After shaking for a moment, a piece of smoke like fog swept through the door of the room, and then the pounding light went out. The uncontrolled impact of energy burned all those lamps thoroughly.

The energy of the underground passage passes through, and the interior of the room is not easy either. First, some instruments in the direction of impact burst out crackling electric sparks, and then the room full of instruments with glass materials couldn't help but heat energy, and burst out the jumping pieces and the black smoke from the burnt circuit. Everything was shaking in the heat.

"All down!" Guo Siyuan's voice is like a tree on a desert island in front of the storm. The shock wave followed closely, and the only sound was also suppressed in a roar.

A moment later, the world returned to calm, smoke and dust scattered, all kinds of debris, Li Xinyan just shook some dizzy head, opened his eyes.

His body is very heavy. Li Xinyan turns to see that Tong Liya is leaning on him. Tong Liya was also very tired. She looked at him with concern and asked, "OK, you're OK. Well, I'm fine, too. " And then he rolled over him.

And followed by Tong Liya's turn, another body also fell to the ground.

"Guo... Siyuan!" Tong Liya suddenly cried out. But Guo Siyuan did not respond. Not only did not respond, there was a smell of barbecue in the room.

"Han Ling?" Tong Liya twisted to the other side, calling, still no response. Tong Liya's body was originally under the pressure of Guo Siyuan. He turned over from Li Xinyan, but he didn't expect Guo Siyuan to roll slightly and press on her again. Li Xinyan, who was originally under the pressure, had some ability to give priority to action. Pull aside one of his right legs, "drill out" of the crowd and sit up with his hands behind him. Li Xinyan was stunned on the spot.

He and Tong Liya on the body, even pressure two layers of "physical shield"! Top of the action team members, who are still emitting curl of smoke.

Obviously, they have no trace of life, and they are all soft. Guo Siyuan is on Li Xinyan's body. His eyes turn up and his face turns black and red. He is obviously roasted. But in any case, their bodies are completely stretched out to death, and they don't seem to escape at all... Then there is only one explanation - they are protecting the people under their bodies!

"Pull... Pull me out..." Tong Liya's voice brings Li Xinyan back to reality. Struggling to pull the players' bodies apart, Tong Liya was released from the body of the team members.

Tong Liya did not speak, Li Xinyan did not speak, the two only looked at each other. Li Xinyan from that pair of eyes, saw some shimmering reflection, and Li Xinyan's eyes, is never black, there, those friends in the journey.

Dragging his exhausted body and biting his teeth, he put the seven bodies in a row. Li Xinyan and Tong Liya stood well in front of the seven bodies. Qi Qijing made a standard military salute. Li Xinyan picked up a piece of metal wire on the ground and laid it into a six petaled flower in front of the body.

It's ruins, but it's also their sleeping place.

Above the ruins, the battle between the sun and Hongwen has become white hot. No less than 30 pieces of broken wreckage have been left behind. The sun no longer releases the ball lightning. A mechanical arm is nailed to his paw, which is half of the foreleg of a mechanical animal. Strog has no weapons. His limbs are claws. Although his claws have nails and are not short, they are not hands after all. What Hongwen has in his hand is alloy sword. In front of his alloy sword, they are just decorations, which can't give Hongwen a cent at all. It's impossible to attack. In most cases, the sun can only defend.

Strog stopped yelling on the radio channel because he found it useless to yell. Instead, he aroused Hong Wen's fighting spirit. This fighting spirit does not really come from faith, but more like anger turned into anger.

When did he become flexible? Strog was puzzled. After all, the scorching sun has suffered too many injuries inside and outside. The consciousness of breaking and restructuring still can't resist Hong Wen's more and more skillful sword skills. Without paying attention, Hong Wen's long sword stabbed from top to bottom straight through the retreat of the scorching sun and nailed strog's body to the ground.

The sun roared with pain. He was so overbearing that strog didn't even share the pain. However, when the sun was a little distracted, strog caught the control of his right forepaw in the crack. In the turning of his forepaw, it turned into a handle and stabbed Hong Wen's arm against his elbow.

