Judging from the size of the camp, this camp should be able to accommodate 1000 people, but the ninth operation group has only about 100 people. Why did it build such a large camp?

Are there many other combat units brought out by operation 9?

Before starting from the underground city, each operation team had logistics support forces. As we all know, can the ninth operation team have such great ability to bring more logistics personnel than itself?

Besides fighting, Guo Tianming also gave a part of introduction to the ninth operation group. They are mainly positional warfare, which can be said to be a typical representative of small blockhouse fighting. They have strong defensive ability, more means, and more natural numbers than ordinary operation groups. The tasks given to them by the general command department are hard bones, which luohaicheng has revealed before, Their goal is to explore the ruins of Z city. With so many people, do they hope to explore the ruins with the sea of people tactics?

Who are these people? Take so many migrant workers to dig?

When you enter the camp and see the number of people inside the camp, this problem can also be solved, because the camp does not look like a thousand people at all. Compared with the relatively empty camp, the soldiers are surrounded in twos and threes, which makes people feel a little lonely. It seems that the ninth operation has no plan to bring people to dig earth.

What is the purpose of building such a large base?

Although Li Xinyan was curious, he didn't ask because of his face. After meeting Luo Haicheng, he must have an explanation, so he doubts first.

In the open space between the tents in the camp, some stacked animal bones can be seen in twos and threes. There is no need to guess. It's game from the mountains after the soldiers fight to supplement the shortage of meat in the Army food. Surrounded by soldiers, some are drinking broth, some are eating pancakes or military tins, more or less with some injuries, but the spirit looks good, talking and laughing, occasionally to the crowd on the move to pay attention to the eyes.

"Hi! Bald! Are you back? " A bearded man was picking up his spear when he saw the crowd greeting him.

Baldheaded and stopped, a crowd behind him also stopped. He looked around and asked, "Xing Zhibing, are the mechanical soldiers harassing again? How come there are only a few people in the camp today? "

Xing Zhibing's moustache poked the machine gun in his hand with a greased noodle stick inside the gun. He replied: "it's not the mechanical soldiers coming up. This is a strange thing dug up in the ruins of Z City two days ago. No one knows what it is. Everyone was curious and went to the ruins tunnel to see the freshness."

"Then why didn't you go?" The bald head asked again.

Xing Zhibing disdained: "compared with strange but useless things, life seems to be more important. What's the use of seeing strange things? You can't be a weapon! For those of us who are injured or have weapons damaged, it's better to take care of our own injuries and weapons' injuries. Otherwise, the next time the mechanical soldiers come up again, will they really fight them? "

"Where's the captain? Did you go with me? " Ask again.

Xing Zhibing said: "of course, you don't see captain Luo's appearance as a financial fan. You can't even let go of an all-in-one computer with embroidery, let alone something new?"

Bareheaded hissing a smile, and then want to go inside the camp.

"Alas! How do I feel familiar with the people behind you... Vasa, where did the brother behind get such a big guy? " Xing Zhibing is seeing the members of the 12th action group and thinking about their identities. Suddenly, he sees Li Xinyan slowly coming up from behind. His eyes jump and he stares at Li Xinyan.

Other people in the camp also cast surprised eyes, but Li Xinyan and strog looked at the stars and the stones on the road with their heads down. No one cared about those colorful eyes.

"That's special! Rich people make mechanical pets Bareheaded and sour.

"But... Are mechanical animals forbidden..." Xing Zhibing doubts.

"With money and power, you can even get the quota of the action team. What else can't you get?" The bald head shook his head and looked at his beard with a sneer. Shaking his head showed a lot of helplessness. He ignored Xing Zhibing and took the members of the 12th action group to the barracks behind him.

After settling down, the bald head, the members of the 9th action group and the 12th action group were also very tired. They scattered around. It was dark and cloudless in autumn. Soon, a full moon rose slowly from the horizon.

Li Xinyan went out of the barracks and inspected several other people's houses in a circle. He checked Guo Tianming's wound. Then he got some firewood, seasonings, big cakes and meat from the ninth action group and baked them in front of the barracks. His body is much stronger than other people's body, so others are tired, but he is still as strong as usual.

