Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 195 - Calming Down

"Mr. Surya.. Raka.. I'm sorry for bothering you. Young master is messing up at the bar. I think he needs help". Hery hurriedly ran to meet his senior, his leader, including the personal secretary of the Wenceslas Group's CEO.

Of course, Surya immediately stood up. But Raka prevented him. The man patted Surya on the shoulder, "Let me handle the young master. Just continue".

"Hery, you can also join Surya. You haven't eaten yet, have you? About the young master, let me take care of him". His senior's steps were replied by a frown on Hery's face. Usually, Raka was the best at yelling at his men to get to work. It was rare for him to be allowed to eat with Surya's secretary who was seen doing something unique.


_I'm sorry.._ Someone was anxious.


_Oh, it turns out that Surya is observing the young lady_ Hery muttered after seeing the young lady and her best friend enjoying dinner by the window on the beach.

"Wait! I don't think you're observing the young lady??". Hery said, couldn't bear to see the person in front of him smiling. He smiled not because of the young lady because the young master's wife was calmly enjoying the beach and the food. The one who was excited and talked a lot was her friend. The girl with a floral veil.

"Don't interfere.. Noisy!". Surya couldn't accept Hery's nonsense comment. In fact, the poor single man was predicting what Dea was talking about. Surya was sure that Dea was talking about K-pop or a Korean drama that she just watched.

Recently, Surya had also read articles about why young people liked things related to Korean men. He even accidentally watched Running Man out of curiosity because that girl had mentioned several weird reality shows that were far from the world of the busy secretary, Surya.


"Aruna, did you know that Chen is getting married?". Dea was getting excited while sipping a drink in front of her.

"Hm.. Hehe. Who is he?". Aruna felt guilty because she didn't know who Dea was talking about.

"Ah. You're always behind. Chen is one of the members whose voice I like the most in the EXO. He's the main vocal. The singer of the Descendants of The Sun OST. Although the announcement of his marriage caused pros and cons, I was touched that he admitted that his girlfriend was pregnant and wanted to marry her immediately". Dea was excited, opened her cellphone, and showed several articles about Chen.

"It's good that he wants to be responsible. People usually will choose to hide it well. Then it's as if they're single until they're old. It could be that the handsome old man also has a child but it's not disclosed to the public". Aruna spoke casually while eating her last snack.

"Exactly. I also agree with you.. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks like us. The wedding that Chen will be holding trended number 1 on Twitter because his fans are divided into 2 sides to the extent that his fans will hold a protest. They put up posters on the streets. Fortunately, not many people came when the protest was held". Dea explained.

"Wow. Seriously?". Aruna tried to keep up with her friend who looked serious.

"Fortunately, there aren't many Indonesian artists with fans like Chen's fans". Aruna added.

"Who said that?". Dea interrupted.

"Oh, there is?".

"You rarely watch TV, don't you? I rarely watch it too. But.. You don't know??".

"Hehe.. I'm a little restricted from watching TV". Hendra controlled Aruna in everything, including what she could and couldn't do. Aruna just followed without much protest.

"So you don't know? Damar's fans did a protest in front of his artist management building". Dea immediately opened her Instagram account.

"What's the problem?". Aruna was also curious.

"Look at this. The comment sections are full". While showing Danu Umar's Instagram, Dea also read some of the comments.

"Isn't he already reducing his entertainment activities?".

"It's not that easy, Aruna. Moreover, people are already crazy for Damar".

"Oh… Anyway, what's the problem this time?".

"Weren't you also asked to make clarifications?".

"Hm.. Clarification? What clarification?".

"When you appeared on a TV station with your husband, you were asked who's close to Damar, right? That's what the fuss is about… Fans are demanding an explanation of whether Damar has a girlfriend or not. Or maybe Damar was deliberately cornered so that he'd leave the artist management?".

"So Damar has left the artist management?".

"Perhaps. His fans can't accept it.. They think that the rumors that attacked Damar were deliberately made to make Damar's reputation look bad. Considering that he suddenly chose to quit after the incident of a viral video that wasn't proven, plus the wrong statement from the management".

"What statement? I don't understand".

"Aruna.. What do you know besides making beautiful designs?!".

"Hehe.. I think I don't even know anything now.. I've even forgotten how to make designs". Aruna realized that she had missed a lot of things. After her status changed to Hendra's wife, she was treated like a princess who wasn't allowed to do anything.

"My poor friend.. Okay! About the wrong statement, I mean 'Damar's management published a viral video statement involving Damar using the pretext that one of the important people in Damar's life is sick'. The problem is they forgot to find out who was sick". There was a long sigh at the end of Dea's sentence.

"You mean it's me who was sick? Then they were looking for me??". Aruna tried to find a common thread.

"Can I break the glass? So that it'll make a lot of noise". Dea was being sarcastic. She was irritated to see her friend just understood. She should've understood from the start since the conversation about Damar started.

"Hahaha". Aruna laughed seeing her friend start to talk nonsense.

"But anyway, it looks like Damar is hiking?!". Aruna observed Dea's cellphone which was still showing Damar's Instagram account. She saw the last few photos posted by Danu Umar about the mountains and photos of himself enjoying nature.

_It must be nice to be that free_ The spatial space in Aruna's brain drifted to the past. She and her friends had hiked together. Aruna was the only woman who dared to reach the top, while the other female friends chose to rest on the camp, the last post. The majority could no longer continue to hike while Aruna chose to challenge herself. She remembered very well that Damar and his friends stopped several times and were often troubled because Aruna needed help. That girl even fell because she was too tired. Everything paid off when she reached the top. Her tiredness disappeared immediately and she shouted freely like flying in the clouds.

_When will I be able to hike again?_ She was sad, missing that moment.

"This kid… is calming himself down..". Dea said. Both of them knew that Damar always did that when he was tired from the behavior of Mrs. HRD.

"I think I also want to calm myself down…". Aruna's expression looked hopeful.

"Is it because of the woman who hugged your husband yesterday?". Dea guessed.

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