Pay Off

"Remember, don't fall asleep!" He still reminds her that she is not allowed to go to sleep before he does.

"Aruna, sit down!" The blue-eyed man sets down the paper on his hands.

Aruna pouts and gets off from the thick blanket to find a remote to watch TV. Hendra smiles seeing the petite girl wearing his shirt, trying to tie the sleeve to make it fitter to her. And the black boxer that seems like a normal short on Aruna.

Ah, Hendra wishes that he is normal. This petite girl tempts him so badly. Hendra stops all his activities.

"Let's play a rock, paper, scissor to decide which one that can take the bed. The loser can take the sofa." Hendra moves closer and makes her panic, trying to find the remote that Hendra holds on his hand.

"Weird family, weird room, weird rule. I can't even watch TV properly." She moans.

Knowing that Hendra is holding the remote that she has been looking for, Aruna tries to ask him nicely.

"How about giving me a little kiss on the cheek and I will give it to you."

She sighs tiredly and moves back to the bed, grabbing the bolster and trying to sleep earlier. She doesn't care about his warning because he is so annoying.

"Aruna!" Hendra comes and forces her to sit on the bad.

"I'm tired!"

"I know, but you can't sleep before I sleep. That's the rule and you have to follow the rule."

"Let's not make it this complicated! You are too much!"

"I am." Both of them glare at each other.

"What do you want?" Hendra frowns as he sees Aruna raises her fist.

"Hit you! You said we are going to play rock, paper, scissor. So let's do it!"

"Okay!" And Hendra lost despite them playing three rounds because he can't accept being defeated.

"You lost. Just accept your fate."

'Accept your fate.' Now his statement has been used against him. The man walks to the sofa sullenly. The sofa is too small for his long legs. It will fit better on Aruna rather than the man. He moves a little bit to make some space on the sofa.

"Don't sleep before I sleep." Hendra threatens when he sees her moves.

"Okay, you weird man!"

"Brak!" Hendra falls from the sofa and he gets back on it again.. 10 minutes later...

10 minutes later… 

He falls again because he moves his body…

25 minutes later....

He still couldn't sleep because it's not as comfortable as his bed.

45 minutes later…

Aruna finally falls asleep. She is sitting on the bed, leaning on the bed frame. Slowly but sure, she lies on the right side of the bed and starts sleeping.

"Aruna…" The man is facing the sofa, giving his back to Aruna. He tries to call Aruna to find out if she's sleeping. Of course, she doesn't reply and he is getting worried.

1 hour later...

Hendra doesn't dare to turn around. He is afraid he will lose control seeing Aruna sleeping.

But he starts to feel pins and needles on his body.

_Ah what should I do?_ 

"Aruna, have you slept yet?"

Trying to loosen up his stiff body, Hendra sits on the sofa while closing his eyes.

_Damn, she has fallen asleep_ He tries to massage his back and arms, trying to relax his body.

"Aruna…" He moves blindly to the bed.


"Au.. argh..".

His left foot hits something.

"Prang!" He drops some things which he doesn't know.

"Huuh.." He is so sick of being a fool, trying to find Aruna while closing his eyes.

It's almost like a children's game. He doesn't remember the name, but he realizes that it's pathetic that a respected CEO like him has to spend his wedding night this way.



"Huuh.." He is so sick of being a fool, trying to find Aruna while closing his eyes.

It's almost like a children's game. He doesn't remember the name, but he realizes that it's pathetic that a respected CEO like him has to spend his wedding night this way..

_Isn't today supposed to be my wedding night? If I am normal of course_ He understands the effect from the syndrome he has and tries to find Aruna.

"Aruna… Help me…" He has hit some things that fell down and made noises, slipped and moaned out loud, and he also has tried to call her name. Unfortunately, his petite wife is too tired from the party earlier so she is sleeping soundly.

_Isn't it supposed to be the door?_ Hendra realizes that he turns way too much. He just needs to find out his way by touching the wall and turns back when he finds the LCD TV.

And he uses his instinct.

Finally, he can feel the thick blanket and the bed he wants.

_Shit… shit..._ He curses at himself, grabbing the blanket as much as he could, and trying to find Aruna to wake her up.

"Pluk." He finds something.

_What is this?_ Round, as big as his hand, and soft? He's thinking hard. He tries to squeeze it a few times, trying to find a way to describe the thing that he has been holding with closed eyes.

_I don't have a body part like this?_

"Aaaargh…!!". Aruna screams out loud.

When he opens his eyes, Aruna is hitting him blindly with a pillow on her hand. She is super serious about it that the pillow is torn and the goose feather piles on the bed.

"Go away, you pervert!" This petite girl even kicks him out of the bed.

But Hendra is clueless about his wrong.

Aruna takes another pillow.

"Hais!" Hendra tries to defend himself by grabbing the weapon Aruna uses.

"Stop it, Aruna!"

"How dare you scream at me!" (Aruna)

"You?! How dare you hit me!" (Hendra)

"You start it off!" (Aruna)

"Me? You said me?! Aren't you the one who broke the rules?"

"HAH?! Sleeping rules?! I have been waiting for you for 30 minutes. If I have fallen asleep, is it also considered breaking a rule?!"

"Of course!"

"You are not a normal human!"

"That's right! I'm not normal!"

"Don't you realize that you are breaking bigger rules!" Aruna puts on her threatening face. Not that scary though because she looks like a kid who gets mad because her snack is stolen. That's how Hendra looks at her.

"What did I do?" Hendra feels he doesn't do anything wrong.

In Aruna's mind, the man who is standing in front of her is truly an enigma : has a double personality, is a satan in an angel form, the weirdest man on earth, or maybe Hendra is truly a stranded alien.

"You touch this!" She points at her breast, "And you put on your angelic face?! Wow, you are really such a great devil!" Aruna is still standing on the bed, trying to scare the blue eyed man who fell down because she hit and kicked him a few times.

"Oh, so it's what I've been touching." Hendra mutters to herself.

"36D is indeed big and a little bit squishy hehe." His face and even the tips of his ears redden.

Seeing this weird man's expression makes Aruna uncomfortable. The girl takes a step to grab a bolster and hits him harder.

"Stop!" (Hendra)

Aruna has picked up the bolster and is ready to hit him.

"Remember, there's no such rule that I'm forbidden to touch it in our agreement."

"Hehe." The man hides his giggling face, so annoying and doesn't realize that his wife is shrinking like a deflated balloon.

This petite woman throws the bolster and sits resignedly thinking at her whole life.

"I should have fought earlier for an additional 21th point." Aruna regrets it now.

"Okay…" Suddenly she ties her hair into a ponytail and moves her hair right and left as if preparing to go to war.

Hendra is watching her intently. Aruna is his biggest temptation, seeing her sitting down on the bed and wearing his white T-shirt. And his black boxer is barely seen because of their size differences.

Hendra gulps seeing at her thighs. He sighs trying to repress his testosterone level to maintain his libido. He is a normal man physically, although he is having trouble physiologically.

_Crazy! If she keeps tempting me, I can be out of control_

"Come! I will pay the compensation for the additional 21th point." She emphasizes the word 'compensation' so the man in front of her can't say that he doesn't remember that he has sniffed her in a hotel room for a compensation for the additional 21th point and his nose ends up bleeding.

Hendra closes his eyes _Don't blame me if I can't hold myself back_

"What?! Don't say that you've changed the compensation… it's still a kiss on the lips, right?!" Aruna wants to make sure when she sees her husband closes his eyes as if trying to think it over.

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