The first question must be adjusted, and then the next thing is basically decided. Looking at all the people who are rubbing their hands, Wu Kun knows that what is waiting for Li Xinyan will be a test of variety.

The second question is one that has not been solved for a long time: will the new action team 12 learn from the predecessors of the previous action team 12 and complete the reconstruction of action team 12, or create its own style to form a new action team 12? This is a complex issue. The 12th operation team has been established for more than half a year. After numerous arguments and debates, there is still no final conclusion.

From the history of the existence of the action team, after the establishment of each action team, in fact, whether willing or not, it will form a specific style of doing things. Style is not only a habit, but also a tacit understanding of the team. It is not only a visible discipline, but also a power source with faith. It makes a team produce cohesive force, and at the same time, it makes the action team show a different way of doing things.

For example, in the third action group, they are known for their cunning. Their actions are always around the corner. Frontal conflicts are basically avoided. Opponents usually find that when they are lifting the front, the people behind them are constantly disappearing. The plan of the third action group is always divided into positive and negative aspects. Even in action, it will be divided into two groups, which often makes the opponent defenseless.

Action Group 8 is as shrewd as a businessman in action, calculating the cost to a fraction every step, so they can't detect anything at first. When they realize that the change of power seems inevitable, they often have no way to escape. It's a team of calculating savvy.

The ninth action group is more different. They are a down-to-earth group, one step at a time. Let them destroy the contact base station of the mechanical city. Like a tank, they crush three times as many mechanical beasts as themselves, and crush the contact base station into a pile of scrap iron; Let them cover the communication department to repair the damaged communication network. They went directly to the mechanical animal patrol station and blocked more than 300 mechanical patrol soldiers in the station for three days. The engineers of the communication department successfully completed the maintenance task without worry.

However, bravery comes from bravery, and the cost is also high. Among several action teams, the death rate of the members of the ninth action team is the highest, which is also the point that other action teams most despise the ninth action team. It's just an action team. Is it necessary to make it the same as a regular army? If everything is like this, it's better to turn the operation team into an army. But it's strange that with such a high death rate, the number of personnel of the ninth operation team has only increased from generation to generation, which is 10 times larger than that of other operation teams, with more than 100 people!

The 11th action team is a technical team. All of them are knowledgeable doctors. Even most of the special weapons of the 11th action team are written by them. They have really helped us a lot in the operation. Such a team carries out its own tasks, and its success rate is high. Therefore, this team is the team with the highest praise rate in all action groups.

At the beginning of such a critical meeting, this issue has been rediscovered and become the focus of a debate. The focus is, where is the positioning of action group 12? What kind of team should he be? What's your specialty? How to release the power? What are the principles?

The debate is generally divided into conservative and radical groups. The Conservatives headed by Yang Botao advocate learning from the previous generation of the 12th action group, developing in an all-round way, enhancing their own strength, conscientiously completing every task, and forming the comprehensive combat power of the last wave of personnel. For example, this perfect rescue of Li Xinyan is a good example.

The radicals headed by Wu Kun have another idea. They think that the last wave of action teams based on their own comprehensive combat power still have many defects, such as lethality, in the face of such electronic weapons as mechanical animals, no matter how powerful they are. Therefore, they advocate that more advanced equipment should be introduced into weapons, and the development should be machine to machine rather than man to machine, so as to form a strong electronic combat power and remain invincible.

The two propositions seem to be very reasonable, but after all, the funding of the action team is limited. It's a question of where to find the cost when the radical's propositions are realized. For the Conservatives, the road of all-round development is long. If they choose this road, this style will not be much different from other action teams, which seems not to be what the team members expect. How to choose is a deadlock again.

For those who don't have any ideas, this is a good opportunity to move their necks. It's like watching a tiger fight on a mountain.

"Otherwise, there are 12 of us, five conservatives and five radicals. Xiaogang and I are two people, both even numbers. Why don't we wait for the next person to join in and see his opinions, and then we can debate again?" Guo Tianming proposed.

"Good!" Wu Kun drank and said.

This "next" naturally refers to Li Xinyan.

When the crowd dispersed, Wu Kun sat in the conference room for a long time. A question lingered in his mind. If Li Xinyan knew in the future that his brothers had completed the transformation of his brain from biological state to mechanical state, of course, it could not be said that all the work was done by the action team, but the most important step, That is to say, the action team completes the step of extracting organization information. What is his attitude?

Is he going to kill them all? This is a problem.

After all, no human wants to be transformed into a mechanical life.

What's more, there is another knot that can't be solved. Lin Zicong's original intention is to find something from Li Xinyan's consciousness, which is the secret of the mechanical city.

To sum up, the whole story is: in order to get some secrets about the mechanical city from Li Xinyan's brain, Lin Zicong killed Li Xinyan, explored his consciousness, and made some changes to his memory, and even used the action team to monitor Li Xinyan for follow-up observation or more content, Even to "join the action team with honor" to cover up his dark purpose!

It's all a conspiracy!

What will Li Xinyan do?

Wu Kun couldn't help feeling the coolness on his back.

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