Bareheaded sign language orders to weaken the firepower, showing full trust in Li Xinyan.

Li Xinyan understood, nodded, and then made some gestures different from those of the action group. In his mind, he began to call strog repeatedly: "strog, attack the mechanical cow from above! This is an opportunity for humanity to know you. You should be able to glide in the air

Gesture is a cover up, but it shows that Li Xinyan has control over mechanical fighters. Those with control are robots. Those without control are no different from mechanical animals.

Obviously, this practice has been accepted by barehead. He has given instructions to change the way the team is arranged and is ready to take over Li Xinyan's robot at any time.

More than ten seconds later, a beautiful figure with blue streamline passed through the air, passing from the top of the nearby tree, galloping toward the back of the mechanical cow with blue light.

Strog's claws are now in the shape of a hand, so that the robot cow's body will not slip due to metal and miss the excellent landing position.

"Jingle", strog fell on the back of the mechanical cattle, but looks a little embarrassed.

There is a complete metal shell on the back of the mechanical cow, and even the neck position is round and heavy metal shell, so there is no way to lower the claws. Strog is eager to open his limbs and extend them to the extreme. He lands on the mechanical cow with his abdomen and holds the mechanical cow from the side, That's why the gravity of the landing doesn't bounce off the back of the mechanical cow. But this action is not very elegant, from a distance, strog is very much like falling from the air on the back of a cow in general.

Li Xinyan frowned.

And the bald commander looked at Li Xinyan in surprise and said with a smile: "it's a very good robot! Is this the secret weapon of operation 12? Wow, it's the first time that we Hicks who only know how to solve problems by force have seen it

Li Xinyan's face was ugly again, but he was not embarrassed at all. Instead, he said proudly on the wireless channel, "well, the play is very good!"

Strog, who landed on the back of the cow, didn't care whether his movements were elegant or not. As soon as he hugged the mechanical cow, a blue electric awn came out of his body. In an instant, the electric awn wrapped the galloping mechanical cow and strog in a power grid. Just as strog said, when designing the mechanical warrior, tiratemis considered it very comprehensively, Later, the mechanical animals created by other people in the mechanical city were much worse. They had no immunity to the bombardment of the external electric energy. When the electric light flashed, the mechanical cattle turned from a galloping state into a stiff steel knot, rolling up a piece of soil and rolling forward.

Strog stretched out his wings, released his hands on his limbs, and glided forward on his own.

Although the process of mechanical cattle rolling to the ground by electric shock is short, the momentum is very amazing. The length of the blue electric awn on its body is several meters long, and dozens of paths are intertwined and overlapped with each other, making the space of strog's body six meters on Friday into a dead area. The blue light illuminates the space of the forest, just like a falling meteor. The members of the action team couldn't help looking in the past, while the mechanical animals behind the mechanical cattle also slowed down quickly and looked around nervously. For a moment, both sides forgot that it was a war.

After everyone reacted, the barrage of the ninth action group immediately blocked the mechanical cattle and the mechanical herd that wanted to continue to attack. Without the barrier of mechanical cattle, the power of machine gun bullets showed again. In a moment, three mechanical animals fell in the hail of bullets.

When the situation was not good, the rest of the mechanical animals turned around and ran away, disappearing in a messy jungle.

Although the mechanical beasts don't know what fear is, their war evaluation module has made a negative conclusion on the evaluation of this battle. Under the command of the module, they have to retreat.

The operation team doesn't chase. The situation ahead is not clear. It's not suitable for long-distance tracking. Some members of the ninth operation team were also injured. Bandaging wounds is the first priority. After all, it is very easy to lose combat power if wounds are not treated for a long time. After a little thought, bareheaded ordered everyone to gather to correct and clean up the battlefield.

"Why are you here? If I remember correctly, we should have met! What's your name again? " The first sentence of sitting down bareheaded is to get close to Li Xinyan and ask questions.

Stroge had already shaken his head and ran behind Li Xinyan. One stretched out his hand and the other stretched out his head, showing that he intimately let his hand touch his head. After that, stroge seemed to be in a good mood and found a place for himself, lying next to Zhao Xiaogang to have a rest.

Naturally, they are acting for the members of the ninth action group, but the individuals of the 12th action group feel that they are not suitable, and some people are laughing secretly. Stroge put the wolf's head on Zhao Xiaogang's leg and threatened in a low voice: "your wound needs dressing." His wolf head was so heavy that Zhao Xiaogang took a cold breath and choked back his smile.

Li Xinyan said with a smile to his bald head: "I remember you, too, in the restaurant of the action team. My name is Li Xinyan. It's team number 13 from operation 12. "

Bareheaded and grinning, holding Li Xinyan's hand, he said, "citric acid."


Li Xinyan said: "we bombed the mechanical animal base here two days ago. Wu Kun died in the battle. As you can see, everyone was injured, so we had to build a temporary camp nearby in the jungle to recover. We didn't want to repair it. A few days later, mechanical animals from small troops came to harass us..."

Before he finished, the eyes of citric acid almost fell out. Gasping in surprise, he said, "did you blow up this base?"

Li Xinyan nodded.

"Good heavens! How did you do that? Two days ago, the team leader contacted the base and said that there was a big explosion 500 kilometers away from Z city. Let's go to explore what's going on. I didn't expect that you did it! How did you do that? " Citric acid is fast and fast.

"Even if Wu Kun is dead, the battle is worth it!" He said.

The members of the twelfth action group had some displeasure on their faces.

Seems to find that he said something wrong, he awkwardly gave a pause, changed a way: "how did Wu Kun do it? Ignited the base at its own expense? My God, when did he have so much energy? The 12th operation team is in his hands, and has never produced any really stunning results? Ah, by the way, where did the big wolf come from? Where did you make it? How much? Ah, that's a good thing. If we can make two more, we'll lose our fortune! "

Li Xinyan didn't know how to answer.

After thinking about it, he digged off the topic: "er... So, do you know about the explosion underground base? And you, appointed by the team leader, are here to find out? "

"Well, that's right!" Citric acid road.

"It shouldn't be too late. We're already very unsafe here. It's not far from the explosion center. There are a group of mechanical animals, but there must be follow-up troops. They can't be indifferent to such a big explosion, so we need to move immediately. You have so many people, there is no other branch of action, right

"That's all. There's no one else." Citric acid nodded. It seems that the astonishing battle results of the 12th operation group have overwhelmed him. At present, Li Xinyan is the real commander of the 12th operation group, and strog is not very convenient to speak. In this way, basically, he will not oppose what Li Xinyan says.

"Well, then we'll leave immediately and meet the captain of the network. We'll talk about other things on the way. "

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