Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 170 - A New Creature

"Honey, a moment..". Hendra called. That voice echoed and made several people turn their heads, including her who was already on the other end.

Aruna turned her back to meet her husband. Likewise, that man rushed to her. He whispered something in her ear: "You forgot something important.. Go back to my office for a while".

"Hm.. What?". Aruna felt that she didn't bring anything. Nothing was left behind.

He grabbed her back hastily, bringing her back to his room.

When they arrived at that place, the door was locked by the blue-eyed. There was a movement of pressing the woman's body against the door and then he mercilessly devoured her lips.

"Hen.. Ah..".

"Stop!". She hit her husband's chest several times.

"You're too violent.. I don't like it!". She pushed him with all her might.

"Hehe. Sorry.. Once again, okay?". It was as if he hadn't made a mistake for his violent action that seemed rude.

_I'm too hungry_ He spoke in his heart.

"Relax.. Relax a bit..".

He slowly drowned in the desire of biological instinct again. He closed his eyes every time he managed to suck her lips.

"Hendra, not the neck!". Aruna groaned.

"Just once.. Not more". He couldn't be controlled.

"Aw.. Aw..". This girl squeezed the man's arm when she found that her neck wasn't just sucked in. He made a hickey.

The door was knocked from outside.

"That's enough! Someone's looking for you!". Aruna was agitated to find Hendra was getting harder to be reminded. His grip on her hips was getting tighter.

"Ah.. Aw..". She groaned again. There was a second hickey marking her neck.

The sound of a knock on the door was heard again.

"Hendra.. I beg you.. Stop… Ah.. Aaa.. Hen, you're hurting me!". For the third time, he made a hickey. Along with the way this woman begged to be released.

Hendra who was unable to control himself was the part she feared the most about this arranged marriage.

The crazy CEO finally agreed to let her go after the sound of the knock grew louder as he opened the door furiously.

"What are you doing? Your seat is waiting for you!". Unknowingly, the people on the D floor were waiting for Hendra for quite a long time. Surprisingly, Wiryo, who was deliberately detained at the door, wanted to enter the room. He found his grandson's hair disheveled because Aruna grabbed it to release his bite.

Lesmana's daughter seemed even worse. Her hair was messy and there were three red marks marking her neck. She was shaking anxiously, worried, and afraid.

Hendra rushed to take off his coat. After observing the direction of his grandfather's gaze, he needed to cover Aruna's neck and her body that was shivering due to his behavior. That suit wrapped tightly around his wife's body but her agitated expression was still seen.

"Do you want to go back to your father's house?". Grandpa Wiryo made an offer.

"How dare you interfere, asking my wife!" Hendra looked very angry, standing in front of Aruna. He covered that girl from Wiryo's gaze.

"I'm just asking the girl who looks really worried. What did you do to her?".

"None of your business!".

Aruna was shocked by the way these two people communicated, very rude and pressuring each other.

"Going home to dad's house, does it mean I…?". Aruna tried to understand it.

"Get out, Wiryo. Or you'll see even greater regret". Hendra threatened. He was rude and ignorant to his own grandfather.

"Hey! How dare you threaten YOUR GRANDFATHER!! Don't forget who's more powerful!". Wiryo tapped his stick.

"Those of you who are outside, make him realize!!". Two of Wiryo's bodyguards entered Hendra's office. One of them even called the others.

Aruna had seen the same incident. Hendra would be caught by his own grandfather. What kind of family life is this?

"Please! I beg you. Don't do bad things to my husband!". This girl got rid of the two people who wanted to catch Hendra.

"Get out of the way, Aruna! Go to my room right now! I can handle this!". Hendra snapped. He was quite disappointed with his grandfather, displaying this kind of thing in front of his wife.

_There's no other way. I have to persuade grandpa_ This girl rushed to stop the old man's steps.

