Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 159 - Neurons Jumping Chaotically

Mahendra ignored his friend's words of annoyance as well as the most fun bullying material.

"Get well soon.. Maybe I'll come home late at night. I don't want to hear your condition get worse again like yesterday". That caress stopped. Someone tidied up his coat again, which already looked very neat.

"You said you were going to take me home this morning? Why are you even going?". Aruna complained.

"There will be more people guarding you here. If anything happens, you can be handled more quickly. Be patient a little more". Hendra smiled reassuringly.

"Why can't my family accompany me?". This girl was lonely.

Hendra was silent. He had no meaningful reason except the guilt of not being able to take care of his wife properly. Also, the fear that she would be taken away or wanted to go home to her family.

"I'll try to bring your friends". Hendra changed the subject.

"No! They have classes. Magic Letter also needs them. I don't want to be here alone, but…". Aruna's face was troubling.

Surya began to glance at his wife. He lightly touched Hendra's shoulder, reminding him that they had to go immediately.

"I'll wait in the front". He whispered.

This man stood there, holding his temple. He had more responsibility now. He was no longer the CEO of the Wenceslas Group who used to be able to spend hours just to work.

_If this continues, I'll have trouble leaving her. What should I do?_

"Your bodyguards will accompany you here. You won't be lonely. Give them orders as you wish. I'll try to come home soon". Mahendra's words didn't get any answer.

This girl chose to lie down with her back against him without a word.

"You're indeed a weird husband. Leaving me lying in the hospital alone and asking strangers to look after me".

"Oh my God, Aruna. They're not strangers. They're my people".

"Go! I'm fed up with you".

Receiving such words, the blue-eyed man really left his wife alone. In Mahendra's simple point of view, who tended to use his left brain, something that was spoken by mouth was a real expression that emerged from the conclusions of the speaker.

He had absolutely no experience of women using the most complex sarcasm on earth. Aruna's expression about 'go' was captured in Letterlijk (in Dutch, Letterlijk means literally. Or in legal language, understanding of a text which is fixated on what's written in the text).

Hendra was told to go and got the phrase 'fed up with you'. Obviously, he immediately left according to his wife's request.

."Why is your face so sluggish? You've got your nutritional intake. Why are you like this?". Surya poked at the man who was lost in his own thoughts.

"I just realized now. Why does Aruna often ask me 'when can I go back to college?' 'when can I do my activities again in the Magic Letter with my friends?' 'when will you come home?' 'you must come home on time'. She's lonely. Yesterday, when I saw Aruna visited by her friends, she was back to how she used to be. Bright, carefree". This man threw his gaze onto the street.

"After all, she has to adapt to yourself, Hendra". Surya calmed the husband who was troubled by anxiety.

"Who else can survive adapting to me? Only you! How many times have you submitted your resignation letters? But because you have a debt of gratitude with me, you stay".

"Hehe. It turns out you know why I'm still here". Surya chuckled.

"Of course.. Since the beginning, I've prepared you as my helper. That's why I charged you with a debt of gratitude". Hendra said in a selfish manner.

"Damn!". Surya wanted to grab the collar of the Wenceslas Group's CEO.

"Argh. If your clothes are wrinkled, I'm also in trouble". He canceled his intention.

"Hahaha". Hendra chuckled.

Then there was a sudden silence when the screen of his cell phone lit up: "Look at my wife! She was very disappointed with me but she's still sweet". Hendra showed Aruna's message.

*Hendra, be careful. Sorry.. I was in a bad mood.

*Remember! (A serious emoticon) Don't forget to eat! Home soon, okay!! (A smile emoticon)

"Hehe.. This kid". The blue-eyed stared at his girl's message.

"She's indeed a good girl.. You should be grateful, whether she loves you or not. Look! She always treats you well. Treat her well, too..". Surya gave a suggestion, after hearing the confession some time ago about 'Hendra started to use physical abuse to force his wife'. Although, honestly, Surya didn't know the real story but he was really worried.

"You're right! I always demanded her to like me. Even though it was obvious that Aruna and that Padangnese kid had a special relationship from the start. I actually don't have a problem if I don't get her heart. I'm just afraid of losing her. I'm even afraid of the time that goes on. You know?! I'm afraid that suddenly it's already two years and Aruna really leaves me. Until now, she still holds our marriage agreement tightly". This was the first time Hendra expressed his deepest heart to another person. Surya was his old friend, but he didn't have a chance to hear this much. He just knew about the Post Traumatic Syndrome that Hendra suffered recently.

"You used to force her. You also have to be responsible, Hendra. Don't do as you please".

"I don't know.. Sometimes, I have trouble controlling myself. I feel like I need to consult Diana. There's a sense where I want to lock her up and that feeling is getting stronger. I want to hide her somewhere and no one should know. Only I can meet her. That desire makes me terrified". Hendra complained, clutching his chest.

"What makes you feel like that?".

"I told you, I'm afraid of losing her".

"So scared that you want to control her".

"Not only because I'm afraid of losing her. She has something too meaningful. Just imagine, she didn't complain at all when she was found in a state of severe dehydration after I locked her up. Aruna still forgave me and tried to understand me because it was her father's orders. What kind of person can have a heart as good as my wife? I'm sure she also knows that she was diagnosed with hypovolemic shock due to her dehydration and that she didn't have the slightest complaint from her mouth about her condition. Other women may have run while cursing at me or perhaps file for divorce. Haha.. Aruna even ran to me 'Hendraa…' and then hugged me in front of her friends. Even though the night before I choked her".

"What?? You?? You strangled her??".

"Yes.. Last night, I got her sweet treatment. You know what I feel now??".

"What?". Surya was curious.

"It feels like the neurons in my brain are jumping chaotically. And my chest is full. Happy, sad, confused". Hendra was a man who was used to thinking logically and had difficulty digesting his feelings. When the pattern he faced was a new random structure, he really messed up. The viewpoints regarding Aruna were out of sync. This girl presented the opposite condition between her general behavior (normal) and unique behavior.

Surya kept his mouth tightly. He knew that Aruna was behaving strangely since yesterday. It must've had something to do with the new information that the girl had, about Mahendra's PTSD. Now, Surya was feeling depressed because he needed to hide something from his boss who was classified as a critical human being.

The oddity that his wife showed was so easy to be caught by him. Even though Aruna had just received an explanation, she hadn't received further briefing on how to become a right Psychosocial Therapist.


Reaching Nadir Point

My journey had reached its lowest point. The road ahead was no longer visible, turning into a jet black alley. I didn't understand who was the most responsible one here. I loved you with all my efforts, but you got away with your storyline.

A life that was lined up like the scratch of a samurai sword that cut and chopped the forest to make a path. I'd been running around in the forest, looking for you who was taken away by him whose name I couldn't say.

He was said to have been very powerful, with a bond known as marriage. I was only a fragile rope that entangled you with the past. What was the meaning of sacred if its existence could kill the human heart?

I finally realized who I was at the end of this night. I almost forgot that you had a perfect bond. Then what about me who was still running around in a figurative forest? Hoping for a perfect with the night fairy whose owner left her. Unfortunately, what I got was no longer a lost fairy, let alone a fairy who was left by her owner. The winged little human being embraced by its owner was in line with the drowsiness that hit. While you served the most cruel nadir point.

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