The Silver Valley at night is very quiet. The moon travels through the clouds, and the faint moonlight gleams on the untouched Snow Mountain on both sides. From the courtyard of the courtyard, it makes people relaxed and joyful.

Ning Ding held one after another roll bandage in his hand and wrapped it around Tong Liya’s arms. Tong Liya looked at Snow Mountain and Moonlight quietly, her face expressionless.

“Your Highness, is it worth it for you to do this?” Ning Ding first broke the silence and asked. The magic knife has given everyone a briefing on what happened on the high ground today. This is a daily routine in order to coordinate the problems that everyone encounters every day. The Magic Blade, Xifeng, Diplodocus and others can also obtain some of the experience and skills they need, so everyone is very serious about it.

“It’s not that I think it’s worth it, it’s that I do these things if the result is not worth it.”

Ning Ding bit his lip and said nothing, Continue to bandage Tong Liya’s arm carefully. Her arms looked a little black, and after the ointment was applied, the oily light was reflected. After being attacked from the inside, Tong Liya’s arms were almost burnt through from the inside to the outside by electricity, and even the thickness was slightly thicker than usual. , I’m afraid it’s a bit close to amputation. Ning Ding was a little unbearable, so she tried to relax as much as possible, for fear of aggravating Tong Liya’s pain.

“But that’s something that has passed after all…” Ning Ding still couldn’t help but persuade that women sympathized with women the most.

“Is it the past that has nothing to do with this? This is the only time he asked me for his memory, and I…” Tong Liya did not continue. Ning Ding understands that this is an opportunity. If this opportunity is missed, what Lin Xinyan will become, and the degree of controllability is even more unpredictable.

“But, I don’t think it’s a bad thing if you don’t give him your memory. Most likely, what a man thinks in his heart is different from what a woman thinks. If you see your memory, maybe he On the contrary, it is not as deep as the original. Without the original experience, this is a bit unsightly.”

Tong Liya sighed. “Maybe.”

In the laboratory. Lin Xinyan was lying on the test bed. Strogg and Phantom Knife separated on both sides of the test bed. Strogg hugged his arms and looked at Lin Xinyan, while Phantom Knife cut the soles of Lin Xinyan’s feet with a sharp knife in his hand. An azure streamline pattern on the surface, and then a part of the luminous gel-like liquid flows out slowly.

These liquids are drained by Lin Xinyan every once in a while. The original gel filling is usually excessive. This is to prepare the body for insufficient filling material and reserve the margin. When Lin Xinyan’s consciousness After becoming more complete and fused, these excess gels will accumulate on the soles of the feet and then be excreted from the body.

With each excretion, Lin Xinyan will be closer to fully regaining consciousness.

“Thank you for stopping me today.” Strogue said suddenly.

The magic knife raised his head and glanced at Strogg weirdly, said with a smile: “You are polite. Are you soldiers of Machine City still so polite? It’s interesting.”

“I have been expelled from Holy City for more than 20 years. I have been in your world for more than 20 years. I can understand your thoughts. Ah, yes, I should understand human thoughts. Strictly speaking, you don’t Not human.” Strogg replied.

“No, I am a human.” Magic Blade denied.

When he said this, Strogg looked very curious instead. “Are you a human?” He said with a smile incredible.

“It should be because I think I am a human being.” Huan Dao’s face became serious. Although he still said with a smile, he could see that he was serious.

“Is it a human being? It’s not that others say you are or not, but I think I am. Human beings have emotions, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and so do I. When I was first born, I was like a child, I don’t know what It was joy, anger, sorrow and joy, but slowly, I watched the familiar and unfamiliar, missed or missed reunion with me one by one, and then established a good relationship with them, and then these people left or died. I gradually accepted the same emotions, sorrows, sorrows and joys as humans. Therefore, I finally realized that I am a person, a person who is indistinguishable from them. If there is any difference between us, it is that I am Put it in a stinky skin that is different from them.”

Strogg looked at Lin Xinyan’s body, was silent for a while, and then asked: “Why would you think of reforming yourself?”


“Because I don’t want to die.”

Strogg was quite surprised: “Don’t want to die? Could it be that you were a living organism in the first place?”

“no! I was a robot at first. A robot that is not much different from you.”

At this moment, Xiaomi on the test bench suddenly flashed, and the line Tiratemis jumped out.

“How, how? How is it today?” Tirathmis couldn’t wait. For him, the waiting time is a bit too long. Before Lin Xinyan’s consciousness is complete, he could not enter the new body, and Xiaomi is not an ideal long-term residence for him, so he is right and Lin Xinyan’s concern is no less than that of Tong Liya.

“Of course it has improved.” Magic Blade said.

“But it’s more predatory.” Strogg said.


At the moment, Strogg described what happened today to the wireframe Tirathmis in its entirety.

“This is a good thing!!” Tirathmis was very excited.

“Why?” Phantom Blade and Strogue asked at the same time.

Tlatemis sneered, and said: “Being in the pivot but not decisive will not only harm yourself, but also affect everyone around you. Those who are pivotal He is born to accomplish things that others cannot accomplish, so he himself cannot trap himself in a situation where there is no answer. He must be above the situation in order to control the situation, and above the war, in order to control the war, not by the situation and the war. Reverse control.”

“A person who can complete central control must be clear about what he needs and how to get the resources necessary to achieve his goals! Such a person seems to have Predatory people.”

“Do you see this new Holy Son?”

Stroge nodded.

“But, would such a person lose his humanity?” Phantom Blade had doubts.

This is indeed a problem. And it’s a problem shared by everyone. No one wants to work hard for a long time to create an uncontrollable scourge.

Tirathemis said with a smile: “A sharp sword always has a sharp point. Would you use a sword without a blade to cut people? How much humanity do you mean? Is it who nature? Is human nature described as soft and weak in your eyes? Is your understanding of human nature only to this extent?”

The magic knife was stunned on the spot.

“If he doesn’t have a sharp edge, then this Holy Son will be no different from the previous ones. If we can’t complete the task of ending this war, let’s say that we will all have to accompany him to death in the end. . So, let’s pray that he is a predatory new Holy Son! Even so, we may suffer some sin first.”

The wireframe Tirathmis is not joking, he is very serious. , The eyebrows also rarely appear as a broken line.

And Strogg’s wolf mouth opened unconsciously. This is the first time he has seen Tirathemis so predatory.

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