Steampunk Apocaly
Chapter 68
Ed met with Dupe, Husky, and Ray to go over the casualties. It was a small attack, but they had still lost nearly 200 soldiers in the initial wave, whereas they successfully killed 15 enemy espers. It was actually a fairly decent result considering the circumstances.
Dupe and Husky took charge of leading the cleanup efforts. The dead bodies needed to be collected, cremated, and given a proper funeral. There were also plenty of areas with damaged infrastructure that needed minor repairs. Terra joined them to help.
"Ray. Come with me." Ed said.
"Hmm? Alright." Ray nodded.
The two walked past the damage, away from all the soldiers. Ed pointed towards the distance. "Phantom is that way, though I don't know the location of his actual base. You and I are going to meet with him and see what he's really after."
"Okay. Shouldn't we bring some more backup?" He questioned.
"No." Ed shook his head. "This wasn't a true attack. Phantom himself didn't even participate. Mordy held back. He probably can't beat me, but I can't really beat him either. He could have easily killed hundreds here by himself if he really wanted too. Mordy said they wanted the manullium I collected, but that can't be the full story. It's valuable, but it's not that valuable."
"Hmm." Ray thought for a moment. "So, they might not have actually broken our alliance?"
"Maybe." Ed agreed. "It could be any number of things. They could have really underestimated us, but I doubt it. They may have wanted our alliance to appear broken on the surface. There's no way this information won't spread to others. They may also be following orders from Nexus due to blackmail or bribes, but then chose to fail on purpose. Either way, there's too much we don't know until we meet with them."
"Alright. Let's go then."
The two left the base and headed for Ed's former school. That's where Ed and Phantom had met last time as a temporary meeting location. Ed had a feeling that Phantom would be waiting for him. The duo soon reached the school and sure enough, Mordy was outside waiting for them.
"Yo!" Mordy waved his hand towards them.
"Phantom better have a good explanation for this game." Ed commented as he brushed past him.
"Haha, so cold." Mordy placed his hands behind his head in a relaxed gesture while following behind him. Ray followed as well but kept his distance while eyeing Mordy with caution.
Ed traveled down the familiar halls of his old school, though it was now littered with cracked walls. The smell of mold assaulted his nostrils. The stairs creaked as he climbed them one step at a time. He reached the principal's office and entered inside.
Phantom sat behind the desk, leaning back in a leather chair. He wore the same blue pajamas with white stripes as last time. His gray beard stretched to the middle of his chest. A pair of copper glasses with thick lens decorated his face.
"Ed!" Phantom called happily while spreading his arms wide. "It's been so long since we've seen each other. I thought you had forgotten all about little old me!"
Ed grabbed one of the chairs in front of the desk and sat down. Mordy and Ray chose to stand near the door, ready to react if anything were to go wrong on either side.
"It hasn't been that long since we've met." Ed sighed while shaking his head. "There's just too much going on lately that it feels like it's been a long time."
"True. True." Phantom nodded while stroking his beard. "Such is the life of an esper that seeks power. No time to sleep. That's why I always dress like this. I save so much time when I do finally get to go to sleep! I don't even have to change!"
"It was a joke, boy. Lighten up. Laugh a little."
"Anyways..." Ed interrupted. "Let's cut to the chase. What do you really want. Why did you attack us like that? I refuse to believe my manullium stock is that valuable."
"Well, you're half-right." Phantom grinned. "Truthfully, not much manullium enters the market in the states. The government controls nearly 100% of the supply and what they don't control is probably some group's top secret."
"So, just break into the mine like I did." He interrupted.
"Hahaha!!!" Phantom grabbed his stomach from laughing so hard. "Not everyone is as crazy as you! Not even I am willing to go anywhere near a manullium mine. It's practically a death sentence for espers! To return to being an ordinary mortal, if even for a brief moment, is absolutely horrifying."
"Regardless." Phantom continued, calming down from his laughter. "That's why I said you were half-right. Your manullium is far more valuable than you thought it was. However, I truthfully have no use for it nor would I attack you for it. I acted on behalf of a request from Nexus. They wanted me to wipe you off the face of the earth. However, I instead agreed to negotiate on their behalf. So, here we stand."
Ed frowned. "So, it really is about the manullium. What did they bribe you with? What makes you think I'll be willing to hand any of it over?"
"The reason..." He sighed. "Do you really not fear Nexus? A mysterious group that just pops up out of nowhere, with seemingly unlimited information resources. I won't disclose what I need from them. However, if they hired a wily old man like me so easily, then what about others? What's to stop them from hiring even stronger espers to take what they want? They're not an easy group to oppose."