"One day I want to go home to my parents' house, but not now. Hendra still needs me by his side. Thank you for worrying about me, Grandpa. I know you're angry because you feel responsible for me, but I also don't want Hendra to get hurt because of this misunderstanding". Lesmana's daughter kept urging Wiryo to change his decision.

"Are you sure you can endure it? Don't push yourself or I'll keep feeling sorry for your father". Wiryo asked Aruna's determination.

Meanwhile, not far from her, Hendra tried to escape from his grandfather's bodyguards.

"Someone has to endure it. If not his family, then who else? Moreover, I'm his wife. No matter how hard it is, I have to endure it to help him". The tiny girl's words left Wiryo speechless. He went with his bodyguards, leaving Hendra who was furious. He calmed instantly when he got an embrace from his woman, a new creature who filled his days, whom he became increasingly impossible to let go.


"Sit down first.. Drink first..". Aruna calmed her husband down. She asked that man to sit on the sofa and immediately served him water. Hendra found it easier to calm down. He was no longer looking for medicine like usual. Taking a sip of water that was served by Aruna was enough. The blue-eyed was calmer and wasn't as angry as before.

"How? Already better?". The woman asked gently. This girl was trying her best to become a psychosocial therapist. Whether her method was right or wrong, she didn't know. Aruna was just trying to treat her husband well.

This girl tidied up the shirt that was wrinkled because his grandfather's bodyguards held him. Then she took off the coat that Hendra had put on her body, asking Hendra to put it back on.

"Why did you take it off?". Hendra was confused by the way that girl forced him to put his coat back on, including Aruna who was trying to straighten the collar of his shirt.

"They were waiting, right? I'm sure that means you have to attend the meeting agenda immediately". This girl spoke while busy tidying the Wenceslas Group CEO's hair.

"I don't want to go". The blue-eyed was still reluctant.

"Why? No matter how angry you are, you have to do your responsibility". Aruna grumbled.

"I'm too lazy to meet my grandfather. It's okay to be like this once in a while, right?".

"You can't!". Aruna looked at him then she said again: "When parents are angry with us, if possible, don't be angry too".

"Huh.. You don't know him. How bad that old man is".

"I also didn't know you before. I always felt you were a strange and mysterious man. Even though now the more I know you, it turns out you're even weirder! But I never hate you".

"Hm..". This man was thinking.

"Once in a while, giving in won't lower your self-esteem. It can be a solution so that you and grandfather can start a better communication pattern. Regardless of whether you're angry or lazy, responsibilities must still be carried out. I'm very proud of a person who carries out his responsibilities when he's angry". Aruna asked Hendra to keep attending the meeting agenda.

"I go because of you. Remember, not because I want to". He disapproved but after a while he was willing to stand up.

"Yeah, whatever. Whether it's because of me or anyone else, the important thing is that CEO Hendra doesn't abandon his duties".

With a displeased face, he began to walk. He paused for a moment then turned to open a drawer under the bookshelf. It turned out that Hendra took out a scarf. Then he put it around Aruna's neck, making a ribbon with it. It seemed he didn't want the red marks he made to be seen by others.

"Did it hurt?". Hendra asked about the way he made the red stains on the neck.

"You don't have to ask!". The woman tried to keep Mahendra's hand from holding the red marks on her neck.

"I'm sorry".

"No need to apologize. It'll only last a few days and then you'll repeat it. You'll keep going until suddenly I'm pregnant. Huh! Annoyed".

The blue-eyed looked down, feeling very guilty.

"Just go! It's okay.. After a while, I think I'm getting used to being treated like this. Go now or you'll be late!".

He, who was going to attend the meeting on the D floor, departed. He felt calmer and more confident than before.

But he stood for a long time at the exit. As if he didn't want to stop staring at her.

"Enough.. Just go! Don't forget to meet me before 6 PM. I promise I'll look beautiful". Aruna's statement led to Mahendra's departure. He disappeared behind the door.

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