Originally thought that this sleep, like before, will be in a semi confused state, again see those floating in the air of the light ball, and then follow the light ball into those memories of the picture. Never want to close his eyes, Li Xinyan found himself standing in front of a person.

This man is not strog, but a middle-aged man. In front is an endless corridor. The light is warm and calm, shining on the closed room doors.

The middle-aged man seemed to feel something. He turned around, gave Li Xinyan a soft look and said gently, "are you here?"

Li Xinyan nodded suspiciously and asked, "here... Where is it? Am I in strog's memory? Ah, it seems wrong. When I was in their memory, it seemed that no one could talk to me. "

So where is this? Is it in the red light?

Instead of answering Li Xinyan's question, the man said with a smile, "well, are you here together? Well, not bad. "

Li Xinyan turned his head and looked back. There was no one behind him, only the endless void. Who is the man's "you"?

The man said with a smile: "you two are in a fit state now. You can't see him. But you should be able to feel him, right? "

Li Xinyan suddenly understood what the man said and immediately searched in his consciousness. Stroge's consciousness was obviously in his body. It's just that in the past, he was in stroge, and there was always a virtual image of stroge in front of him. At this time, stroge was in his body, and he couldn't see that virtual image. Despite being divorced from the real world, strog still looks very weak.

The man was slightly surprised, and said, "well, there seems to be some problems. Let me have a look.". Li Xinyan didn't feel much, so he was separated from the virtual shadow of a wolf head mechanical warrior. There's strog's consciousness. Strog looked listless. He didn't slow down at the moment, but he was pulled out. He was no longer silent. He knelt down on one knee and said, "Your Highness!"

Huh? Who is this man? Strog called him "His Highness"?

The man looked at strog and said with a smile, "well, free and loose people also have this kind of expression? Are you... Hurt? It's not the injury outside... Is it the injury here? " The man pointed at his left chest. Strog bowed to confirm.

The man nodded, then sighed and said with a smile: "it's inevitable to be sad, but it will always pass. Even God has the moment of death, let alone a living body? Put it down. She must be happy when she leaves you. It's always better for her to stay in the place where she can never see the end. "

Strog didn't seem to agree with this view. He looked up and said in surprise, "you... Have never seen her. How can you know that she is not happy there?"

The man said with a smile, "if she is happy, how can you be alone?"

Strog, silent, lowered his head.

Indeed, if she was happy, strog was with her or disappeared, how could strog be alone?

As a man said, strog did not reply, but continued: "since you are alive, do not want to die. You are her wish to live. No matter how she does it, if you do not cherish the chance she gives you to live, her death will become worthless and you will feel guilty forever." Looking at strog, the man looked back at the endless corridor and continued: "life is a gift from nature, but it is also a gift from those who love you. If you look down on yourself, it is also a gift from those who give you life. For them, it is betrayal."

Strog didn't speak for a long time. After a long time, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes full of hope and asked, "Your Highness, aren't you the God of creation, can you revive her?"

The man sighed and said: "every consciousness is independent. Even if you copy her forcibly, you can only get her shell. The soul will not be the original one. Will you copy this kind of copy?"

Strog was still reluctant to give up and argued, "Your Highness! You know as like as two peas in this space, you are also a residual consciousness, not the body of the temaris, but you are not safe and sound, and you are exactly the same as the original one!

Tiratimus turned his head again and said with a smile, "Oh? Do you think so? " Strog suddenly realized a problem and bowed his head. "I know it's offensive to compare you, but that's what I think."

Tirathamis's consciousness residue does not care about strog's offense, but gently shakes his head and says: "I and the noumenon, our common memory exist, but once separated, everything we experience is different, so in consciousness, I and the noumenon, even if they are one, will eventually become two people. When people look at us, they think we are the same. That's because you don't understand why we let you see the same fundamental. The essence is that we have independent creativity between ourselves and noumenon, which is the meaning of our existence. What he thinks is what I do, and what I do is his purpose. Only when the meaning of existence is the same can you feel that we are one person. Apart from that, we have nothing else, even some of the most basic... Feelings, which are exactly the same. "

"If you don't say this, you may not understand this. For your request, I am just an existence in this space. Compared with the root body, I can accomplish much less, and my energy is about to run out. The battle with atrana has consumed almost all my strength. Therefore, as you can see, my space is collapsing, and it won't take long, It's going to disappear completely. In this case, I don't have much power to copy your one

Strog lowered his head. What tirathamis had said was very clear, and he had no way to satisfy strog's request.

Seeing that strog stopped talking, tiratimus turned his head and said to Li Xinyan, "Your Highness! sorry to keep you waiting. I know that you have a lot of problems in your heart, but I can't answer them, because I didn't create you. Besides, the great being who created you doesn't want anyone to reveal her plans or past events. As a subordinate of the great being, I can't go against her will. Therefore, I have no right to give you an answer to your question just like strog and others. Moreover, all the descriptions will have our bias, and can not completely repeat what you have experienced, so we have no way to answer your questions directly, and can only wait for you to find out. "

"Although we can't answer it, we can record it and let you check it by yourself when the opportunity is right, so that you won't violate the will of the great being and express our attitude towards this matter. And that's why this memory space exists. " Tiratimus opened his hands and pointed around.

"Is this a memory space?" Li Xinyan didn't know, so he asked. Before I saw Wu Kun's memory, it was just fragments. This memory space seems to be much more advanced. How can we seal the memory fragments in independent spaces? Moreover, if these are all his memories of Li Xinyan, is it a little too much in terms of quantity?

Tiratimus paced slowly two steps forward and said, "yes. In fact, your original body, I mean the body before it was transformed by human beings, is a human body reconstructed in the holy city. After the reconstruction, the existence decided not to keep your original memory. She was a little excited at that time. Of course, this is my opinion. I think she was a little excited, so I did something about it, There are several handles buried in your body. When the situation is right, these handles will be triggered by themselves to complete their functions. This red light ball is the handle of the memory space called "past."

"The past doesn't store your memories in this place from the beginning, but will look for opportunities to go to the holy city and find the memories I have hidden from her. In order to ensure safety, I have created a reduced copy of my consciousness, which exists in this space to help you find them and ensure safety here. But what I didn't expect was that she would find this thing and attack it. So in the past, when extracting data, she encountered some troubles, so that the data processing was a bit disordered, and some data had been lost. To be specific, in this corridor, some doors can never be opened. "

"Now that the energy of the past is insufficient, it is about to disappear. You should seize the time to look at your memory. If they disappear, some of your questions will probably never be answered."

Li Xinyan listened quietly and didn't interrupt until tiratimus talked about the problem of time and then asked, "so... How much time do I have?"

"According to your real world time, there's an hour left."

Li Xinyan nodded, walked to the corridor, and said: "probably enough."

Tirathamis heard this sentence, some unexpected, but thought about it, did not ask anything.

When Li Xinyan walked out for a long time, strog slowly got up from the ground and asked with a worried face: "Your Highness, what if the future knows that we have violated her will and let her son know the past?" Tiratimus raised his mouth and said, "that's your business. By that time, I will no longer exist. What are you afraid of? This is not a problem for me. "

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