Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 203 - Grains Of Sand

This hug was actually a sign that she was starting to doubt her own feelings. The feeling of rejecting him slowly filled her heart.

Of course, the man welcomed her happily. He lifted Aruna's light body with a mischievous smile. Hendra made the girl climb on top of his head, causing her face to gape in surprise. Then he lowered her slowly and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Hehe". The man laughed mischievously, not wanting to put Aruna down.

"Give me your love then I'll put you down". He said.

"Alright". Aruna curled up and unexpectedly approached Hendra's neck and bit it hard. More precisely, Aruna was just imitating the way Hendra make a red mark on her neck. She kind of took revenge.

Instead of feeling threatened, Wiryo's grandson smiled and even chuckled: "You won't hurt me by doing that".

"It's just the beginning". Then, Lesmana's daughter really bit him.

"Let me go!". Hendra complained, spontaneously putting Aruna down.

"Hehe". A small laugh came from Aruna's mouth. She walked away ahead of Mahendra.

"Why don't you just continue doing that? I enjoyed it, Dear". He tried to annoy her.

"On purpose". Aruna paused for a moment then mocked Hendra.

"It's on purpose so that we can continue it on the beach later, right?". Hendra smiled, disturbing his wife once again. The girl who shut herself off and was reluctant to do anything related to the husband and wife relationship felt annoyed.

Aruna was pissed, grabbed the bottle that Hendra was holding, and hit the man on the back several times. Then, she chased him because Mahendra was running down the stairs.

But somehow, he suddenly stopped making Aruna hit him from behind. Aruna was curious about what was making him suddenly amazed.

When they both looked at it, this girl was even more amazed. She gaped and covered her mouth with both hands.

That married couple looked at each other. They understood what impressed them a lot.

That girl immediately took off her footwear, handed it to Mahendra, then ran like a little fairy who had just been released from the glass bottle where she was shackled.

"Aaaaaa….". Aruna screamed and ran happily. She was playing with the white sand that became her footing, including the beach air which also blew her whole body as if she could fly. This beach was so perfect. The clear sea started from green to bright blue then deep blue presented beautiful colors for the eye to see.

Quiet and almost uninhabited, Aruna thought the green grass combined with the ocean was the main beauty of the Gunung Payung Beach.

Hendra started to operate his camera to capture his wife's movements. He needed to do that to be enjoyed someday as a good memory.

Aruna was happy to show her bright side. This man first discovered that aura when he sneaked into a start-up seminar where his wife was one of the speakers.

"Hello everyone.. Good afternoon". The lively and cheerful ponytail girl greeted.

Mahendra smiled, remembering something in the past.

"Hi.. We're at the Gunung Payung Beach. It's so beautiful. We'll come here again someday". She waved at the camera and greeted it. Hendra captured everything Aruna did, following the girl who was enjoying the air of freedom.

Her footsteps touching the grains of sand on the beach were captured beautifully and charmingly when observed. Hendra only focused on her footsteps several times.

Then, she stopped and turned around. That man looked from the bottom up and found his wife was frowning at him.

"Can you stop playing with the camera? You should enjoy this too!". That tiny girl protested. The man smiled and agreed to stop his activity.


"What will you miss when suddenly we have to be far from each other?". Aruna asked when both of them were lying on the sand.

"Everything". Hendra replied shortly.

"Be specific. One or two that are most dominant in your opinion".

"Everything about you is a complete package that dominates in my head. Even my brain can't think when it comes to anything related to you".

"You know what, Hendra? Today I feel you've changed a lot. I'm sure almost everything is in a positive direction except for your words which are getting lamer".

"Haha". The man chuckled.

"Maybe because I'm more courageous to show my feelings each day". He spoke from his heart shyly.

"What's with your face? Your ears are red.. Your cheeks too. Hehe". Aruna narrowed her eyes. She put on a naughty smile, wanting to annoy him.

"I'm ashamed, you know!". That was how Hendra was. He also expressed his shame openly according to his heart.

"Hehe. The CEO of the Wenceslas Group. A sharp-mouthed man who likes to make his employees feel pressured.. Haha. He can be embarrassed too". Aruna laughed until she closed her mouth. She didn't want Hendra to be more embarrassed but she thought it was funny.

"Can we discuss something else?". He protested.

"Hahaha. You're really embarrassed, huh?". Aruna couldn't help but laugh.

"Now it's your turn. What would you miss if you were far from me?!".


"How dare you! You're playing a prank on me!". Hendra felt like he was being played. He touched Aruna's stomach as if he wanted to tickle her. A threat that often made his girl give up.

"Geez.. There is.. There is. Hehe..".

"I'll miss your strange behavior". Aruna added.

"Huh. Why aren't there any good ones?". Hendra didn't accept it.

"Who said?! I think it's quite interesting. For example, I'll miss a man who likes to hold my vein. To be honest, the first time you said you wanted to sleep while holding my vein I was feeling all mushy. Hehe.. At that time, I thought you were so scared if something happened to me so you needed to check that my heart was always beating".

"Why didn't you just show me that you were feeling all mushy?".

"I can't do that".

"Who forbids it?! You're my wife".



[FLASHBACK, The First Verse. Chapter 118]


"Miss, what are you doing here alone?". The man in a black T-shirt and jeans approached Aruna. This girl was walking casually, enjoying the beauty of the lake belonging to the Wenceslas family. She was entertaining herself because she wasn't allowed to go with Hendra to the office.

Aruna just replied to the young man with a smile.

"Bodyguard? Or what?". The clothes worn by Hendra's bodyguards were a new style. But the funny thing was that this new bodyguard was wearing branded sneakers. How much was the salary of Wenceslas's bodyguards?

"Hehe. Yes.. I'm a new bodyguard.. I just passed the recruitment". He replied. He also had dimples.

"Are you Miss Aruna?".



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