Compared with the nearly solidified body, the body of Li Xinyan, the head of the fake Temple warrior regiment at the moment, is the most lethal in the eyes of the head of the temple warrior regiment, that is, the wings.

The wings behind Li Xinyan are slowly lengthening and stretching, and the injured feathers are mending in a way visible to the naked eye!

The leader of the temple warrior group naturally knows that the light wing of the temple warrior is the embodiment of his own strength. If he loses the light wing, he will be seriously injured and lose his fighting ability. But what the hell is this?

What else can light wing repair with naked eye speed? Even as the head of the temple order, he has never seen such a thing!

Naturally, he didn't know that the real consciousness under the body had changed from stroge to Li Xinyan. And the skin of the head of the temple warrior group is very magical. He automatically follows the internal driving consciousness to transform the form and naturally begins to recover. Li Xinyan suddenly feels that hacker technology is not a bad thing, but a very magical thing.

"Don't pay too much attention to the shell. It costs your mental energy. If you attach too much importance to it, you will feel tired quickly!" Strog told Li Xinyan in his consciousness. And almost at the same time, the head of the temple warrior group attacked again. Because of the strong anger of the inner people, the light flow he pulled out also took on the flame, and rushed to Li Xinyan with the power of urging everything.

"If you are willing to put out the fire, why stop it?" Li Xinyan galloped forward in a cold voice. Strog was just wondering why he said that, but he saw Li Xinyan suddenly stop, and the zhenguangjian slowly lifted up. Instead of dodging, he slowly raised it to meet the head of the temple warrior regiment. It's strange that it seems very difficult for him to lift the sword. It seems that too much weight has accumulated in the upper area, and it takes a lot of effort to move every inch.

Strog couldn't help exclaiming, "get out of the way! It's a full blow. You can't stop it

But Li Xinyan didn't care about his words at all, his eyes only focused on the fire current coming from the head of the temple warrior regiment.

"Your Highness! I can't make it! If you run into each other like this, you will lose both sides! " Strog exclaimed, almost in his consciousness. Li Xinyan seems to have a hard time using his consciousness. He just squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "do you... Forget... The name of this... Sword?"

Stroge was stunned. This sword is called zhenguangjian, but what does it have to do with the current fighting?

Zhenguang, is it

Stroge and Li Xinyan communicate in the same body. It doesn't take time. But before stroge comes to a conclusion, the head of the Templar order's fire light and current will arrive in front of Li Xinyan. Although the head of the temple warrior regiment was very fast, Li Xinyan's lightsaber just finished the action at this time and stood upright in front of him. In a moment, a very dazzling light spot lit up in front of Li Xinyan. The head of the temple warrior regiment, with his long sword, seemed to hit an invisible wall and burst into a very dazzling light spot at high speed The energy impact is bounded by the invisible wall, and slowly fluctuates around. At that moment, almost half of the star river was shocked. Everywhere the shock wave went, everything turned into powder, including those Temple warriors who originally surrounded them. Some of them didn't have time to escape, and they also turned into energy turbulence in the violent explosion. The temple warriors who escaped also basically flew like headless flies.

On Li Xinyan's side, two breezes failed to blow.

A fierce battle ended in an explosion. And all of this, the time is just a moment.

"Zhenguang, when I got this body, I found such an explanation under the explanation of Zhenguang sword:" the higher the speed, the stronger the current energy, the stronger the control. " Li Xinyan stood up straight, spread out his wings and began to slide towards the middle of the galaxy, and said to stroge in his consciousness. Strog, however, was not amused. He did not pay attention to the instructions for the use of the body. Although someone cracked the procedures of the body long ago and explained some of the key points, and the use of weapons was naturally one of them, he did not pay attention to even a word of those things.

"Here you are at last?" A soft, silky voice sounded in the void, but it seemed to ring in Li Xinyan's and strog's ears, but it was really heard. Li Xinyan could not help but stop and asked, "who are you? Why do you know we're coming? "

The woman's soft voice seemed to be puzzled by Li Xinyan's question. She said with a smile, "they all killed the leader of my temple warrior regiment and hit my temple. Don't you know who I am?"

Then the void flickered and disappeared. There were a hundred and ten huge stone pillars around. The white stone pillars and the white ground made everything dazzling. There are hundreds of millions of stars overhead. This is the destination of strog and Li Xinyan's trip - the temple of atriana.

There was a stone table at the end of the temple. Behind the stone table sat a woman. Without raising her head, she drew something with her fingers on a piece of paper, and continued to say softly, "strog, I didn't expect that I haven't seen her for so many years. How long has she become?"

Before Li Xinyan answered, stroge said, "the fairy is flattering me. I'm not in a hurry. I'm in a hurry. Naturally, I'm in a bit of a hurry. I accidentally killed your Highness's temple warrior group. I hope your highness can forgive me!"

At this moment, another voice, with fatigue and pain, said, "strog, you have no conscience. What do you give me? Since it's not a good thing, is there a face to come to your Highness's temple? A cheekster with no face, no skin, no shame, no shame, don't you get out of here! " Li Xinyan followed his reputation. In the corner of the main hall, between two towering crystal stones, there was a graceful figure that seemed to have exhausted his breath. His arms had been integrated with the two crystal stones, and he could not tell the boundary. The graceful figure was hanging like this for a long time.

Strog did not speak, turned his head to look at the card, but Li Xinyan feel that the hands of the body has become a fist.

"Why, your highness? His Highness has always been the most benevolent of the Twelve Gods. Why can't he get along with this common node that can't be any more ordinary? " Originally, strog had some improper words, but in this situation, he could not say them again.

She put down her pen and looked up at strog“ Huh? This body is quite suitable for you, handsome and tough. Why? There seems to be something wrong with your health She said softly. Her voice was very strange. Although it was not big, it was very clear. There was no change just now in Xinghe and now in the temple. It was still like talking in Li Xinyan's and strog's ears. It was so soft that people couldn't bear to refuse.

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