A moment later, the fragments of the explosion and stones fell to the ground in a crackling manner. Although the four particle guns were not damaged, they were also shaken away from the original fort.

The fort is not important, the important thing is people! Li Xinyan's soldiers fell on the ground, some injured, groaning, and two lying on the ground motionless, seemingly in a coma. Li Xinyan got up and looked at the explosion source where the smoke gradually dispersed. Pamir was gone!

"Pamir!" Li Xinyan cried, but there was no response, not even a * *. The stones and dregs in the sky kept falling, but Li Xinyan ignored them and rushed to the place where Pamir was standing. For a few mechanical engineers, every loss is a huge disaster for the Taihang Mountain defense line. This disaster may happen in other people's bases, but it must not happen under the eyes of Li Xinyan!

The smoke gradually disappeared, and Li Xinyan saw a flying shoe beside the stone pile.

After Li Xinyan ran to the stone pile, he saw Pamir who was blown up here. Li Xinyan picked up Pamir who was lying on the ground, only to find that he was no longer able to do so. His chest had been torn open, several ribs had been pierced out of his clothes, and his lungs and muscles were twisted into pieces, and blood gushed out of the wound like a spring“ Pamir Li Xinyan couldn't help shouting.

Pamir struggled, almost with all his strength, with a faint breath to squeeze the words out of his teeth: "little... Be careful! Ground... Ground... "As his lungs had been broken, his mouth moved and his voice couldn't come out at all, but he still made the last effort to squeeze out a few words, and then he lost consciousness“ The ground? What floor? " Cried Li Xinyan. But Pamir's head turned, his whole body softened, and his breath was gone.

"Pamir!" Li Xinyan held him and roared, just like a wild lion roaring in the field, but his handsome face fell asleep forever.

On the back of the base, at the same time, on the top of the cliff, there was a silent and fast marching team. It seemed that the team had been prepared for a long time. Everyone was carrying a huge backpack, carrying a strange gun similar to a gun, wearing black clothes, even his face was covered with black hoods, showing only a pair of rolling eyes. The team moved quickly. In a moment, they had reached the rock behind the radar control room of the stone pile, and then quietly hid in place. Although the night is bright, they are just like ghosts. There is no sound at all. The 766 base was hit by the * * in chaos, so no one noticed their existence.

In the moonlight, everyone's arms are embroidered with a squirrel holding nuts, which looks like a team badge.

The leader of the black team didn't seem to be in a hurry to rescue the soldiers of base 766. He looked around, raised his hand and quickly made a series of gestures. One of them means "stand by" while the other means "wait for the moment".

Li Xinyan gently puts Pamir on the ground, and then looks to his team. The young soldiers have slowly got up from the ground. Some of the uninjured begin to wake up the comatose ones, and some begin to rescue the injured companions. It's not the time to be sad. Dead comrades are very important, but it's more important to be alive. These soldiers are very young. They still have too much to learn in fighting. Now it's the most important thing to calm them down.

But at this time, not far away from the edge of the cliff, some unusual creaking sounds came from the cliff!

That's not right!

Li Xinyan stood up and took a look at Pamir's body. As soon as he ran towards that side, he yelled: "pick up the gun on the ground and open the bolt. There may be something wrong on the cliff!"

What Pamir just said may not be "ground", but "cliff face"!

Li Xinyan looked at the cliff from a place where he stretched his head. There were dozens of black shadows on the silver cliff! There are two red spots in the middle of the shadow, which are very conspicuous at night.

That's a mechanical beast!

But, how can the mechanical animal climb the mountain? These guys are usually in the form of wolves. They fight in the plains. When can they fight in the mountains? And when did they have the ability to climb?

Li Xinyan suddenly remembered that in the training before he came to the base, he said that in addition to mechanical wolves, mechanical cattle, mechanical elephants, and a relatively small number of mechanical deer, there is also a rare species, mechanical leopard. This kind of thing has sharp teeth and sharp claws. The flexibility of the body is much higher than that of the others. The close combat effectiveness is higher than that of other things. It's very dangerous. The higher the cost, the fewer times they appear in the frontal battlefield. However, how can I be so lucky to meet a group of mechanical leopards in such a night?! Or sneak attack!

It's his grandfather's luck!

"Hit me from above!" Li Xinyan ordered. The dozen little soldiers rushed to the cliff and started shooting from top to bottom with machine guns.

The mechanical beast is made of alloy, and its anti Strike ability is strong. Except for a pair of eyes, it is difficult to find other weaknesses in the whole body. To deal with them, usually a large number of bullets will flatten their sensory system. In addition, most of the methods need to spend more bullets, which is not worth the loss. The soldiers were naturally divided into three groups with more than a dozen guns, aiming at the nearby mechanical leopard respectively.

But it's amazing that the claws of these mechanical animals are sharp. Under such smooth and barrage attack, the claws of the mechanical leopards are embedded in the tiny cracks on the cliff surface, and they don't fall off the cliff surface“ Concentrate your fire and kill one first Li Xinyan adjusted his strategy.

