Because I haven't been a thief for many years, the members of the action team are surprisingly excited. Looking at the energy batteries, we all know that they are much more valuable than gold bars. If we take these things back to the underground base, it will be a big fortune! The energy battery is not heavy, and the team members of the action team are also very skilled in moving bricks. One by one, they are divided into three groups, one to pick up, one to run back and forth in the middle, and the other to stack in the warehouse beside fryer. They work very hard and are more thieves than thieves.

After about ten minutes, fryer slowly woke up with a snort. Strog had already got out of fryer's body, stood in the nose position, leaned against the steel protective net, watched the action team gradually fill the cabin, saw fryer wake up, some proud to snap his fingers, lit a small plasma ball at the fingertip, and said: "how do you feel? I won't kill you... I mean no harm. "

This posture, to say whether it is malicious or not, is to say lies with open eyes, but it is from strog's mouth. Looking at the blue light from the plasma ball in his hand, fryer didn't hesitate. He opened the words and yelled, "help.

Strog thought it was very interesting. As soon as the wolf turned his mouth, he slapped his head and said, "go ahead, even if you break your throat, no one will pay attention to you."

Fryer called a few times, but did not see anything, so he stopped and refocused his eyes on strog“ You... Took off my wireless communication module! "

Strog nodded. "Feel it?"

Fryer was stupefied, and seemed to have some anger, which ignited courage and dispelled the panic. With a flash of his eyes, he asked strog, "Lord flo! You are a member of the angel group. How can you damage a logistics mechanical soldier who has no fighting ability at will, and you are also a first-class transport soldier in logistics!? I'm afraid your great highness vasetti knows about it. Even if you have a thousand reasons, you can't explain it to him! In addition, the energy batteries here are placed here under the order of the great lord Chris. You have abandoned his transporter who transports the batteries, and also... You have taken away his energy batteries. You have to think about this responsibility, otherwise you will not be able to explain it to him when your highness asks in the future! "

Strog did not expect that this guy had a little heart, slightly surprised, said: "hmm? Your highness? You mean you're going to report it to him? "

"As long as I can't die, that's for sure!"

Strog laughed and said: "it seems that you are still very loyal..."

Before strauge had finished speaking, suddenly something happened in the corner of his eyes. As soon as the entrance of the warehouse was in the distance, he entered the warehouse. The action group also heard the movement and looked at the door of the warehouse. There is a mechanical tiger chasing the small robots who were driven out of the warehouse by strog. I don't know how these small robots offended the mechanical tiger. The mechanical tiger is catching this mouse like thing one by one. Strog drove these robots out, but he didn't expect that these little things came out of the warehouse and ran around in the base, leading the mechanical tiger over.

Strog called out, "bad!"

In the distance, the mechanical tiger suddenly raised its head and found the group of people on the apron at the end of the warehouse who were not at ease at night and sneaked into the base.

"Help It was as if fryer had caught hold of the straw and yelled at the mechanical tiger. Strog hit fryer on the head with a punch, forcing him back.

And the mechanical tiger Lengleng looked here for two seconds, squatted down in place, without any action on his mouth, but the wireless channel was ringing a series of clucking audio signals. Li Xinyan didn't recognize what it was, but strog could recognize that it was an analog signal of danger alarm and a secret string of reports from mechanical soldiers!

"Get on the ship!" Strog yelled at the team. Li Xinyan and his team-mates were right by the door. They all turned over and got into the cabin. Stroge grabbed the top of fryer's nose with one hand and the top of the cabin door with the other hand, and forced himself to half go in. Then he ordered to fryer: "take off!"

In an instant, the alarm signal spread all over the mechanical base. In the base, the ground began to vibrate faintly. It was the ground vibration caused by all the mechanical animals running fast here. Although most of the mechanical animals in the base were injured, even if the number of piles could kill strog and the team members!

Strog looked a little worried and cried to fryer, "we are in your body. If you don't want to die, take off! Otherwise, all they have to do is break you up! "

Fryer was startled, but he didn't want to listen. He said bitterly, "I'm dead, and you can't live!"

Strog is a little angry and funny. This guy was so afraid of death just now. How could he have a temper again? After thinking about it, he said, "actually, I'm not flo. I'm strog

"What?" As soon as fryer was excited, his eyes lost focus again and began to turn around.

"You think I'm lying to you?" Strog asked. At the door of the warehouse, there are some mechanical animals. The first ones are the mechanical tigers lying in the dormitory of senior mechanical soldiers. These monsters are more than three meters long, and every time they dive in, they will cross a distance of five or six meters.

"As you know, I am a traitor. What are the characteristics of traitors? It's cooperation with human beings! As you can see, these nine around me are real human beings! Do you still hesitate? "

It seemed that fryer was still reacting. His eyes finally stopped the tendency of dribbling around, but asked: "are you really his highness strog?"

Strog was a little helpless. It seems that it's easy to pretend to be one, but it's not so easy to restore one's original identity. He said: "if you don't take off, I'm afraid we'll all be buried here today!" On one side, he grabbed an energy battery, pinched it at the battery interface, changed the shape of the battery interface, and then threw it towards the mechanical herd that was about to rush in front of him.

