Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 173 - Founder Of Magic Letter



"Hm.. Mrs. Aruna, can you be more expressive?". Ayu asked.

"Sorry, I was a little nervous". Aruna answered.

"May I have a cheat sheet for the next questions? So that my wife can prepare the answers". Hendra asked.

"Actually, we want spontaneous answers. It's okay, just answer as she wishes". Ayu slightly objected to telling him about it.

"Ah, right.. One more.. I hope the question is only about the two of us". Hendra was slightly objected to being asked about Tania.

"Hm..". Ayu was forced to smile. "We'll try!".


The second session had started. The most interesting thing was that Aruna and Hendra were given a board and markers. They were asked to play a game about who knew who better. So, this couple would be asked questions. Each of which had to be answered at the same time.

"Okay. Let's get started. First question". Ayu exclaimed.

"Wait. What should the loser do?". Biyan interrupted.

"Kissing the winner's cheek". Hendra joked spontaneously.

"Wow, that's a good idea. Alright. The loser will give a kiss to the winner. Yeay". Biyan was excited, while Ayu had a gloomy face.

"Ah, I'm so jealous.. What if I also join the game so I can get it? Haha". Ayu joked.

"What's the size of your partner's shoes?". Ayu asked. Of course, Mahendra was right while Aruna was wrong.

"Okay. Second, where did you first meet?". Biyan asked.

Aruna answered Cafe La Rose, while Hendra answered the entrepreneurship seminar event and entrepreneur award at the Tri Pusaka auditorium.

"Wow. Why is it different? Who's right?". Biyan asked for a confirmation.

"Hehe. I lost again". Aruna smiled, acknowledging her mistake.

"Most special place that you've visited together?".

Mahendra wrote 'study center for community welfare institutions'. Aruna wrote 'I don't know'.

"Oh my.. How can Mrs. Aruna not know which place is the most memorable for the two of you?". Ayu shook her head. That girl just smiled.

Aruna was amazed by Hendra's answer. She wasn't sure that a simple place that made Hendra afraid to walk on its floor was a special place according to the Wenceslas Group CEO.

"But, anyway, what's a study center? Where is it? Is it really fun?". Biyan was curious.

"The place where my wife becomes a volunteer. Teaching for underprivileged children. It was my first time coming there and I think that's something amazing". Hendra explained.

"Oh.. It must be a very special place because you feel something very different, right?". Biyan asked.

"It's not the place that is special. More like.. I can observe my wife teaching and she looks the most beautiful at that time". Hendra remembered.

"So sweet…". Ayu screamed.

"The fourth question. What is each other's favorite food?".

Aruna's answer was healthy food, juice without sugar, vegetables, fruit, etc. While the blue-eyed answered spicy garbage food.

"Haha. What does it mean?". Biyan laughed.

"But this time our answers are both correct". Aruna exclaimed. She finally got it right.

"What do you mean by garbage food?". Biyan was confused.

"She likes to eat carelessly. Sometimes, something not worth eating". Hendra explained. That tiny girl pouted in response to Hendra's explanation.

"Alright. This is the last question. Who declared love first?". Ayu asked.

This question was actually a tricky question, whether they were really an arranged couple or they married because of love.

Hendra answered 'me', while Aruna answered 'him'.

"Wow.. I really can't believe it. It was CEO Hendra who expressed love first. How did you feel when you first got a love confession from Hendra?". Ayu asked again.

Aruna just smiled, unable to answer.

"Too special? Until you don't want to answer it".


"Can you explain in more detail, please?". Ayu was hoping this girl would talk more.

Biyan, who wasn't shot by the camera, even moved his hand. He hoped that Aruna would talk more.

Hendra preferred to remain silent because he was actually curious.

"Actually, I'm very touched when someone likes me so deeply. I'm also happy that he often says affectionate words every time. But sometimes it's annoying because he's too much". Aruna answered slowly.

"What do you mean by too much?". Biyan said. This girl was very hard to figure out.

"Maybe because he loves me too much, so I'm not allowed to do anything".

"Wow, you're so protective". Biyan said to Mahendra.

"All for my wife's own good. It's just that sometimes she doesn't understand and becomes fussy". Hendra replied.

