Stealing The Wife's First Kiss

Chapter 23 - Expectation I

Not everyone has continuous luck. It wasn't only about heart and relationship but also way of life.

Sometimes, even someone who lived up to all the good fortune expectations wasn't necessarily alright.

He was handsome, tall, hardworking and had a deadly soul. In other words, he was too perfect to have weaknesses.

Unfortunately, in reality, someone must have a problem. A problem that was covered up.

Perhaps this was the best description for him named Mahendra Hadyan Wenceslas. Even his name it self had the most essential meaning of power.

Mahendra, the great ruler, Hadyan, had a high position. His position was very high as the Wenceslas family's all the assets' sole heir.

In fact, not many cared about how he stood on his own hands and feet, shouldering big responsibilities.

Big?! Of course. A power accompanied by big responsibilities, approximately 58,000 souls were indirectly attached to him.

The number of employees was comparable to the number of the Wenceslas Group's subsidiaries.

Apart from legendary hospitality in every metropolitan city in Southeast Asia, Wenceslas Group also had other business units such as a Bank (Wenceslas), Construction (Mega Djaya Construction), Plantation (Wenceslas Plantation), shopping centers (Mentari Plaza now transformed into, communication media (Wenceslas Media, under the name Nara & TV), food and beverages, as well as household products that carried many brand variants.

The hard times have passed. Somehow, they still left scars.

It wasn't only just a wound from the rigors of grandfather's upbringing, but also another wound that was even greater.

It bandaged him over and over.

Unfortunately, the redness still appeared on the bandages' surface, like the blood that flew without stopping.

If we went back to the past, it was easy to find children laughing happily with their friends, running in all directions, chasing and getting caught, then running back.

Meanwhile, the little man just stood there in silence without a word. He couldn't say anything to just ask his friends to give him a chance to join.

It wasn't language matter. Of course, this elite school spoke the same language in which he was born.

The silence lasted more than a month as the long impact of the simple task of 'Introduce myself and family.'

Each child cheerfully spoke in front of the class introducing themselves. He was the same, even better than the average child in his class.

"Good morning, everyone. Let me introduce who I am here. My name is Mahendra Hadyan Wenceslas. I was born in New York, USA. I am currently living in Jakarta and living with my grandfather and grandmother."

"Now, allow me to introduce myself further. I like the things of the world of adventure. I also like the little things like reading, watching and spending my free time without doing anything."

'Well, now I will tell you about my life with my family. My mother is an ordinary housewife. She is the most beautiful. I love my mother more than anything ."

"That's all I can say about myself. Thank you "

"What is wrong, Hendra? Your explanation about family isn't right." A friend lightly chuckled.

"What is your dad's name?" Another friend replied.

"What Is dad? I don't have one."

Hendra's answer started a commotion in the class.

Other voices started whispering as if a group of bees was disturbed. The class teacher took over and let the little man sit down.

He didn't find a father definition in his mind, leaving only the sharp gaze of the other kids because he didn't have something called 'Daddy.'

"Who is Dad? Mom!" A child with his innocence began noisy, asking the same thing over and over again every time.

He asked his mother, grandfather, grandmother, even Mr Ujang, the gardener at the mansion.

"Do you have a dad?"

"Bapak nggak ngerti den, bapak cuma ngerti kalau den bagus bicara bahasa Indonesia."

(I don't understand, Young master. I only understand if you speak Indonesian.)

The little boy thought for a moment to find a way for the other person to understand. A moment later, he ran and returned with his book.

His little finger touched Mr Ujang's chest, then said "Got" and showed the picture of the biggest man in 'The Family' illustration.

"Oh ya, ya, ya..." Ujang nodded to indicate he had.

"How to get Dad? Where to buy Dad?!"

He knew his grandfather was very rich. He thought he could beg him to buy just one Daddy. His grandfather would definitely obey as well as when he wanted all kinds of his friends' dream toys.

Mr Ujang hadn't had time to express his lack of understanding, another babysitter came, scolding.

"Apa dia bertanya tentang Daddy lagi??? Aku lupa untuk memberi tahumu. Siapapun di rumah ini tidak diizinkan menanggapinya (ketika anak ini menanyakan Daddy). Itu perintah tuan Wiryo!"

(Did he ask about Daddy again??? I forgot to tell you. Anyone in this house was not allowed to respond (when this boy asked about Daddy). It is Mr Wiryo's order!)

The babysitter led him away from Mr Ujang.

Just as the babysitter said, since then, no one had responded to his question. Even his mother, Gayantri, was silent for a thousand words and began to daydream.

One day, that tense night came.

Little Hendra accompanied his mommy to sleep because his nanny said mommy was sick. She slept since afternoon, and little Mahendra lovingly hugged her as it was his habit.

The little man woke up when he heard his mother's shortness of breath. But, his mother didn't wake up. She still closed her eyes.

Fear ran through his body. Little Hendra screamed for help, the strongest scream he could. His mother's body was strangely moved. It was too odd for someone to close her eyes.

Then, a crowd of people came, patting his mother's cheek, followed by people in white clothes who put a device on her chest, which made her body chuckle up like she got a great twitch.

Little Hendra stood in a corner with his nanny who tried to calm him down. He was too scared and silently cried as he saw his mother disappearance behind the door.

The people in white took her away.

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