"Enough beating around the bush. If you won't tell me then fine." Ed stood up from the chair, causing a screeching sound as it scraped against the wooden floor. He glanced at Ray. "Let's go. This wasn't nearly as productive as I had hoped."
Mordy stepped in front of the door with his arms crossed. "At least finish listening to what Phantom has to say. Believe it or not Ed, he's actually trying to help you."
"Like hell he is!" Ed glared at his friend. "You of all people Mordy, should know that others can't be overly trusted. The academy couldn't protect us! Blood-Lust fucked us! Hell, even Jarrod turned on us! Are you next?! When does it end?!" His breathing grew heavy as the curses continued to flow out.
Mordy stared at him, a complex expression on his face. "I'm not Jarrod, Ed. I wouldn't do that. If I would, then I wouldn't have held back in the fight earlier."
Ray glanced back-and-forth between the two while frowning. "There's obviously some stuff I'm missing here. I'm just gonna go wait in the hallway." The door opened and slammed shut behind him as he left.
"I'm sorry." Ed sighed while rubbing his eyes. Slowly, he started to calm down. "I didn't mean that. I've just got a lot of shit going on right now. The fucking governor had to go ruin my plans, and I apparently even have a predetermined death date."
"AHEM!" Phantom released a fake cough to recapture their attention. "Ed, I can understand you're under a lot of pressure. It may even seem like I'm trying to stab you while you're down. However, I saved your life whether you believe it or not. Do you really think you can make an enemy of Nexus so casually? You're lucky they let me negotiate for them instead of them just finding someone else to kill you."
Ed stood silently for a moment before returning to his chair. He leaned back against it and tilted his head backwards, staring at the ceiling while letting out a sigh. Lines of black mold snaked across the yellowish-white tiles. Something that was once pure white had become corrupted so fast in such little time.
Phantom noticed his peculiar mood and glanced up at the roof. "Does it bother you?" He questioned. "I can change it." A 7-colored glow lit up from his body and snaked out across the room. The tiles turned back to a pure shade of eggshell-white. The dirty floors became polished and clean. The cracks on the walls vanished from sight. The office now looked as good as new.
Ed's eyes widened in surprise. "So, this is your so-called illusion power?" He questioned while staring skeptically at his improved surroundings.
"Yes." He nodded. "I'm guessing you got the information from Nexus? My original power was indeed illusions. After my 2nd awakening, my illusions became real. What is real is unreal, what is unreal is real."
"For real?" Mordy chuckled as he interrupted with his lame joke.
"Mm. Really real!" Phantom nodded with a serious expression.
"Pfft." Ed held a hand up to his mouth, trying to stifle his laughter. He quickly calmed down. "Alright. So, it was stupid of me to offend Nexus. I guess I got a bit ahead of myself. I still refuse to give up the manullium for a low price though. Nexus couldn't offer me anything I wanted for it, because no information is as valuable to me right now as power. So, what can you offer me for it?"
"Mm." Phantom nodded while scratching his chin. "A good decision. First, Nexus has agreed to forget about your prior conversation should you agree. You'll remain as just another ordinary customer to them. Second, our alliance will naturally continue. Of course, these two things are just the preconditions and not the actual offer. I think you'll be quite interested in what I have to offer. Even I'm quite hesitant to offer it."
Ed's eyebrow rose, indicating for him to continue. He tried to hide it, but a hint of interest was clearly visible within his eyes.
"Tell me, young Edward. What did you plan to do if you won your little war against the governor? The chances of you winning are already practically zero, but let's assume you do win. What's next?"
"Next?" He frowned. "I'd have to defend myself and my territory from the Hunter Association. The federal government wouldn't allow a rogue state to exist. They'd send in their full might to crush me."
"Mm-hmm." Phantom nodded. "And what did you plan to do about that? Fight?"
"No." He sighed. "I'm not so stupid as to think I can take on the entire Hunter Association. I planned to use the opportunity to gather enough golden faith energy to match the other governors. Then, I'd negotiate with them and join the country as their equal."
"And if that didn't work?"
"Then I'd have no choice but to run." His hands trembled from frustration. "I'd order my subordinates to hide in the shadows and continue spreading the message of Harmony, that way I can continue benefiting from golden faith energy. I'd travel overseas and get stronger. Then return and take back what's rightfully mine when I'm strong enough."
"Then why not just run now?" Phantom questioned. "Why fight the governor at all? Just take your most trusted subordinates and leave the country? Wouldn't it be a lot easier?"
