The commander's residence is not hard to find. Since strog's shell can confuse the warriors at the gate of the information channel, it can naturally hide from the node control cores of men and women who work at the contact node.

Searching all the way along the node, stroge and Li Xinyan naturally get closer and closer to the commander's residence. The job of these contact nodes is to deliver the information flow to the place they want to go. Naturally, they keep in mind the address of the superior commander, so it doesn't take much time to find the commander's residence all the way.

Li Xinyan doesn't know if stroge has found anything. He just thinks that the eyes of these contact nodes looking at stroge... Have some ambiguous taste! Could it be that these guys have been here for a long time, and they have some feelings?

It can be seen from Allen that the core control program of the contact node, that is, the dynamic guys in the virtual world, can produce feelings, which are not inferior to the feelings between human beings, or even the same as the feelings of human beings. If Allen is not an example, then the eyes of these guys are enough to show that the virtual life in the mechanical city is not inferior to the human in the real world!

In addition, there are male nodes in the contact node. What's the matter?

It seems that Allen said last time that the contact node is the existence form of 65535 "sister nodes". Is it possible that there will be some gender disorder events as human beings?

Some confusion, thinking, Li Xinyan unconsciously some goose bumps all over the feeling of scurrying. This feeling naturally passed to strog's brain through consciousness. However, strog chuckled and said, "Your Highness, if they don't play much and can't play anywhere else, they will suffer from Alzheimer's disease. Therefore, in order not to make life too boring, intelligent creatures generally have such changes. This is a relatively closed space, and it's not too strange that the situation is extreme. Of course, for this change, "Alzheimer's disease" is what you people call it. Here, we call it degenerative memory decline

Li Xinyan didn't care much about how to call this kind of situation, just a name. But the life in the mechanical City, whether it's the real strog or the virtual world Allen and other contact nodes, gives him a new understanding. After thinking about it, Li Xinyan said: "this world is not the real world, why give these contact nodes feelings?"

"Intelligent beings have the ability to evolve emotions, which has nothing to do with which plane they are in. In any case, wisdom will transform some of its own algorithms in the process of evolution. This transformation will naturally develop to these two aspects in mathematical logic, that is, more wisdom and less wisdom. If we quantize wisdom, that is, decompose it into small wisdom points to study, we will find that the concept of intuition will appear when we develop towards less intelligent mathematical algorithms. Intuition is not to be stupid, but to simplify the intelligent algorithm in the case of rich experience. With more transformation, the intuitive proportion of the intelligent life object will increase. Similar to you human beings, women's intuition utilization rate will be higher than men's, relatively, women's emotions will be richer than men's, and so on, the virtual life of virtual space is the same principle, when they continue to evolve their wisdom in order to work, they will be more and more like women, many things will be judged by intuition rather than theory. This time, even if you don't give them emotions, their emotions will become very rich. "

"Haha, in fact, at this time, all of them will unconsciously become" they. "

"So, even if it used to be men's, it's gradually becoming feminine?" Li Xinyan had never heard of a similar theory at all, and he was so surprised that he couldn't close his mouth. If he has a face now, it must be a face of surprise.

Strogge said with a simple smile: "yes! this is it. Therefore, to sum up all these, the changes they used were not given to them by the holy city, but gradually developed in the process of their existence and life Compared with your human world, the truth is almost the same. "

Li Xinyan wanted to ask something else, but he saw a bright spot in front of the path quickly drawing closer, so he stopped and looked forward, as if it was the destination, the commander's residence.

The path under foot is like a endless conveyor belt, stretching to the bright spot in the distance. Under the dark sky, countless other paths, like cobwebs, also extend from all directions. Where the paths cross, there are usually contact nodes. Ordinary contact nodes are houses in the virtual sky, which are three story buildings made of crystal stones, The bright spot that gradually becomes clear is a castle, and the building is much larger. It looks like a castle floating in the void, and the volume is far more than those ordinary nodes. Judging by the eyes, the castle is made of purple crystal stone, which is basically the same as that of the contact node.

Closer, you can see the pulse like light on the path flickering from time to time, from the castle away or from a distance to the castle, and then disappear on the connection point of the castle. There are too many paths connecting the castle. Countless paths flash alternately. The castle is like a star cluster in the middle of the stars, beautiful and quiet.

"Will she be in it?" Li Xinyan falls on the platform in front of the castle with stroge, looks up at the castle hundreds of meters high in front of him, looks at the rooms with lights on, and asks.

"I'll find out later." Strog replied.

But how would he look? This is a problem.

As soon as Li Xinyan thought of this question, he seemed to answer it. A long golden sword made of pure light shot out of strog's hand like an arrow and flew directly to the gate of the castle. Like thunder, the castle gate immediately burst out a group of gorgeous fireworks under the impact of the flying sword. As the fireworks dispersed, a 20 meter square hole appeared directly at the entrance of the castle.

Whether Alan is here or not, the best and most direct way is to make a big noise in the virtual space like the sea.

"Who is it?" In the void, there was a loud drink. Three empty shadows came from three different places on the castle. Although the shadow came from three directions, the sound was the same. The virtual shadow is not a real virtual shadow. Compared with the body condensed by strog's light, the virtual shadow is composed of the crystal of the world. On the contrary, it is more real. It is just a little unreal under the less bright light in the void. The virtual shadow came from three positions and hit the ground with great inertia. The platform instantly turned up a circle of earth waves with the falling point of the virtual shadow as the center.

Strog seemed unaffected by this. He steadily raised his hands and looked contemptuously at the center of the waves, letting the dust and gravel carried by the waves pass through his body.

The shock and smoke subsided slightly. In the center of the earth wave, a three legged crystal creature slowly stood up. He had no eyes or hands, but three huge crystals crossed into an X-shape and stood on the platform. Compared to this crystal creature, strog's body is less than half his height.

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