Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 176 - Brainwash


"Riswan! You've been waiting for a long time". He said. That man was now tidy, very neat with a masculine look. He wore a navy suit with a tie and matching shoes.

"I wasted my precious time waiting for a man who was sleeping soundly with his wife. Huh". Riswan joked, tasting snacks on the sofa in Mahendra's office.

The blue-eyed sat down. He was attracted by the snack in front of him. His stomach was really hungry.

"Alright. Don't waste any more time. Let's go!". Riswan stood up. The other person didn't even have time to put the snack in his mouth. He was lifting the snack and the aroma was already so good.

"Wait a minute!". He grabbed a few bites.

"But anyway, you have access to the D floor?". Hendra was confused.

The mayor showed his card while saying: "I'm an old resident. My code and my eyes are still the same".



"Where did you get this cheque?". Thomas asked.

"It looks familiar". Thomas added.

"Let my team find out about it". Pradita also observed it.

Riswan started telling how he'd accepted a damn bribe from his deputy mayor and how that man was trying so hard to cover up the origin of the mysterious cheque in his hand.

"What do we do with that person?". Riswan said. He was carried away by his emotions.

"Hehe.. Let's make him our accomplice". The blue-eyed smile, making the others curious.

"Threaten him by scaring him. Record all your transactions and communications with the deputy mayor. Tell him that you'll use that evidence to report to the police. He'll bow down to us". Everyone in the meeting smiled at their CEO's words.

"It means we can even force him to reveal the truth". Riswan added.

"So true".

"Sir.. Sir.. Please forgive me..". The pale-faced man, who was untouched by the sun because he'd been asleep in the basement cell on the D floor, knelt in fear.

This time, there was something different. Hendra stood up. He grabbed a Glock 20, a pistol capable of loading 15 10mm bullets. Each of which could be fired at a speed of 1600 feet per second. A weapon commonly used for the military. Somehow, the security elites from the D floor were able to get their hands on a lethal weapon with extremely high accuracy.

The blue-eyed was ready to fire a bullet. Slowly, his facial expression changed. He approached the perpetrator who almost stabbed his wife (Not A Dream, Chapter 100). He grabbed that man's chin and pulled it roughly to look at him.

"How dare you touch my queen! So tired of living, huh?". He smirked while tilting the perpetrator's face in any direction he wanted. The leaders of the D floor weren't surprised by the expression that he put on, except for the mayor who just returned to his 'home'. He just knew Hendra had this side. What was seen there was very unexpected.

He put the tip of the Glock 20 right on the top of the head of his wife's perpetrator: "If you want to survive, it's easy. Tell me who paid you".

"On the count of three! One..".

"Sir, I beg you to stop.. I don't know either". He groaned.

"Two…". Hendra was fed up. He used to hate the way Andos and Raka killed the perpetrators who threatened him. Somehow, he transformed into a similar person.

"Wait!". A woman named Leona appeared and immediately grabbed Hendra's hand, forcing him to stop. A tall, slender woman with a perfect ponytail and a typical office suit approached the ear of Wiryo's grandson.

"We've installed a chip for him and we've brainwashed him. He can be used as a tool". Leona explained.

"What method did you use? You're sure your team's brainwash will be successful?". Hendra asked. He wanted to kill the person in front of him.

"Isolation. Meta communication by weakening their physique". Leona replied. This woman had a team of women and men who dealt with medical and things like coded chip host body modification or people who would be used as tools. Hendra didn't know for sure what she was doing. He only knew that there was a space behind a mysterious door in Raka's room which turned out to be where that woman was experimenting with her team.

When Aruna's assailant was in the detention room on the D floor, Leona's team deliberately conducted an experiment on him. Hendra had hoped that he'd be used as a tool, so the first thing this mysterious medical team did was brainwash.

The first way was isolation, by capturing and exiling someone. This was one of quite powerful ways. In a remote place, someone could do whatever he thought was the most effective way to make people forget their memories and make them to be his lackeys.

In an isolated place, the target would undergo a series of powerful ways to erase the memory in his head. He could've been physically and mentally tortured before being given orders.

The second way was to make him weak and helpless. It was almost similar to the previous point. To get a human puppet that could be ordered around, his body and physique would be tortured so that his mind would be destroyed. Then, he'd be given the doctrine into his brain so that he turned into a new person.

One of the ways was by making his body tired and sleepy. Then, he was gradually fed powerful information in order to brainwash him. When his body was tired and sleepy, he'd be easily influenced. At this moment, his brain would weaken and begin to be given new memories.

The third way was a way of brainwashing. This method was to insert words or sentences in a phrase. This hidden sentence would be repeated over and over again. Usually, this hidden sentence could be found in a song. Hidden sentences that were repeated over and over again could make him confused. When he was confused, that hidden word or sentence would start working to enter his brain and affect it.

Now, that kneeling man didn't know who he was except for the code D10e which was then named Darko.


"What's your name?". Hendra asked, proving Leona's work.


"Who's your master?". Hendra asked.

"I can't mention it and I don't know".

"What's your task?". Hendra asked again.

"Return to my starting place and follow the orders of my master here". Darko replied.

"Hold this gun and shoot me!". Hendra asked.

"Hendra! What order is that?". Leona immediately took the Glock 20.

"You haven't succeeded. Get him out of the way!". Hendra gave an order.

"To what extent do you want?". Leona really didn't understand what he wanted.

"Using the other party's tools is a perfect way, but he's prone to turn around when his old memories come back. When he returns to his original memories, make sure he can't kill us. That's what is called succeed". Hendra explained what he wanted.

"Without knowing our identities, when he looks at our faces, the D floor team, especially the Wenceslas family, Darko doesn't have the ability to kill or even threaten. Your team's brainwash, don't just use that method. Use other methods as well". Hendra ordered. Leona, Darko, and several people retreated.

The incident that was just presented by Wiryo's grandson made the mayor slightly tremble. He used to be the earliest product of Wiryo, compared to the others. But he didn't realize that everything had changed. The level of stress due to uncontrollable threats from an undetected enemy made this group of humans transformed into horrible creatures.

Meanwhile, the D floor leaders, they seemed normal. Even Thomas and Pradita busied themselves to identify the cheque that Riswan received using Big Data Analytics.


"Tarantula Group? How come this cheque is from the Tarantula Group??". Thomas was confused.

"Why is it impossible?". Pradita asked. She was curious.

"Wenceslas Group has never dealt with them. We rarely work together but we never bring each other down". Thomas was an external negotiator.

"Tarantula?". Vina was thinking. He felt familiar.

Meanwhile, Mahendra immediately touched the Big Data Analytics table. He saw the faces of Tarantula Group's founders and snapped his index finger at the five meeting participants: Vian, Riswan, Raka, Thomas, and Pradita. The data from Hendra shifted down to their faces.

"Pradita, there's something familiar". Hendra felt that he recognized some of them.

"Mix and match the traitor council data from the biography that you created with their data". He added.

"I know! This is Adam. He's really Adam's uncle". Riswan added.

Pradita made a call to her team. Vian fiddled with the table in front of him looking for data on the old employees. Internal secret agent base.


"Hendra has already left, huh?". The girl who just woke up from her sleep sneaked into the bathroom to clean herself. When she came out, her cellphone rang. A bodyguard was waiting for her outside the door.

"Is there anything that can make me look like a girl?". She only found a comb.

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