Deep down in the passage, some of the lamps on the wall were not damaged, but they were on. Under the bombardment of such huge energy, they were not damaged. This is a strange question. Strog couldn't understand it. Could human's original technology be so strong?

He shook his head. Based on his long-term understanding of human beings, it's impossible. At the time of the strongest technology level, it seems that human beings can't completely shield the attack of energy impact. How can they do it in the underground base instead?

But if humans can't, who can?

The gravel piles up in the passage, and it looks very difficult to walk. Tong Liya falls down from stroge's back and touches it carefully. At this time, the members of the ninth action group behind have some value. The value is not that they can help Tong Liya walk on the gravel, but that the light on their head just lights up the road under Tong Liya's feet, It's a lot easier to walk.

The electric gate is a bit of trouble, but strog's claws are still very useful. The rusty metal, which is still very strong for human beings, collapsed within half a minute under his claws. After all, it has been buried underground for more than 70 years.

In terms of road exploration, there was some low light in the tunnel. Strog's electronic eye had a much higher perception of compound light than human beings. It was much easier for him to move forward in the tunnel.

Occasionally you can see something black under the gravel. Tong Liya stops and touches it with her hand. It's a human corpse as dry as hard carbon.

I don't know whether it's the nurse's professional habit or some other reason. She carefully looked at the exposed parts of the bodies, then got up and went on. It seemed that it was very likely that she was studying the cause of death of these people.

The underpass was crushed, but it didn't completely collapse.

It seems that the huge amount of money spent on the construction of the base is not in vain. It took more than 100 years, and it was buried underground for another 70 or 80 years. Then it encountered such a strong internal explosion impact, but it was still not completely destroyed.

It seems that human beings are not very good at digging holes. Not to mention that most of the resistance bases have huge underground structures, which makes the attack of the mechanical City slow and troublesome. It can be said that this place, which has been in ruins 70 years ago, is still lethal after so many years. It can be said that it is a project that can not be underestimated.

Some of strog's structures can sense subtle external changes, such as the streamline of some parts of his body. There was no wind in the passage, but he could feel the slight vibration in the air.

But strog didn't pay attention to it. His attention was still on the lamp. He slowed down, looked at a solitary lamp on the front wall, and thought in a low voice, "if you want to have lethality, the lethality that can directly scorch human beings, its energy can only be released by pulse, otherwise there is no good way to store huge energy, But where does this energy come from The base has been in ruins for many years. Can the energy survive? The only energy way to operate underground is nuclear reactor, but even nuclear reactor needs to be managed by someone, but this base can't be managed by someone Can it exist without people? "

Tong Liya has already taken out the mechanical spider in her hand. Now the mechanical spider shrinks into a box, and shoots a holographic panel at the top, on which several small charts are changing rapidly“ Why, singing Tong Liya stared at the screen and frowned in surprise.

sing? Strog thought it was interesting and was about to go to see it. Suddenly, the corner of his eye flashed. In the middle of the passage in the distance, a blue light appeared in the dark like a fawn beating from far to near!

It seems that this is another pulse energy attack!

Strogge stood nervously in the middle of the passage, facing the front of the passage, and shouting behind him: "Your Highness! Hide behind me with the boys behind me! "

As soon as the lightning flash appeared, he judged it almost immediately based on this experience. The reason why he was a little nervous was that the biggest trouble now was not the way of attack, but the limited space here, and there was no space to dodge in time and terrain, so it seemed that he could only resist it hard!

Moreover, from the field effect of the first explosion, the power of energy impact is great, and it can rush into the air through tens of meters of ground. The power is not small in the attack of mechatrocity. Whether he can withstand such a big energy impact is a big problem.

The first two are nothing. The most important thing is that Tong Liya is here! Other people in this group are easy to say. Even if they die, it doesn't matter. Only Tong Liya is the one who he has to protect. If she makes a mistake, he will lose the meaning of existence!

"Nurse Tong! Let's get out of here! That electric light is too powerful The members of the action team had the experience of being attacked for the first time and naturally yelled twice. But Tong Liya doesn't seem to care about the coming danger at all. Instead, she points out the mechanical panel projected by the mechanical spider and drags around on some wheels.

"It's too late! Hold you together! Back out! " Strog roared, facing the air flow that had begun to intensify.

As before, a dust curtain carried by a shock wave gradually moves from the other end of the tunnel. Behind the shock wave dust curtain, there is an electric snake that looks like it is overlapping. Strog's four claws are nailed firmly on the ground. Behind him, the wings from fryer are half shrank behind him. In this way, within the space of 10 meters behind him, there is at least one energy hole for a few people to escape.

Although this space can't completely prevent Tong Liya and several of them from being injured, there are at least some chances for them to survive.

Dust curtain from strog's side, and then is a wire from the four walls of metal objects, wires spread over the embrace. Strog growled, and the snake crackled on him. Not sooner or later, the mechanical spider in Tong Liya's hand just at this time mediates the vibration in the air, which is a very low frequency sound wave! Yingbo through mechanical spider sorting out the output, it is really a song!

In the song, lightning strikes strog. Every time a lightning strikes, strog's streamline will light up. Although strog's body can absorb energy, it is obvious that the energy enters too quickly at this time. Even if he is the guardian of the angel group, his body can't stand it. The voice is just like the roar of the devil!

It's not over yet, but strog's streamline is already flashing blue light, which is the phenomenon of energy saturation. Finally, strog's body can no longer hold so much energy. The electric light overflows from all around him and beats. Although it is smaller, it is still like a small snake, spreading to Tong Liya and members of the ninth action team behind him without any hindrance.

Tong Liya didn't wake up until the mechanical spider sang. She looked up and looked forward. The bright light from the mechanical spider made her face a little dreamy blue. Her face looked a little surprised, but she didn't worry. Looking at the energy impact coming from the dark passage in front of stroge's face, she said: "it's not fair!"

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