A mechanical leopard couldn't stand the heavy bullet, roared from the cliff, fell down and disappeared into the deep night.

Then the second mechanical leopard couldn't stand the heavy bullet, roared from the cliff, fell down, and disappeared into the deep night.

The third mechanical leopard struggled tightly on the cliff. The bullet screen washed its body, but it didn't show any weakness at all. It staggered and climbed up against the bullet screen. Behind him and beside him, there are three or four mechanical leopards with red light in their eyes, approaching the cliff top at the same time! Behind them, more red electronic eyes twinkle in the dark, just like the demons that devour people!

"Ka la la" sound, Li Xinyan in the hands of machine gun bullets at this time was shot out.

Startled, Li Xinyan changed his order: "Wanzi, take someone to get the ammunition! Small three, take two people to carry the stone, give me down to smash Wan Zi answered, and Xiao San took people to carry out the order. That's the gap. The mechanical herd climbed up more than ten meters against the barrage!

"Hit me hard!" Li Xinyan is a little anxious. There is a limited number of bullets. I'm afraid that this low efficiency attack can't stop the mechanical beast from climbing to the top of the cliff even if it runs out of bullets!

Small three with two people to find five or six pieces of stone bowl mouth, take a look at the mechanical beast was hit by bullets thrown down. With a thump, the mechanical beast falls!

The people were relieved that there was a certain amount of stone on the top of the mountain. This time, it was on the blade. With their resistance for a period of time, there was a lot of hope.

In this way, more than ten minutes later, the robot animal still approached the top of the cliff. The good point is that there are less than ten mechanical leopards climbing up the cliff at this time. The bad point is that in this case, stone defense has become a way of attack that can't be completed. The stone thrown flat doesn't have much speed, and even a fly can't hit.

Li Xinyan clenched his teeth and cried, "all attention, step back and prepare for a frontal battle!"

The crowd retreated to a place more than ten meters away from the cliff surface, focused on the edge of the cliff, waiting for the mechanical leopard to climb up.

A minute later, two minutes later, the sedge moved slightly. In the sound of knowing the rope, a leopard shaped mechanical beast emerged from the cliff, and the soldiers facing the cliff top showed their teeth which were completely blade.

Some soldiers began to shout: "mechanical beast! Mechanical beast The young voice was full of fear.

Still young and unable to calm down, Li Xinyan put a fan on the soldier's face and roared: "calm down! Listen to me, it's time for you to be warriors! Even for the group army, there is only a loss rate of 8:1 when facing the mechanical beast. Just now, our loss rate was 0:19. Even the soldiers of the group army can't get this result! I'll hold them all down and survive. I'll ask the military headquarters for a reward for this achievement! "

"Climb up, call me!"

Li Xinyan pointed to the mechanical leopard that had just climbed the cliff and gave an attack command.

Bullets are like meteors pouring in close range. In the dense Mars, the neck position of the mechanical leopard is finally dented by impact, and then falls down the cliff with a staggering body that has been twisted and deformed by bullets. From a distance, we could hear the jingle of the mechanical leopard colliding with the rocks. It was like a kind of wonderful music, and people's hearts suddenly lightened.

If you fall off the cliff, even the steel will fall into a discus.

The second one climbed up again, and the mechanical leopard was blasted down again.

Suddenly, someone called out: "monitor! It's on the side, too! "

Li Xinyan eagerly turned to the side of the cliff and looked. Sure enough, the head of a mechanical leopard also appeared there.

These things know how to change the attack direction on the cliff! That's the trouble.

Made of alloy and shining in the moonlight, the robot leaps onto the cliff, shakes the mud and weeds, then stares at the nearest soldier and pounces.

"Concentrate your fire and blow it down!" Li Xinyan took the lead in pouring bullets at the mechanical leopard. No matter where they come from, they can handle it as long as they have guns in their hands.

But at the same time, another player yelled: "the front one is coming up again!"

"Give me a little fire and go that way!" Li Xinyan glanced and roared.

However, the defect of dispersing firepower immediately showed up. The mechanical Leopard on the side rushed forward for more than ten steps and was never defeated until it was only three or four meters away from the soldiers. Behind it, there are two intact mechanical beasts that have completely climbed the battle platform!

"Make a circle for me!" Li Xinyan's experience tells him that he must now enter the anti encirclement structure. Only in this way can he release his own fighting capacity to the maximum extent and to compete with the fighting capacity of the mechanical leopard! On the outer side of the barrage, who has strong fighting power, the boundary of the barrage will move to the other side!

"But we don't have enough bullets!" Cried Wanzi.

"I don't care! We're fighting with these animals! " Li Xinyan's eyes can stare blood. There are only seven or eight mechanical beasts in front of us. If we win, we can live!

They have no way back, no support!

