Temporary camp.

A hard battle is going on.

No one knows where the pile of mechanical animals in front of them came from. Before they appeared, neither Li Xinyan nor stroge heard any information on the wireless channel. As soon as the action team has given up the power of nine oxen and two tigers to help strog complete the transformation of his body, these mechanical beasts suddenly emerge from the jungle, and the action team can only rush to fight.

It is said that these are the wounded mechanical animals retreating from the front main battlefield, but they are not very similar. Most of the former mechanical animals have serious burning marks. Most of these mechanical animals are intact, but a small part of them have been attacked by human bullets. Moreover, the damage of the previous mechanical animals was relatively serious, and the damage of these mechanical animals was not too serious, unlike the same group of retired mechanical animals.

Is it the guards of the mechanical forces patrolling around after the explosion of the mechanical animal base?

This is the most likely scenario. If it's the mechanical soldiers who come to inspect after the explosion of the mechanical base, it's not good news. It means that this area has become very dangerous and is no longer a suitable place for cultivation.

But for the time being, I can't think about that much. I have to deal with the mechanical soldiers of this small team in the past. Stroge's body has just been rebuilt, but Guo Tianming can't move. Other people are also injured, and they don't feel comfortable fighting for a long time in sports.

Li Xinyan takes two horizontal steps to make way for the attack of a mechanical leopard in front of him. He jumps up and then knocks the head of a mechanical animal attacking Bai Tao from behind into the ground with a stick.

Bai Tao's fighting style is very strange. His weapon is four metal sticks, three of which are long and connected together. When fighting, he inserts them into the ground, and then the shorter one in his hand is the main attack weapon. Strategically, he uses guerrilla tactics between sticks and attacks passively around the metal sticks inserted on the ground. This kind of fighting method is a combination of attack and defense when facing a manipulator, but it is a bit difficult to face multiple targets. After all, the multi-directional enemy attack greatly reduces his flexibility, and the natural defense efficiency is much worse.

Li Xinyan's metal stick was very heavy. The head of the mechanical beast that was knocked into the ground immediately caved in, but their key was not on the head, so the mechanical beast struggled to pull out its head from all sides and rushed behind Li Xinyan who turned around to defend against the frontal attack.

At this moment, a mighty, flashing blue streamline monster fell from the air. The metal wings beat on the robot's back and pressed it down. Then it bit the robot's neck from top to bottom. Four powerful "hand" shaped claws seized its body, and the sharp wolf teeth pierced the metal on the robot's neck, Then a burst of blue light flashed from the mechanical mouth, and the mechanical animal became a ball of soft mud in the dance of electric snakes.

Strog fell to the ground and spit out the neck of the robot in disgust. Although he looks like a mechanical wolf, he doesn't eat with his mouth. This way of fighting is very helpless and makes him uncomfortable. But at present, there is no good way to avoid it, so he is a little depressed.

"Thank you." Li Xinyan threw a sentence in his busy schedule, then nailed it in the mouth of the robot and pushed it out.

"Thank you?" Strog is not used to these two words. He shakes his head and stares at a mechanical wolf.

Xiao Jian, as his name implies, combines man and sword to attack the key parts of the mechanical beast. His movements are simple and unadorned. But thanks to the physical training of the action team, he has a long endurance. He can't stop staring at the front leg joints of the mechanical beast to cut. The mechanical beast that fell under his sword was cut off two front legs and stabbed into the chest by Xiao Jian with a long sword, The mechanical components inside were mashed to pieces.

The members of the action team usually don't talk much, but because everyone is the elite selected from thousands of miles, they are not cowards at the critical moment. In the past, when they faced the battle of mechanical animals, sometimes they had the advantage of geographical advantage, but now they didn't have the advantage of geographical advantage. Although they struggled a little, they didn't fall behind completely.

The number of mechanical animals in this team is not too much, 12, which is not much different from the number of members of the action team. As soon as they come up, they are knocked over by strog, and they are tied with the action team.

The most difficult group was composed of Zhao Xiaogang, Guo Tianming and Hong Lei.

Guo Tianming's leg is broken and fixed with several sticks. He can't move at all. In an emergency, Zhao Xiaogang didn't think of any good way to put the steel wheel hub collected from the ruins of the base on Guo Tianming's body. In this way, at least Guo Tianming, who is not very active, has a steel coat on the outside of his body, so that it won't be torn to pieces by mechanical animals immediately. Zhao Xiaogang and Hong Lei toss and turn, sometimes kicking Guo Tianming and lungou to avoid the sharp teeth and claws of the mechanical beast, sometimes attacking the key parts of the mechanical beast with his weapons, or swinging the forward attack of the mechanical beast.

After all, there are three mechanical animals around them. Zhao Xiaogang just stuck to a tree trunk to avoid the mouth of a mechanical wolf, and the tree trunk was bitten off by the mechanical wolf. Without support, the tree crunched and trembled and fell to the right. Zhao Xiaogang had to avoid it to the left. Another mechanical leopard happened to be hit on the trunk and rolled on the ground beside Zhao Xiaogang. As the mechanical leopard rolled over and climbed up, it lifted its claws and swept toward Zhao Xiaogang's upper arm.

The space between the fallen tree trunk and its claws was less than 20 cm. Zhao Xiaogang had to fall to the ground along the direction of the fallen tree trunk. However, even if he reacted quickly, the claws of the mechanical leopard still stuck to his chest. The blood flashed by, and three half foot long blood grooves suddenly appeared on his chest.

Zhao Xiaogang hums, quickly rolls on the ground, gets close to the fallen tree trunk, so as to avoid the hind paw of the mechanical leopard. That mechanical leopard two hit not, immediately chase up, to the side of the tree trunk had no time to get up Zhao Xiaogang rushed in the past. At this critical moment, three metal rods were inserted from the side in time to form a pin shape between Zhao Xiaogang and the mechanical leopard. The position of the three sticks is very tricky, just like the three exquisite wedges. One end of one of the sticks is pointing to the falling position of the mechanical leopard.

The mechanical leopard didn't have time to dodge, so it fell directly on the shelf of the metal stick. One end of the metal stick scratched on the mechanical leopard, and immediately passed through a metal gap on the mechanical leopard.

These metal gaps are some of the gaps on the body of the mechanical animal to reduce weight, and usually there is not much weakness. However, after the metal stick is penetrated, the mechanical leopard immediately inserts a "sea calming needle" into its body, making its body into a body with thorns. The limbs of the mechanical animal immediately become very inconvenient, even the ordinary standing is blocked by this metal stick, He fell to the ground.

But Yang Botao didn't stop. Two of the five metal sticks flew out. He went through the other two gaps on the mechanical leopard and nailed the mechanical leopard to the ground!

Zhao Xiaogang withstood the pain, got up, swung his sword, and cut down at the neck of the mechanical beast.

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