"So, when do I get a kiss on the cheek? I win". Hendra asked.

"I don't want to see it". Ayu grumbled.

Aruna shyly approached. She put her tiny lips on Hendra's cheek.

"Thank you". Hendra whispered in her ear.

They were caught on camera so intimate.

That scene delivered an expression of relief to the people in the basement of the D floor. In the mayor's office building. At the house of the Lesmana family. And at Wenceslas's main house, even that quiet woman smiled when she saw that her son who had disappeared had returned.



Session after session passed. Unfortunately, this girl hadn't been able to adapt. She was still nervous with the camera and the eyes of many people. In the past, she was very confident. Appeared to give various materials for newbie entrepreneurs. Perhaps, due to being used to being isolated, that bright girl had a hard time coping with the crowded world.



"Is it true that Mrs Aruna is… Danu Umar's friend?". Suddenly, a surprising question appeared at the end of the show. Hendra's face immediately changed.

"Yes..". Aruna answered hesitantly.

"So, you also briefly appeared at one of the TV stations discussing Danu Umar's career before becoming a newcomer musician".

"Yes.. I could only attend one session, shorter than the others". Aruna's memory was still strong when Hendra sat on the frontest seat as if threatening her.

"Oh.. It means you're also a part of the start-up where Danu Umar used to work, right?".

Aruna only nodded. She saw the aura of the person beside her slowly changed, no longer warm.

"There's a lot of talk going on right now.. Maybe you also know that Danu Umar has been having a lot of problems lately. After the suspicion from the police wasn't proven, now people are curious about the girl who's close to Danu Umar. Well, while you're here. As his friend, do you know? Who do you think is the woman who's close to Danu Umar even before he became a musician?". The host's words made someone angry.

"Sorry. I don't know". Aruna began to see Hendra's movements which seemed to be emotional.

"Do you also know the founder of Magic Letter?".

That question was only answered with a meaningful smile.

"It's a question from the team behind us. I'm sorry, Hendra. Since we can meet your wife, we ask about it". Biyan said after seeing that Hendra's expression was different.

"Is it true that one of your friends, allegedly the founder of Magic Letter start-up, has a close relationship with musician Danu Umar?". Ayu asked.

"I'm the founder of Magic Letter".

"Ah. What?". Biyan was surprised.

"Wow.. I think the info from the team behind us is wrong. Hehe". Ayu said.

"Haha. Obviously, it's wrong information". Biyan said.

Someone started tapping his fingers, an old habit that had faded and was back now. Hendra couldn't stand it. His gaze turned sharp.



The couple went without having a chance to say goodbye properly. The man put on an unpleasant expression. The hosts understood their mistake 'asking outside the proper guidelines'.

Hendra immediately rushed out, unfriendly. Unlike when he came earlier. Meanwhile, Aruna walked slower through the hallways of the TV station.

"Pandu?". This woman stopped. She knew the person sitting there, in the glass-lined room.

She was thinking how she could communicate with that manager.



*Hendra, I'll go to the bathroom first. (WhatsApp from Aruna)

*I'm already in the car. Don't be too long. (Hendra)

*Alright. Be patient, okay? (Aruna)

That girl finally found a way to meet Pandu. She slipped a message to someone who was going to enter the meeting room of the TV station.


"Aruna, how did you get here?". Pandu asked. They sneaked inside an empty room.

"I attended a live talk show. I was asked to accompany my husband". That girl answered.

"Damar, is he okay?".

"He's getting more messed up. Huh. I don't know how to control that kid".

"Tell him I'm really worried about him". (Aruna)

"Tell him too, I'm tired. Tired of seeing him like that". (Aruna)

"Tell him if he doesn't smoke and do stupid things anymore, I'll try to meet him. But if he's still like that, don't expect me to meet him". (Aruna)

"Don't give false hope".

"Sobs sobs sobs.. Then what should I do so that he's not like that?".

"I think he's.. Ah.. Even false hope can help him. Fine, I'll tell him. Don't cry or your husband will be suspicious of you". Pandu was also agitated.

"You know? He still believes that one day you'll come back to him. I'm almost tired of reminding that kid". Pandu explained.

"Thank you, Pandu. For taking care of Damar".

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