The energy battery fell to the ground over a distance of about 40 meters, with a loud explosion and a blue flame. With the flame, there are countless blue electric snakes. Some of the snakes climbed directly into the body of the mechanical animal, while others crossed tens of meters and extended to the side of the apron. Small mechanical soldiers, such as mechanical wolves, who were crawled by electric snakes, immediately fell to the ground and couldn't get up, while the large mechanical tiger just rolled on the ground with a shiver, and a jerk got up again and continued to rush towards the apron.

"If you think I'm doing the right thing, take off!" Strog was really in a hurry. He grabbed fryer's eyebrows, pulled them hard, and yelled: "think about it, I've offended my two Highnesses in the sky. They hate me to death. They don't allow me to live any more. If you don't take off quickly, they won't mind a small transport plane to be buried with you!"

It happened that an electric awn hit the tarmac at this time and bit fryer's leg severely.

With a whoosh, fryer staggered off the ground, not knowing whether he was scared or burned by the electric spark.

"Be careful!" Li Xinyan suddenly yelled. When the first mechanical tiger has rushed to less than 20 meters, strog is holding on to fryer and talking. Li Xinyan does the same and throws an energy battery into the air. The energy battery collided with the mechanical tiger in the air and burst out a dazzling blue flame. Because in the air, the expansion speed and range of the electric arc are far less powerful than those on the ground, but because the expansion range of the energy is narrowed, the power suddenly increases. The mechanical tiger bears all the explosion energy and is directly wrapped with jumping electric snakes in the air, It's like a monster out of a different space.

The power of appearance does not mean the inner strength. The electric spark broke through its body and directly ignited its own energy battery. In a deafening explosion, the mechanical tiger was blown in two.

Everyone's ears lose their sense of sound in an instant.

It's the same with strog.

At last, fryer was scared by the explosion and began to climb desperately.

Seeing that he was about to jump into the air of two meters, he began to lift off completely. Suddenly, a mechanical arm firmly grasped one of fryer's legs.

Freire's legs don't have wheels. It's just designed to land on the ground without touching the ground. With a mechanical arm on its back, Freire immediately stops rising and hangs in the air.

That's Moko!

What about this?

Because Wu Kun is the team leader, sitting on the outside, without thinking about it, he swung the metal hammer in his hand and hit him on the head.

In one hand, Muko grabs fryer's leg. In the other hand, Muko holds his wrench like tool. He uses it gently“ Wu Kun almost got rid of his metal hammer with a "Ding" sound, while Mu Ke's hand, which grasped fryer's leg, was not loose at all.

Wu Kun's anxious eyes are about to crack. More than ten meters away from the apron, there is a tide of mechanical herds. If fryer is so caught by muco, as long as the mechanical herds are close, none of the people in this cabin can survive today!

At the same time, Li Xinyan roared and pinched an energy battery and threw it to the ground more than ten meters away“ I'll send you scum to the West! " Li Xinyan roared. Fryer's cabin door is not wide. With Li Xinyan's action, other people can't attack the mechanical herd with the same energy battery as him. They have to worry in the cabin.

The energy battery exploded and blew up the speeding mechanical herd, but Muko was only shaken by the explosion. He didn't mean to let go of fryer's legs at all! Even the electric snake on the ground didn't dodge on his body! Mechanical soldiers of the same level as strog have much higher tolerance to electric energy than ordinary mechanical soldiers, otherwise strog would not be able to attack mechanical deer so easily in the valley before.

Wu Kun's eyes had turned red. He yelled, "you go!" He jumped off the edge of the cabin.

Standing on the ground, people will have a fulcrum, with a fulcrum, they can use their strength, Wu Kun did not hesitate time, make the whole body strength, toward Muke a sweep, height slightly higher, metal hammer meteor a sample volume in the past. There was another "Ding" sound. Muke used the wrench like tool in his hand to block Wu Kun's metal hammer. To his surprise, this time, the metal hammer missed the wrench like tool blocked by muco, but the running track did not deviate. The pituitary gland was hitting on muco's arm holding fryer's leg, and the instant force even caused sparks generated by friction between his arm and the metal hammer!

The next moment, Muko turned his head in surprise and watched his upper arm and forearm break in two from his elbow. The incision is smooth, which is the fracture cut by the rapid impact force.

At the next moment, fryer, who lost the drag, rose two meters in a vengeful instant and jumped to an altitude of more than four meters.

"Captain!" The members of the action team poked their heads out of the cabin door and yelled down with red eyes. At this moment, time seemed to slow down. The explosion in the distance ignited the surrounding rubber and material warehouses and rolled up flames everywhere. In the flames, Wu Kun looked up at the faces and cried: "Li Xinyan! The players are yours! "

Behind him is a group of mechanical beasts that can't be seen. They go through the fire like hungry beasts in hell and rush towards Wu Kun, who is proud and isolated in the middle of the apron.

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