really happened to my husband?". Honestly, this girl was still thinking about a unique, mysterious, and new disease in her mind.

("Aaargh… Not me.. I didn't make her despair…".) Diana remembered something that her patient used to shout out loud before he got very upset.

"Wait a minute. I'll definitely answer you. But let me know in detail. What expression did you give when Hendra was rude to you?". This doctor needed to synchronize her analysis to make a diagnosis.


"Yes! Your face, your expression, or how did you respond to him?". This doctor was really looking for important information.

"Oh. I didn't fight him. Hmm. I mean, it's useless against Hendra. At that time, to be honest, I was very disappointed. He said he'd grant whatever my request was. He also said that he'd let me go back to college and return to activities in the Magic Letter with my friends. I already believed in him that we could understand each other. Unfortunately, I was too confident about the situation and made him angry. When he was angry, I'd already given up on fighting and I..". She hadn't finished explaining to Diana. Aruna began to feel comfortable. She wanted to talk more.

"And you felt hopeless?? Did you show that?" Diana asked.

"Maybe yes..". Aruna answered.

This doctor glanced at the patient. She stroked that body: _Are you afraid that the woman you like will become hopeless and have a flat expression like your mommy?? I'm sorry that I can't make your mommy as bright as before_

"He's experiencing Hyperarousal. A kind of physical symptom that changes suddenly due to trauma or a triggering factor appears. This kind of thing is common in PTSD sufferers. Unfortunately, Hendra who has a good physique isn't a guarantee that he can fight Hyperarousal symptoms. The most severe of his symptoms is difficulty breathing. In fact, fainting is better. He doesn't have to feel how tormented someone who's dying is. Hard to move and can't even ask for help because his voice also disappears. It's the same as the symptoms that his mommy experienced when she committed suicide in front of him". Doctor Diana needed to explain clearly while there was an opportunity to talk to the woman who was the main trigger factor.

_Mrs. Gayatri killed herself in front of him? Is that true? It mustn't be easy to see our mother take her life. Little Hendra, was he really scared at that time?_

It was as if Aruna's heart was hit by something. She immediately held Hendra's hand. Her memory moved in all directions. Hendra's nightmare at the beginning of this girl being his wife, including why the blue-eyed man closed his eyes tightly when he wanted to touch her on the first night she became his wife. There was a sense of crush and devastation because Aruna didn't know anything at all: 'Yes, I'm weird', 'You can take care of me when I'm sick. But I may not be able to do it for you', 'I'm like this! Is there any problem?'.

It was as if she was exploring the whole moment with Mahendra. Aruna found everything to be plausible. The odd and unique points of the marriage agreement seemed to make sense. Hendra was different, not only as mysterious as she thought so far.

"What can I do for him? Can he be cured?". Aruna mustered up the rest of her courage.

"Let me use you as a Psychosocial Therapist for Hendra". Doctor Diana asked permission.

"Psychosocial Therapist? What is it?". Aruna didn't understand at all.

"The PTSD that Hendra is experiencing isn't the same as a phobia of tight spaces or a phobia of one type of animal. He's a little different."

"His syndrome is born from interactions between individuals and interactions can help him. To be honest, I'm one of the people who encouraged Wiryo to allow Hendra to choose you".

The additional explanation from the doctor with the title of SpKj made her brown eyes enlarged.

"So I was married to him to heal him?". It was as if Aruna's heart was stirred.

"Initially it wasn't for that reason. But after knowing that you're the major trigger factor who could bring back the traumatic syndrome which has been missing for decades, it's as important as Hendra must be cured by the trigger". Diana's words were replied by Aruna shaking her head: "I don't understand. I don't understand at all".

"Just like his mommy who became his first love, Hendra has very strong feelings for her. It's exactly the same with you. Aruna is very strong in influencing Hendra's feelings, he even has difficulty in controlling himself. That's why Aruna is the only Psychosocial Therapist for Hendra".

"What should I do for him?". Aruna firmly held the hand that was choking her a while ago.

"Therapy cannot be fast. It takes a process. We do it together slowly. The important thing is Aruna wants to do it". The doctor asked for the sincerity of the trigger factor as well as the path to recovery.

"Please support and help me, Doc. I'll try my best to heal Hendra". This woman took a tissue and wiped the sweat around her husband's temple.

"Am I the only one who can become a Psychosocial Therapist?". This girl asked further.

"Yes, I guess for now it's only you? Because his mommy.. Aruna knows that Mrs. Gayatri also has experienced problems since that incident?". Diana answered.

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