“So, you were created?” After Tong Liya stared blankly at the candlelight for a long time, Lin Xinyan touched her face and tried to pull her back from the memory.

Tong Liya’s nature should not be so sad in Lin Xinyan’s view.

Mechanical lifeform will waste some performance when sorting memories, processing other things slower, organisms will be silent when sorting memories, he can understand these, so he hopes to change Tong Liya’s mood.

“Yes, I was created.”

Tong Liya just finished speaking and shook the head again.

“No, it was me and not me who created it. It should be…the last me.”

“As the original body, with the human body, it is naturally able to do Some things that the highest will cannot do, such as… biological reproduction!” Tong Liya rolled her eyes and looked at Lin Xinyan, seeing his heart jump suddenly, but Tong Liya didn’t mean to match the words, and continued: ” The most meaningful thing about the highest will is that every time the highest will finds me again, connects me to her will, and we merge into one in the virtual world. This synthesis is on the level of consciousness. It’s similar to the synthesis of your rebirth this time, but it’s much more difficult.”

Lin Xinyan’s hand shook.

He understands that Tong Liya doesn’t want to speak from the opposite side, but put it in Lin Xinyan’s ears, which is memory plunder.

After experiencing so many things, he fully understands what it feels like.

Tong Liya smiled bitterly, rubbed her left face against Lin Xinyan’s Dashou Mountain, and said: “After each synthesis, the highest will will carefully appreciate the part of the memory I have experienced. , Write these memories into her memory, because our consciousness is the same, she naturally can fully understand my mood and feelings when facing different people in different situations, and then turn them into hers Own. In this way, her restricted body can experience all of the normal human world. This is what Tirathmis created for the highest will to experience an ordinary person experience without leaving the Holy City. The way.”

“Tirathemis did a great job.” Lin Xinyan gnashing teeth said such a sentence.

There may be many creative solutions to problems. Lin Xinyan has seen wireframe Tirathemis solutions to problems, and these solutions may be very creative. However, Lin Xinyan knows that only seeing the solution and ignoring other factors, such as humanitarian factors, will cause some people’s pain, and part of the memory from the scorching sun clearly shows the extent of their pain. !

After integrating part of the consciousness of the scorching sun, Lin Xinyan hates this kind of creativity from the bottom of his heart.

Wireframe Tirathmis is drawing a set of equations in the virtual laboratory. When Lin Xinyan was speaking, this set of equations was broken into slag for some reason. Wireframe Tirathmis’s hands were shaking involuntarily.

“Youngster, I really don’t know the depth.” He said.

Tong Liya smiled softly, shook her head and said: “You can’t blame him. Without him, who can solve this problem well? In addition, I wouldn’t exist in this world. If it weren’t for him It is estimated that the war between Holy City and mankind has broken out a long time ago. Moreover, the severity of the war is far more serious than the current situation.”

“en? How come?”

Tong Liya ignored his question and continued: “Pain and joy are always intertwined. Without pain, there is no joy. Human emotion is a rubber band. It allows you to be strong when you need it. Hard as Vajra, soft as cotton when you need tenderness, and pain and joy are interspersed in the movement, don’t you feel it?”

Lin Xinyan thought for a while, nodded and said: “This The metaphor is quite appropriate.”

Based on Wu Kun’s memory, it is not difficult to understand this sentence.

After Tong Liya reconstructed Lin Xinyan’s body, Lin Xinyan’s perspective on the problem has completely overlapped with the perspective in Wu Kun’s memory, and even the feelings, emotions and conclusions are integrated. The memory system’s The reintegration made Lin Xinyan unable to distinguish the boundaries of Wu Kun’s memories, so these memories were no different from what Lin Xinyan had personally experienced.

Tong Liya let go of Lin Xinyan’s hand, and a piece of meat was inserted into the meal, and it was brought to Lin Xinyan’s mouth, and she said close: “Actually, when I found you at the Taihang Mountain base, I had already come up with this. Conclusion. If you retain the memory of the coma, you should be able to experience this feeling. Am I right?”

Tong Liya’s eyes are extremely bright at this time, and I feel that there is a fire in there. Beating blazingly.

But Lin Xinyan suddenly realized a problem, coldly said: “So, for this little joy, would you rather go through this pain again and again?” Lin Xinyan’s tone was not controlled, there was a trace Trembling.

Tong Liya stopped the figure leaning towards Lin Xinyan, sat back slumped, and said, “I know, what you are talking about is when every previous life of me is cleansed by the highest will. Those days on earth. That’s right! Those are happy days, just like the sunrise after every rainstorm, everything is new, even the air is sweet!”

“I am not Say this. That was your private life before.” Lin Xinyan denied.

“Then…what are you talking about?”

“I am not the highest will. I have no desire to borrow other people’s bodies to experience this world. I mean what you remember Supreme Will her thoughts. After integrating the fresh experience again and again, can he understand the pain of each of your reincarnations?”

Tong Liya was stunned.

Lin Xinyan understands that this is the first time Lin Xinyan has questioned two people at the same time.

Lin Xinyan’s words are not only asking her, but also the highest will in her memory.

Being stripped of memories is painful. After fusing the memories, she brainwashes Tong Liya again, and writes new memories into her brain again. This process is impossible and must be full of pain.

There was a moment of silence, Tong Liya nodded and said: “Yes. One day, I am tired of this kind of thing.” Tong Liya’s tone became serious, Lin Xinyan could see that she was the one who remained with her at this moment. The highest will in the position of consciousness.

The question was raised by Lin Xinyan, Tong Liya was willing to say, Lin Xinyan listened attentively.

“After the 172nd memory fusion, I no longer want to do such a thing. One of the reasons is that I found that the happiness and freshness I can get has approached zero .”

“People can end consciousness through death, but I can’t. The memories I acquire will last through my life, so the experience of fusion has made me no longer feel fresh and happy, so I told Tirathemis, I can no longer live in this way.”

“Tirathemis told me that if this is the case, it would be better to create a new, independent original body. , This Primarch has the will of human autonomy and is completely free from the interference of Mechanic World. This may be able to solve this problem once and for all.”

“Once and for all?” Lin Xinyan asked.

The highest will borrows Tong Liya’s body nodded, said: “Yes, that is to create a human primitive that is actually relative to my nature. I can’t control him, he has and I In the same way of thinking, he is a living organism, and he is opposite to me in Life Attribute, so that I may be happy forever. Because from the perspective of human history, only this kind of companion emotion can exist for a long time in this world.”

The Supreme Will did not continue, and Lin Xinyan did not continue to ask. The two sides just sat together in silence for a while.

And Tong Liya did not interrupt the supreme will to control the body.

Lin Xinyan faintly guessed that this new individual created by Tirathemis is himself!

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