Time is a river.

Many people have said that.

However, in any plane, no one can see it. Why?

For this problem, after breaking away from the shackles of the original plane and stepping out of the standard plane, the wind chime has its own answer: it can't be seen, just because it is in it. When the plane is no longer a shackle, the river of time will show its own shape. Of course, this is not necessarily the standard answer. For different people, the answer may be different. Take tirathamis for example, his statement is another one: "the river of time does not exist, but it is the basis of the existence of so many aspects. Without time, the world will remain unchanged. Without time, everything will lose its meaning. The river of time does not exist, but it will appear in other forms, just as you can see now, data flow. ", But for the wind chime at the moment, it is.

However, tirathamis's view is not impeccable at this time. The river of time can be the basis of data flow. Why can't data flow be one of the existing forms of the river of time?

Standing on the Bank of the river, standing in front of the river of time again, looking at the endless river, Fengling feels that for thousands of years, she has finally changed a way to see the world, which is to see the world with a rule outside the original plane. In response to her changes, the world is presented in a different way in front of her, rather than the original one. Tiratimus, though different from her, taught her to see the world in a different way.

This makes her excited, but also makes her confused. At the same time, it hides endless crisis, because this view itself is a subversion of the rules she used to know.

From the original cognition, it was the rules that created her. Therefore, for thousands of years, she only thought that she was the highest being to maintain the balance and existence of that world. The rules she could handle in her hands could only be lower than the rules of the plane. However, when the river of time appeared in front of her, some of them seemed to have new explanations, such as changing views, It is a kind of behavior to change the rules of looking at the rules, and when this behavior breaks through the plane and puts it on the plane, it is the understanding and use of the space rules. It's the realm of God, and it's the realm of God beyond the original plane.

A philosopher once said, "if you see me or don't see me, I'll be there, not sad or happy.", It seems that in the field of God's rules, this rule is also applicable. That is to say, no matter whether it is for man or God, this sentence seems to be universal. So, what's the difference between man and God?

Fengling looked up at the endless river of time, a little crazy for a moment.

Well, everything is too far, back to the river of time itself, does the river really have no end?

Feng Ling frowned slightly. The internal rules of the plane make her feel that this rule is not very real. If there is no end to the river, how does the space where her consciousness exists hold it? The river has no end, so the space should have no edge, otherwise how can it accommodate a river without end? If this plane has no end, how does it exist? Does this way of existence have something in common with that of crystal world?

And if its way of existence can be determined, how does the consciousness of Fengling itself exist in this space?

Fengling looked down at himself, he could not feel his own shape, so how did his consciousness perceive the world?


One by one, problems flooded in, pounding her consciousness and almost drowning her. Fengling quickly relaxes her thinking, so that some unimportant problems do not linger in her consciousness, so that her consciousness can be freed from endless rules. The answer to those questions is the sea of rules.

Calm for a long time, wind chime suddenly move in the heart, not toward the river of time, but toward the direction away from the river of time. Since this is a space, can its size be measured? There is no other reference object in front of us, so why not take the river of time itself as a reference object, first understand the world, and perhaps find some simple rules, such as the size of the world, and then talk about others?

Sure enough, after the movement, the law of this plane seems to have changed again. The river of time in front of us is gradually becoming thinner, and as the river of time becomes thinner, the light of the river of time is gradually becoming dim. The light of the river of time is fading. In the distance, a light flow parallel to the river of time appears slowly!

Is that a river of time?

There are two rivers of time in this space?

Windbell was surprised.

And the word tirathamis came back to her - data flow.

It seems that this world is the world of data flow.

When I was thinking about it, I suddenly felt colloid in front of me. I was stagnant in the forward direction. Gradually, with the wind chime moving forward, the resistance was increasing until the wind chime could not move forward any more. The wind chime thought and stopped.

Looking back, the original river of time is similar to the river of time in front. If you are right, here is the boundary between the two rivers of time. The space here must be divided into different regions by some rules, and each region will have a "data flow". If this reasoning goes on, it's behind the river of time. Could it be another "data stream"?

So what's inside the river of time? Another question flashed into the mind of Fengling.

Now that the outside has reached the edge, are there other rules inside the river of time? Thinking of this, the wind chime turns back to the side of the river of time, reaches in and wants to get something out. But the result is somewhat unexpected, a huge force from the hand, in front of a whirl, her control of their own immediately become meaningless.

Whirling past, wind chimes through the time torrent, appeared in a small light surrounded by the grid. Windbell's consciousness was locked into a purple flame. This is her present body in this world. This is the real world. The location is the metal cabin where tirathmis is held in the mechanical city. In the air was the green flame she had ever seen - tirathamis.

"Here you are?" Tirathamis's voice sounded cool, not surprised that the wind chime came here on its own“ The way the world exists is not just a form. They exist in the way you see, but also in a way you can't understand for the time being. The data stream you see is the way the crystal world you are in exists in one-dimensional space. "

"One dimensional space?" After a pause, Feng Ling asked, "Your Highness, do you mean that the river of time is my crystal world?"

Tiratimus said, "that's right. Your world is a secondary virtual space, where data flow exists is a primary virtual space, and here is my original real world. Here is the starting point of everything, but, unfortunately, we are trapped. "

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