In fact, Li Xinyan doesn't care about this. He can't find the answer to his physical abnormality, so he has to put it down first. But now it seems that this point can be used. At least in the current situation, taking care of other players is a good advantage.

When the cake and meat were baked and delivered to everyone, Li Xinyan took two pieces of meat, chewed them in his mouth and stared at the fire in a daze. Think of eating, his body is abnormal, so how can he eat these human food? This is a strange question, but the answer seems that only Dr. Sun Jiali can tell him, this damned doctor.

As he was thinking about it, strog came over and tied up a piece of roasted meat with a handle made of his paw. He took it up and looked at it carefully. He said: "for natural organisms, protein based food is not only the best carrier of energy, but also the best raw material to replace body materials. These things are decomposed into the most basic amino acids by digestive juice in their bodies, Then it is reused by the body, which releases energy and generates power while transforming it into a new cellular structure It's just that this way of using energy is too inefficient and inefficient compared with mechanical life

Li Xinyan took back his thoughts. Now he was thinking about what happened these days. He gave a long breath and asked, "are you studying natural creatures?"

Strog put the barbecue from the tip of his claw to a branch again and handed it to Li Xinyan. He said in a dull way: "I've been studying it since I've been wandering outside. In fact, in my base, on the iron platform, I used to dissect human beings more than ten years ago. "

Li Xinyan eyebrows pick, a chill in the heart, unhappy way: "it seems that you kill a lot of people?"

"But not much." Strog said faintly“ At the beginning, I was very curious about how human feelings come from. The mechanical body and consciousness have no relationship with the interpretation of feelings. This is also the reason why it is difficult to understand feelings in the mechanical world. Now that I have been exiled, I am not welcomed by the holy city, nor by human beings. I am bored, so I will do human research. To tell you the truth, the individual combat effectiveness of human beings is too weak. It's not difficult to catch one or two. So I went to study. "

Li Xinyan has an indescribable feeling, angry? He is not a pure human now, he himself is the result of human research, how to hate a mechanical warrior for human?

Based on the contradictory psychology, he can't seem to hate strog.

Strog ignored him and continued to talk about himself.

"Research to study, from capturing the human soldiers who delivered supplies to Castle 5 of the plain to dissect them, to raising them, and then doing research, I did the experiment all over again. Finally, I come to a conclusion that emotion is related to the body. It is a kind of communication and release of consciousness to the material world. In the process of forming natural life, most of them have to go through years of evolution. In this process, many things happen in a flash. In such a short period of time, the thinking and processing methods of the brain at the level of consciousness are time-consuming. In the process of biological evolution, it is difficult for the lower organisms to adapt to these processes, That's because their neural tissue is not strong enough, so their mortality rate is very high. With the evolution, these calculations are gradually solidified into neural directional thinking, to complete the rapid response of consciousness to the changes of the outside world. That is to say, in order to speed up the calculation speed and improve the survival probability, natural organisms solidify some behaviors that need to be completed quickly into a series of specific actions by nerve cells to cope with the rapid changes in nature. This phenomenon is called "intuition" by human beings. In fact, it is a fixed line of neural memory algorithm. And the superposition of this intuition in many dimensions is the formation process of emotion. "

"Emotion is a little more complicated. It means that consciousness controls the body through nerves and collects feedback from the body through nerves. To put it simply, it is a way of communication between consciousness and the material world. When the human body is hurt, they will feel pain, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, escape, and protect themselves. This way promotes their survival probability, which can be said to be the initial form of emotion. Above pain, there is joy. This kind of emotion is the trend guidance of consciousness itself by calling the nerve to control the secretion of various organs in the body to promote the beneficial internal secret release of the body, so that human beings prefer to do the same thing. This process of communication between consciousness and physical body is what I call "induction". Induction is a kind of strong will behavior, it will produce superposition on itself, so that the results of induction in cubic form turn to produce positive feedback on consciousness itself, so the natural life body human finally produces a kind of abnormal emotion sacrifice. In front of it, all the pain is eclipsed, and all the negative emotions can't surpass him. At this time, consciousness will be guided to the extreme of emotion by this reverse induction, so as to achieve the abnormal effect - to achieve a certain goal at the expense of oneself. "

"I think that's probably why Wu Kun made that choice before he died." Strog came to the conclusion.

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