"To get to the point, we all got the news. Last night, there was a big explosion in a certain place. The explosion was very unique. It had strong electromagnetic characteristics and a large scale. Many of our electronic equipment were damaged in the explosion. Let's talk about the specific losses first. " Sun Yue finished, and lit a cigarette, elbows on the table, waiting to listen to everyone's report.

As we all know, most of the written reports are sorted out by the staff at the bottom, which can explain certain problems in quantity. However, in terms of "quality", there is often a lack of summative judgment, so that people can see something after they have read pages of information. What's more, these reports are basically useless in the correlation of the actual situation, because in fact, only the leaders who are familiar with the overall situation can explain the extension of the event in the business, and only they can explain the cause and effect of the problem more completely. In this regard, the report is basically unable to give valuable analysis.

To sum up, sometimes the report is one-sided. We need to look at things from multiple perspectives to see things more clearly. This is the essence of the meeting. We need the meeting to explain it completely, so that the event can be fully and concretely displayed in front of us.

"Minister Sun! I'll start with that Shu Zhengyi, director of the Telecommunications Bureau, made a speech first. This is also normal. If an outsider sneezes, the telecom department will catch a cold. With such a big electromagnetic explosion, I don't know how many businesses in the telecom department have been paralyzed. He is the first to talk about the problem, which is the most authoritative and valuable. He can let those who speak later judge the loss of his field better.

"In this electromagnetic storm, 70% of the business of the telecommunication system has been paralyzed, and you may not be able to make a phone call in the morning. I don't want to say that. You already know that. What I want to say here is our database!"

"What? Is there any damage to the database in this electromagnetic storm? " Li Xiuxian's face changed and asked. Not only him, but also Lin Zicong and Sun Yue didn't look very good“ However, the database is located at the bottom of the base, surrounded by metal barriers and external optical cables. Does this not block the power of electromagnetic storms? "

Compared with other departments, information may not be so important, but for the Ministry of law, this is a serious problem. The data generated by the Ministry of law every day are tens of thousands of pages. If the database is damaged, it will be a disaster! Although the underground city is a military organization, the information is an indispensable part. At the same time, the president of the Institute of science and technology, Tsinghua University. Obviously, it's a disaster for them, too.

Shu Zhengyi said in a heavy voice: "40% of the servers in the database are burned down and the data is lost. Now that Minister Li has asked, I have directly answered here that our database has a metal barrier, but later we found that the metal plates of the database are embedded in the walls around the database. After years of groundwater corrosion and disrepair, those walls have already been oxidized, so the electromagnetic storm hit, The defense function of the metal wall has long disappeared. Therefore, the electromagnetic storm directly attacked our server, and 40% of the hardware was either directly burned down or the data was disordered. It has no use value. "

On the conference table, everyone frowned. I'm afraid that the 40% information is not only from the Ministry of law and the Research Institute, but also from other departments. Now the line is paralyzed, and no one knows how much the loss is within his responsibility. Li Xiuxian's face is very blue. If the information of the law department is damaged, how can he explain to you?

However, the bad news is not over yet. Shu Zhengyi continues: "from today on, our electricity has to be supplied by stages and regions. Nearly half of our transmission lines have been scrapped and need urgent repair..."

The meeting place fell into silence.

After a while, Sun Yue's voice was a little hoarse and said, "OK, the Telecommunications Bureau will give us the details of the loss as soon as possible. I will give my full support and report the loss to Yingshuai as soon as possible, and provide strong support. I will buy the corresponding hardware and repair it as soon as possible. After all, it is a state of war, and the loss of the telecommunications sector will directly affect our combat capability. As for these materials... "

Sun Yue stopped. For a while, he couldn't find a good way to deal with it. It's not a problem to pay for logistics. At least a lot of military salaries can be embezzled. But even if there is money, whether materials can be bought is a problem.

"For this loss..." Leng Ling's soft and cool voice suddenly came in. "The mercenary Corps can provide the necessary materials. Director Sun doesn't have to worry too much."

This words a, all eyes involuntarily toward Leng Ling to see.

It's not because he's group stands behind the mercenary Corps. The relationship between he's group and lengling is an open secret. There's nothing to be surprised about. Everyone's surprise is that he's group has such great ability to support the telecom bureau's loss?

Even Lin Zicong was a little surprised. He suddenly felt a stabbing pain on his finger. The cigarette had burned out. He quickly threw the cigarette end into the ashtray and rubbed the burned finger as if nothing had happened.

Has his financial resources been accumulated to the point of being as rich as his country? Lin Zicong felt that his palms were slightly sweating.

Sun Yue was not willing to believe it. He said slowly: "leader Leng, a gentleman's mouth is full of words! The highest price the logistics department gives you is only the price of similar products in the market! If the logistics department purchases from you, you will have no higher profit than the market! " In his tone, he slightly accentuated the word "profit".

"Of course I know that." Leng Ling said, looking as if.

"All along, people have been saying that my mercenary regiment started by making money from war. They all think that our mercenary regiment is just leeches on decaying corpses and flies on garbage. They are afraid to avoid it. But who has ever noticed the blood and broken head of our mercenary regiment for the dungeon? Hum! No, All of us only see what we are willing to see and listen to what we are willing to listen to, but ignore the efforts of the whole mercenary regiment. It's not fair! Our mercenary regiment is only half of the regular army, but our combat capacity is higher than that of the regular army! Why? We are taking our own life, our own body, and fighting with the mechanical Legion! In exchange for even a little hope of victory on the battlefield with one's own flesh and blood

"But in the end, we became monsters in everyone's eyes. It's not fair!"

Leng Ling came slowly, words with blood, two of which were "unfair", with a struggle in the soft, piercing heart.

He slowly scanned his two-way eyes and continued: "seeing your eyes, I know that you are very surprised at why I said this, because it is a promise that needs amazing wealth to make! But since we mercenary Corps dare to throw our heads and blood for the sake of human beings, and sponsor the accumulated wealth at the time when the base needs it most, why not? Life can be lost, gold and silver treasure these things, what can be hesitant? Therefore, as the head of the mercenary regiment, I hereby promise that all the materials needed for the repair of the Telecommunications Bureau will be provided by the mercenary regiment! In this way, I don't know who else can say that our mercenary regiment is evil and merciless! "

Lengling's eyes look closely, if the water is gentle, it seems that there is no wave. Now, with the words like blood, it seems noble and difficult to describe.

Even Lin Zicong could not help sighing and clapping his hands.

Applause, like waves, immediately reverberated in the conference room.

In this game, Leng Ling won.

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