In the face of desperate situation, he could not hold his breath.

Almost at the same time, four or five mechanical leopards on all sides spread up against the barrage to the soldiers in the circle. Scattered bullets can only slow them down, but they can't stop their desire to kill. Moreover, they also find that the bullets of soldiers are decreasing!

"Ah" a howl, close range shooting produced a stray bullet, the stray bullet reflected back, through a soldier's chest, the soldier fell down. On the one hand, the barrage weakened, and immediately two mechanical leopards came over.

"My God The sharp teeth of the mechanical leopard pierced into the thigh of a young soldier. It swung its head twice and pulled the soldier's thigh off his body! The mechanical beast bit the thigh and cut the leg into pieces. The soldier struggled twice and then did not move any more. Blood and meat splashed all around. The ground was red, and a living life ended.

"Hold on!" Li Xinyan's hand had been split by the machine gun. He rushed forward and picked up the machine gun that the soldier had dropped.

But in fact, the fighting power of the mechanical leopard is too strong. Compared with the mechanical wolf, their bodies are more flexible, bigger and more lethal! The success of one or two mechanical leopards immediately provided other mechanical leopards with targets and ways of attack. Almost at the same time, they attacked the weak link of the circular resistance circle! The pressure in front of Li Xinyan has doubled.

Just a few seconds later, the resistance circle finally lost its shape, screamed, and several more soldiers were slaughtered by the mechanical leopard“ I'll send you to the West! " Li Xinyan left and right bow, one hand, toward the nearest mechanical leopard rushed up.

However, all the resistance was limited. Only two mechanical leopards fell to the ground after the massive bullet attack, while the remaining five were completely out of control, almost killing the soldiers at the top of the cliff.

"Monitor! What shall we do? " The last two soldiers leaned over and stood back to back with Li Xinyan. Their voice was full of despair. A man's leg was also a blood hole drilled by a stray bullet.

"Finish the last bullet! don 't panic! It hurts when you die! " Li Xinyan, biting his teeth, roared. At the same time, he changed a gun with bullets and shot at the face of a mechanical animal.

The concentrated gunfire smashed the face of a mechanical leopard, crushing all his sensory organs into a plane, and then the mechanical leopard reluctantly struggled to fall down.

Another mechanical animal suddenly rushed from the side and cut off half of the head of the only soldier standing beside Li Xinyan.

There is no time to erase the blood of his comrades in arms. Li Xinyan's hand has been numbed by the recoil of the machine gun. At the moment, he even feels numb.

Because the mechanical leopard was too close, a rebound bullet went through the sole of Li Xinyan's foot and nailed a bullet hole on it. His feet softened and he knelt down on one knee. Blood flowed from the wound and dyed the land under his feet black and red.

In the moonlight, Li Xinyan's feeling of black and red looks no different from that of black. In fact, the battle platform of 766 base has been completely covered with blood, and his eyes can't distinguish the color of blood and soil.

Taking advantage of this opportunity to kneel down, Li Xinyan threw the bullet out of the way, picked up another one that had not been used, and rolled one by one to the foot of a particle gun. The other soldier was swept in the chest by a mechanical beast and immediately became two pieces.

"Come on! You animals He relied on the battery to stand up and screamed at the mechanical leopard. At the same time, he shot again and shot madly at the eyes of the mechanical leopard.

The eye position is the weakness of these mechanical leopards, but it's very difficult to hit them. They will dodge, and the bullets will rush into the night sky, nail them on the rocks, jingle.

In a moment, Li Xinyan was the only one left in the base, and only one mechanical beast was put down. In terms of strength, as long as the mechanical beasts were surrounded together, Li Xinyan could hardly survive. These mechanical leopards have found this point, so they no longer worry about the bullets flying head-on, but surround Li Xinyan from all directions.

Li Xinyan has been crazy, two full bullets overturned a mechanical leopard, but could not stop other mechanical leopards slowly and rhythmically approaching the prey. Finally, with a click, the bullets in the two machine guns were shot out, and Li Xinyan had no resistance!

In a flash, the mechanical leopard jumped, his hands and feet were bitten by the mechanical leopard almost at the same time, and then he was pulled in different directions.

"Ah The pain broke through the numbness caused by the machine gun, and the needle came from the limbs, expanding rapidly.

The next moment, he watched his body split, blood and internal organs gushing out of his body in a way visible to the naked eye. A sharp pain came up to his neck, and then a cold, he even lost his scream, sharp pain like an awl into his consciousness.

Pain may be too painful, so that he had a kind of illusion, no feeling, all light seems to want to fly.

"This... Is death?" He watched the world whirl in front of him, then his consciousness slowly lightened and fell into an endless darkness.

"Do it!" A brain in the latent team issued an order, and then more than a dozen figures rushed to the battlefield just now. It seems that these people's emotions do not fluctuate at all, just like what just happened in front of us is the plot of the film.

The wind blows, a bloody smell.

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