"I've never run from a fight before!" Ed yelled as he slammed the hand on the desk, glaring into Phantom's eyes. "I didn't run before I became an esper and I'll be damned if I run now! It would be one thing if I stood zero chance like with the Hunter Association, but I refuse to believe I can't kill a small-time governor!"
"Hahaha." Phantom laughed while waving his hand. "Relax, relax. I didn't mean to get you so riled up. Well, I fully understand your goals now. Ideally, you want to win the war and become a vassal of the US government as the Florida governor, correct?"
"Mm." He nodded in agreement while sinking back into his chair.
"I need 80% of the manullium to fulfill Nexus's demands and get what I want from them. In exchange, I'll offer you a full presidential pardon. Do we have a deal?"
"A pardon?!" Ed questioned, a bewildered look on his face.
"Yes." Phantom nodded. "I've lived a very long time. I'm even personal friends with some governors and senators, though that's all beneath the surface. The president even owes me a small favor. A simple pardon can be considered such a favor. I'll call it in at the end of the war. This will wipe your crimes clean and allow you to act as the Florida Governor. Isn't it perfect?"
Ed frowned and tapped his finger against the chair with one hand, while rubbing his forehead with the other. "I don't know what Nexus offered you for you to be willing to give up such a favor. Also, I truly don't want to give up 80% of my manullium. This war is going to be hard enough even if I have it. But let's say I agree, how can you guarantee it?"
"I thought you might ask that." He smiled. "Unfortunately, I don't really have a way to guarantee it. It's not like I can hand you a slip of golden paper that promises such a thing. I'm afraid you'll just have to trust me on this one."
"You expect me to take such a stupid risk?!" Ed questioned, his eyes narrowing.
"I do." He nodded. "It's a high risk on your part, but also holds high rewards. You won't be making an enemy of Nexus. You'll also be freeing yourself from any concerns about future government attacks. If you win the war, then you'll have your little kingdom, and everyone lives happily ever after. Also, just to clarify, I will take the manullium by force if I must. I won't be sending pawn espers next time, though I am hesitant to sacrifice my true forces."
Ed sat silently, thinking about the insane offer. 'Just who is Phantom? Does he really have the connections he says he does?' He thought back on the book that Nexus had sold him.
Name: Unknown.
Alias: Phantom
Affiliation: Reef City Sinners
Power: Real, Unreal. This esper can make illusions and make them into real things. Vise-versa, he can turn real things illusory.
Traits: Charitable, Diligent, Intelligent, Kindness, Patient, Prideful, Temperate. Phantom is known to help those he likes. However, if he doesn't like you then he'll treat you of no importance.
Combat Style: You probably won't even know if you're really fighting him or not.
Offense: Unknown.
Defense: Unknown.
Agility: Unknown.
Versatility: SSS
Overall Grade: Unknown.
'Not even OP Baldy's stats were unknown. There were very few espers in the book with so many unknowns. Stats aside, if I assume the personality to be accurate, then he's trustworthy. But is the information from Nexus on him trustworthy at all? There are so many unknowns and I now know they're working together.'
"Ed!" Phantom interrupted his thoughts. "I need your decision. Nexus and I have a planned meeting soon. Please let me know your answer."
Ed ground his teeth in frustration, his fists clenched. 'I've got no other choice. Even if Phantom doesn't hold up his end of the bargain, I can hardly afford to make enemies of both Nexus and Phantom right now. It was stupid of me to even think of doing so originality. Almost all of the cards are in their hands! Bastards!' He sighed and looked towards Phantom, a slightly defeated look visible on his face. "I'll agree to the demands. 80% of my manullium. I'll expect you to come to my rescue with the pardon after the war is over."
"Excellent!" Phantom stood up while smiling. "Then we have a deal! I'll be going now. I'd much prefer being in a secure location during my meeting with Nexus." He walked out from behind the desk and patted Ed on the shoulder, looking towards him with concern. "You made the right decision. I guarantee it." He walked towards the door to leave.
Mordy glanced at Ed before leaving. "Phantom can be trusted Ed. I promise." He turned and followed behind Phantom, leaving Ed alone in the office.
Ray walked back inside and saw Ed hunched over in his chair with his chin supported by his fists. From the back, Ed looked like a defeated man. Ray walked over to attempt comforting him but was shocked by what he saw.
Ed's eyes were red from anger. A low whisper could be heard. "I'll kill them! I'll demolish Nexus someday! Phantom too! I'll kill every single bastard that stands in my way!"
"Haha." Ray patted Ed on the back. "Let's head back, Forge. Your people await you."
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