Fryer has been useless, originally he wanted to use his strength, but close combat is not his strong point. He can only lurk in strog's body, anxiously watching Hong Wen cut wounds on strog's body, suddenly seeing strog's return attack, his heart moved, and then he went to command his wings. Under a move, the command of the wings on the body is still empty! The sun has no wings at all, so he has no ability to command the wings. When he found out this problem, fryer was a little excited and jumped out of his consciousness. Just as strog put the Qizi into Hongwen's arm, he soared up!

The battlefield is changing in an instant, and no one can imagine what will happen in the next moment. Therefore, in the war of thousands of troops and in the barrage of bullets, strog soared into the sky, with a hung Wen wearing light yellow alloy armor hanging under him, just like two extraterrestrial visitors entangled with each other rushing into the air. This scene has never been seen by a mechanical animal, and has any human warrior ever seen it? For a moment, some eyes were cast on the battlefield.

In front of the entrance of the ruins, the mechanical herd and the members of the ninth operation group have been connected to the fire, and the bullet impact often lights up the starting point, which is the electronic radio frequency * * with special lethality to the infrared electronic eye. The operation team is far away. Although the commanders like Luo Haicheng also saw it, they can't do anything about it. The mechanical herd in front of them is the focus.

The group road troops in the middle zone not only have to fight against the impact of the mechanical beasts on their own defense line, but also prevent more mechanical beasts from gathering at the entrance of the ruins, so as to reduce the defensive pressure of the ninth operation group. At the same time, they are still transferring some small formations. They are busy with scoring and can't give a cent to help strog! The faint orange light stick kept moving, directing the troops behind to carry out local and orderly transfer.

Fryer flapped his wings. Wunesterog's body was too heavy. Gliding was suitable for his current flight, and flying became particularly difficult. In this way, although fryer did all the power of his wings, after jumping to the height of five or six meters, fryer could hardly score more than half a point and circled and rolled in the air. Hongwen doesn't seem to move either. His arm is constrained and his sword can't be pulled out. He just hangs under strog's body and stares at strog coldly. Fryer's heart is cold and he can't fly, which means that the current situation can't change to his own side. After all, his physical strength is limited. If it goes on like this, when he lands, it will be the time for Hongwen to fight back. At that time, waiting for the hot sun, strog and fryer, it will be a fatal sword!

Just at this moment, in front of me, thousands of bullets in the distance converged into several optical streams, converging towards strog and Hongwen!

Looking up, it was the mysterious group army which was always in the distance. They attacked strog and Hongwen at the same time, regardless of each other! When the mechanical herd started to move, the target judged from the air and immediately could see that it was not moving towards them at all. At that time, they were already moving towards the ruins. Strog and Hongwen take off, and they just arrive at a reasonable range position.

"See? Fool! That's why you like people! " Hong Wen laughed and scolded that he didn't seem to know the current situation about the existence of the scorching sun.

"I always know better than you! Regeneration beast Strogge hit back on the radio.

All of a sudden, the blue and purple light on the hot sun flashed, the fourth energy shock!

There is a "bright moon" in the sky. The "bright moon" is blue and purple. Countless tortuous electric snakes stretch out from the "bright moon", just like cutting lines shooting in all directions.

Yes, the cutting line. Moving lightning cutting line.

In front of him, the group soldiers who were close to him immediately became fireballs, and under its huge impact, bullets in the air fell like raindrops, not only towards the mechanical herd, but also towards the group soldiers, turning into meteor shower all over the sky, piercing the blood holes of those who could not escape.

All the human soldiers in the attack area turned into flying ash before they could even scream, but the mechanical animals were not much better. The electric awn rolled over their bodies and directly overturned the running mechanical animals to the ground, turning them into a complete unconscious body of mechanical animals. Energy shock combined with lightning shock and shock wave directly destroyed their control core.

The next moment, the blue and purple light faded, the shock wave disappeared, and the yellow light on Hongwen's armor disappeared. Fryer's wings pulled off, and strog fell down from the air with Hongwen.

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