"Bullshit Herman's pretty face was scarlet, even his ears were red, as if the blood vessels would burst at the next moment.

"What unit is the group army? That's the regular army! How can the regular army accept the command of others? Officers of the group army are authorized by the military headquarters. How can your little agent have such great ability to command the soldiers of the group army? Regular army soldiers, how can you casually follow the command of your team members? They are not a system! So, there is a conspiracy, there must be a conspiracy! "

"Why not? It's not impossible for the group army to temporarily change its tactics in order to survive because of its low record! What's more, the military newspaper also said that there were only a few commanders left on the scene, and there were no leaders. If we go on like this, we can only fall into chaos! It's better to have someone to command than to have someone to command! "

Herman argued, "does it take their commander to die? The war report doesn't say that their commander is dead, and your team members can take over the command of tens of thousands of people? That's too much, isn't it? "

"That's the battlefield! Miss he! The battlefield is changing rapidly. What can't happen? You are not a soldier, how can you understand the idea of a soldier? There is also a word, will be outside, your life is not subject to, don't you know? In that case, some tactics must be changed in order to produce actual lethality. The soldiers of the group army and my agents have made the right choice! And the results show that! "

Herman spat: "bah, do you know what soldiers think? You know every day that I'm in the military headquarters, flirting, you know the psychology of soldiers? Don't tell me that you're not going to take your life! You are not the emperor, and those women are not your harem! For you, such a shameless hooligan, a beast who knows how to hide in the whorehouse, you speak so high sounding, the soldiers feel sick when they think about it! What about the psychology of the soldiers? Have you ever been to war?... "

Herman poked his fingers at everything in the office, including the staff and junior officers, especially the word "obscene nest".

Before her words were heard, some of the staff and officers immediately scolded and said, "it's a whorehouse here. What's there? Who doesn't know about training mercenaries for special services? "

He man turned his head, swept the crowd with his fingers and said angrily, "which son of a bitch said that? Stand up for me

No one in the crowd answered. Lin Zicong didn't allow it. It's against the law.

In the chaos, the fact that the mercenaries can't be on the stage has become a common weakness of the mercenary regiment, and some people naturally take it out.

This scolding method is very popular. All the staff and the junior officers cover each other. At a glance, they all look at Herman with a smile. They can't see whose words are written.

Now that he couldn't tell the difference, Herman's anger rubbed up another step, and he raised his hand and slapped her in the face of the nearest female clerk.

This has broken through the scope of the fight, the incident has escalated! But the female clerk didn't take it seriously at all. She didn't even touch her face. She gave a cold, vindictive smile and said, "this slap is enough to show that your evaluation of general Lin is slander! Otherwise, how could you be so angry? I should go out for a walk. Everyone will know who you are The female clerk didn't even rub her face. She turned around and left the office. Visible to the naked eye, the five finger print on her face swelled up in a moment, and the red was clearly visible.

He man didn't know what to say. He was silly for two seconds. He stamped his foot and yelled, "you come back!"

Lin Zicong pushed forward at this time, blushing and saying: "you are aiming at me! Don't be rude to others! Well, you think I have a conspiracy, so you go to the law department to report me. Just in time, my injury is not good. I have two days' rest in prison, just to take care of it! "

"You bastard, you think I dare not!" He man has lost his mind. He stares at Lin Zicong as if he wants to eat him raw.

Lin Zicong seems to be more fierce than he man. He shouts to his posterity: "Zhang Miao, go to the law department. He always wants to report me, Lin Zicong! We shall go now! I'd like to see. Even if the military headquarters knows, what kind of punishment will they give me? Dismissal? be beheaded? No matter how the military department deals with it, I know it! Isn't that punishment? When was Lin Zicong afraid? "

And in the national tunnel outside Lin Zicong's residence, the female staff member's crying voice just now has been faintly heard: "Wuwuwuwu... General Lin's mistress has beaten ordinary staff members of the military headquarters..."

The word "mistress" sounds particularly harsh.

It's getting more complicated.

"Lin Zicong!" He man screams, suddenly shakes his hand and slaps Lin Zicong.

Now, Herman can't tell what he's doing here. To make a case? Lin Zicong seems eager to let all aspects of the military know the course and result of the war, to vent his hatred for Lin Zicong? No, this pit can't be stepped on! If the relationship between them is well known, it will be beyond recognition! Little lovers fight, accidentally hit 200 million lost, who saw will no longer meddle, just in the side of the hand, laughing and chatting: "here, little lovers are playing happily!"

Herman can't afford to lose this man.

And half of Lin Zicong's appearance is that he wants things to develop in this direction!

No, she's here to recover the loss!

So in all kinds of eyes, in Lin Zicong's half fiery expectation, he man's palm pressed Lin Zicong's face and braked the car! After all, it was a businessman, not just a woman. Finally, his reason prevented him from slapping Lin Zicong in the face.

Lin Zicong did not dodge. Of course, he can't escape! But he didn't even hide!

It's very telling. After all, Herman is a businessman. He is smart. He thinks like a Firestone!

At this moment, he man's hand changed from patting to touching, and gently touched Lin Zicong's face with a little stubble. Then he turned over, crossed Lin Zicong's face with the back of his finger, and stopped at his cheek.

"Good, very good, very well!" All of Herman's anger seemed to be thrown out of the air, leaving only her blushing pretty face and her original gentleness, generosity and intelligence. But Lin Zicong saw the snow all over the sky from his eyes.

"General Lin, very well! Well done He man repeated again, then put down his hand, pushed away the crowd, walked out of Lin Zicong's office and disappeared at the door. Herman walked very slowly, as if his feet were leaded, but he was firm. He went out all the way without stopping.

Everyone's eyes followed her and disappeared at the door. Then they turned back with all kinds of feelings and fell on Lin Zicong. In those eyes, there were sympathy, helplessness, ridicule, injustice, and anxiety. However, no one spoke in the office.

Lin Zicong slowly retreated to the sofa and sat down. The anger on his face slowly faded, and his face was black and blue. Shang Junbo, director of the office, waved to the crowd. Everyone knew their interest and went back to their posts. In a moment, they walked clean.

"General? But after a quarrel, nothing happened in the end. Don't worry about it any more. I'm a woman, too. I know. I usually come here to make a fire. It's nothing serious. "

"Hey! Why are you angry Lin Zicong said with a smile, "at the beginning, she really came here with a little bit of a woman's temper, but... Alas, things can't be perfect. I've offended her completely. You can arrange it to see how many businesses we had before need the support of Heshi group. After investigation, you can arrange it to see if there are the same alternatives. If there is one, we should make some connections and prepare to change people. "

"What if it can't be changed?" Shang Junbo asked.

"If you can't change it, ask the military headquarters. There should be one. By the way, what was the girl's name just now? "

"Guan Tong."

Lin Zicong's face slowed down and said, "transfer her to the office to be my secretary."

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