Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 187 - To Make Peace

"If you continue being like this, you won't get anything. I used to experience the same thing as you, but I can't believe you can get this far". Bay was very disappointed after knowing how complicated the current state of Danu Umar was. He wasn't a reckless young man. Damar was a relaxed young man, calm in dealing with problems, and tended to be mature even though he was full of laughter.

All of that had now disappeared from Damar. Not sure what had gotten into that Padangnese young man. Not sure how to heal the feelings that he supposedly couldn't handle. It couldn't be removed, he couldn't give up, and he hoped to have her completely, regardless of the real situation.

He wasn't the Damar that Bay used to know at all. The man who received a direct mandate from Mrs. HRD. He volunteered to guide this young man, who grew up being raised by a single parent. He was trying to find a way to wake up the poet. He had strayed too far without direction because he fell in love the wrong way.

"You should be aware that your feelings for that girl are no longer love. I used to think you were really in love with her. In fact, you just want to win over your opponent. So if you choose to be destroyed because you feel defeated, it's natural because that's what you're aiming for". Bay added.

"Where's the Danu that I used to know, who was willing to accompany his girl without expecting to have her at all? No need to be the first winner if you're really in love. Just take her to the right place according to her path of happiness. Welcome her if she chooses to turn to you. Isn't that how you used to be? Now I don't recognize you anymore. So now find your own way, if you're still like this". The man who had contributed a lot to Danu Umar surprisingly seemed to want to end their relationship.

Damar was silent. He didn't dare to straighten his own behavior because he knew he was wrong. He used to like Aruna in a different way. He never expected that girl to end up with him. He also never expected Aruna to leave his competitor. He only hoped that Aruna would always be happy wherever that girl was and no matter how hard life was. Damar should've been Aruna's best friend and vice versa.

"Now, find out where the old you are or you'll be trapped and looking for a scapegoat for every mistake. It's okay to like a woman, even to love her to death, but you have to do it in the right way". The long description from Bay opened up spaces in his old journey. The early journey of how he liked her. Not expecting a reply, just hoping for her to smile. In the past, he had insulted the man who controlled Aruna as he pleased in his heart but it turned out that he was the same.

Just now, Damar also heard something from Pandu. Aruna would never meet him if he got even more messed up. It made him remember the incredible decision about why he had to be a newcomer musician.

He needed to reach the highest point to show that Aruna would return to him with pride in 2 years. Now, everything went wrong because he was too ambitious.

On that day, Damar had enough of himself by reorganizing his life which was getting more directionless

"Go back to being a musician like before. If you keep hiding like this, the issues will get worse. That will make you go wrong in the eyes of the public. Try to make peace". Pandu the manager directed him, slightly the opposite of Bay.

"Pandu, if you need a musician that you can promote so that your work continues and develops, I still have many potential artists who are ready to be your partner. Let this young man find himself first. Don't bother him with that vague lure". Bay didn't agree if he quickly returned to the entertainment world. It wasn't a friendly place especially for someone who was lost. He even suggested leaving all the accusations alone. The important thing was that he made peace with himself who had disappeared.



The next day, that young man carried his backpack and said goodbye to his adoptive parents. Damar decided to go away for a while to do a hobby that he had long forgotten. Exploring alone, traveling, backpacking, or climbing. Today he decided to climb Mount Rinjani with his friend who were both looking for an identity. Maybe that way he would remember who he was, who had been swept away by a woman carrying a double-edged knife.


Aruna relentlessly negotiated with the blue-eyed. He needed a girlfriend after that tragedy happened. Aruna could no longer tolerate Mahendra. He was getting better at stealing things from her. The strange feeling and pain in the chest was still real. Even the small scratch had been acknowledged by the culprit that it was his tooth mark.

She wanted to be angry but it was useless. She wanted to curse but she was already tired. She wanted to be silent, but the culprit was good at encouraging her to talk.

There was no way to punish the blue-eyed other than making him fast from 'breakfast'.

'Breakfast' turned into a tradition. Aruna didn't even realize when that habit started. After a while, it wasn't just a 'breakfast', but husband and wife's typical sports before bedtime could be used as a tradition.

Finally, with Surya's support, Aruna got permission to take Dea on this unique and magical wedding honeymoon. Aruna also didn't understand why that crazy secretary supported her.

They arrived at Ngurah Air Airport, Bali, which was equipped with a plane parking lot and a special terminal for the rich who used planes or private jets. It became the place for them to land and greet the Island of the Gods.

Hendra came out in his relaxed style, cream-colored knee-length pants with black glasses, a white T-shirt that said 'good man'. The t-shirt that made his wife grin because the man was repairing his branding after being caught as a master thief. He completed his special style with a Panama hat.

The Panama was actually a traditional Ecuadorian straw-brimmed hat. Originally, the Panama was made from the woven leaves of Carludovica palmata, a plant similar to a palm. The rarest and most expensive Panama in the world was the Montecristis which was produced in the city of Montecristi. 

Montecristis had about 1600-2500 webbing per 1 square inch. Although until now Panama was still produced in Ecuador, the number was decreasing.

That hat made Mahendra even more handsome. He deliberately did that to attract Aruna's attention.

Unfortunately, their differences were becoming more and more obvious. To the extent that the way he accompanied Aruna didn't appear to be a husband accompanying his wife because of the huge difference in posture and face. They were more like a Caucasian man and a young girl asking for a photo together. Even though he pulled the suitcase for his wife, including her handbag slung over his shoulder.

Hendra remained the center of attention because he was a little different, not just a matter of posture. On the Island of the Gods, there were many Caucasian men with a posture similar to Hendra. It was more about the way people around him adjust the rhythm of their footsteps as if they were escorting a prince from the middle of nowhere who was on vacation on the island of a thousand temples.

While Aruna and Dea seemed to be in the wrong place because they were walking together with them.

There were six people participating in the honeymoon, a term that the blue-eyed opposed. He consistently said this honeymoon was a group vacation. A real torment for him. It was up to Aruna, he didn't want to have a long debate.

The six people, apart from Aruna and Hendra, were Dea, Surya, Hery, and another person. When Aruna asked Hendra, he said his name was Raka. Aruna didn't know why that person came along.


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