Under the heavy night, the silence was broken, and the vanguard troops joined up with the mechanical beast troops pouring out of the valley.

The barrage immediately covered the slightly narrow valley mouth, and the mechanical animals sprang out of the valley with teeth and claws, while some rushed down the gentle slopes on both sides and rushed down to the front of the reorganized army.

Different from the previous desperate resistance, the front hexagon array didn't retreat as it did when fighting in the hills. This time, the front array was almost finished. That is to say, the mechanical beast was close to 15 meters. When it was close to the soldiers of the small array, it would quickly retreat from the gap between the three small arrays behind while covering, At the same time of retreating, the soldiers quickly changed into soldiers, and then, depending on their physical condition, they regrouped into small formations in the following ranks.

The small hexagon formation behind did not rush forward, covering the retreating comrades in arms while resisting the approaching mechanical beasts. Close to a safe distance of 15 meters, they will also be like the small formation in front of them, resolutely disperse and retreat, and do not give the mechanical beast the chance to get close.

From a high point of view, the black mechanical herd is like a turbid wave, rushing towards a bright swimming dragon. However, the headless swimming dragon, without fear, wedges into the turbid current, but is not submerged by the turbid current. Instead, it avoids the wave, but firmly refuses to retreat.

More than ten minutes later, although it seemed that it was farther and farther away from wolf Valley, no one died in the human army, but the mechanical beast army was slowly pulled out of wolf Valley, and hundreds of mechanical beasts were killed by too many bullets along the way.

Gradually, the number of mechanical animals following is greatly reduced. Obviously, it's not cost-effective to fight against humanity.

However, there is no way to retreat in the battlefield. The mechanical herd has the tendency to retreat, but the reorganized army has a goal. The other retreats, the other retreats, and the Dragon bites the tail of the mechanical herd retreats, and once again marches toward wolf valley.

Unwilling, the mechanical herd began to fight back outside the valley. The reorganized army retreated again, and the two sides began a tug of war.

Many people in the reorganized army have gone to military academies. I understand that the two sides have entered the stage of strategic stalemate. No matter what causes the two sides to enter the stage of strategic stalemate, this is good news. At present, some people are forming teams, eating to replenish their physical strength, dressing their wounds, and happily saying hello to their teammates. It's been a long time since we had such a situation. If we can resist the mechanical army, we can have a casualty rate close to 0. It's like giving all the soldiers a shot of stimulant. The battle has been going on for an hour, but we don't see any morale drop. On the contrary, the morale of the reorganized army is still rising!

Finally, the mechanical animal troops collapsed and completely retreated to the valley. At the mouth of the valley, a layer of mechanical animal bodies several meters high were piled up. For the first time, there are no human bodies in the wreckage!

You long didn't pursue, but stayed where he was.

At the moment when the last mechanical animal limped back into the valley, the adapted army burst into a startling cheer.

"Proceed to the second command!" Wu Niu's face was expressionless and said.

And then there was the turnover. Less than 10 people died, and most of them were killed by stray bullets. The seriously injured soldiers lost their fighting ability, so they naturally need to retreat to the rear for treatment and return to the base when they are withdrawn. However, such a fight was too enjoyable. Many seriously injured soldiers even begged the commanders of the small formations with all their lives, saying that they still had fighting capacity and were unwilling to quit the fight. As a result, the temporary rest time was extended by more than ten minutes.

Bypassing the remains of mechanical animals piled up at the mouth of the valley, the adapted troops entered the valley.

After entering the valley, there was no one but took a breath.

Here, it's already hell. Whether the hillsides on both sides of the valley or the flat ground in the middle, which has been pushed by several explosions, are burning piles of flames. The fuel of the flames is a small part of trees and more of human body debris. The flames spread all over the valley. Some of them have burned out, leaving only a pile of smoke and sparks. Some of them are still burning. It's the sound of the oil and water in the human body being burned out and ignited again. There is little space between the firework stacks, which are connected in pieces, enveloping the whole valley in a sea of fire.

"Along the way of the robot beast, change the formation!" Wu Niu gave the order.

The third man frowned and said, "but... There are flames everywhere. How can the new formation unfold?"

The new formation is a cauliflower like arrangement, which means that a small formation of 36 people is a cauliflower like arrangement, but the small formation of the entire reorganized army is a cauliflower like arrangement. On the whole, the troops entering the valley behind kept a small hexagonal array, just like the largest flower pole of cauliflower, while the six or seven small arrays were transformed into the shape of 888822. The four sides with the largest number of people were facing the hillsides on both sides of the valley and gathered together, just like the six or seven small flowers on a large flower cluster of cauliflower.

This formation is designed to resist the impact of the hillsides on both sides. But now there is a sea of fire in the valley. How can this formation be developed?

"Under the burning flame, there are heroes who died here. As follow-up troops, we have the obligation to bury their bodies! In addition, the fire, the fire all over the sky at this time, is the best shelter for us. We don't hurry to arrange the array at this time. When the fire is burnt out, it's too late! "

The third patted his head: "yes! Why didn't I think of it? The mechanical animals are all infrared eyes. They can't see our people clearly with the flames all over the valley! "

The commanders of each regiment ordered the troops to be reorganized. On the one hand, they used local materials to bury the bodies of their dead comrades in the sand and soil, and on the other hand, they began to change their formation in the valley. In fact, there is no way for the mechanical beast to move forward in the valley. After thinking about it, the mechanical beast did not enter the fire at all, but chose the road to the top of the hillside to go up the mountain. The wind on the hillside is strong, and the fire is slightly larger than that in the valley. At a distance of several hundred meters, the soldiers can see the mechanical beast wandering anxiously behind the rocks while fighting the fire. However, the mechanical beast is full of light, so it can't go down the hillside, and it can't enter the valley to attack, so it is trapped on the mountain.

This made the soldiers feel very happy. Happy mood, some people are laughing, some people are throwing stones at the mechanical animals, some people even shout songs at the mechanical animals on the hillside, the way to express happy mood is different.

Happy short-term, but long suppressed release, sometimes people are willing to die for it!

When the flame goes out, it's time for the war to break out again.

In the smoke on both sides of the valley, countless mechanical beasts flew down, and sent out the first round of impact after the battle outside the valley to the reorganized army that had completed the array in the valley. The firelight reflected on the body of the mechanical beast, packaged these things into monsters that seemed to be rushing about in hell, and their teeth were the sharp blades that tore everything in hell. At a certain point, the adapted army began to shoot. From the air, the whole adapted army was like a solidified cartoon explosion cloud, and began to spit out bullets, flesh and blood and countless metal fragments.

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