Long Yi re opened the folder that Lin Zicong took from the recycling center. He stared at the documents for a long time, but didn't read a word. So he closed the folder and walked slowly into the yard.

Lin Zicong planted several holly trees in his yard. The girls in the management center of the action team took good care of the door when they were free. The light was sufficient and the fertilizer and water were reasonable. Therefore, these holly trees grew very green.

Although Lin Zicong is interested in women, he can't see the flowers and grass. Except for the girls who take care of them, only longyi will notice their existence.

When there are too many things, Long Yi will walk in the yard. Of course, it's good to walk in the mountains. But it's a little far for him. After all, he knows how much burden he has.

Longyi absently stood in the yard, looking at the holly, then touched his pocket, and slowly pulled out an old-fashioned pocket watch. Looking at the time, he reached out to the guard at the door.

The guard came to attention, saluted and asked, "general long, what's your order?"

Long Yi said: "please come here from the first operation team Wu Niu, the ninth operation team Luo Zikai, Lu Nan, the eleventh operation team Feng Qinghao, Jie Qiang and the logistics section Miyang. I'll wait for them in the conference room in half an hour. By the way, there is another person, you go to carry him to me, that is Guo Tianming of the 12th action group. In addition, inform Guan Tong to get in touch with the field team and give a report on the overall situation of the recent logistics in the field meat supply. I'll get the report right after the meeting. Get me a car in three hours. I need to meet my old boss. Tomorrow morning, I'd like to make an appointment with director Xiumei of the logistics department. Some things need to be interviewed. "

"Yes! General dragon The guard trotted all the way to deal with the instructions.

Longyi slowly pinches a leaf and kneads it into dross.

The new large-scale particle battery was named "star trace" by he Xingtong. This is a deal. Longyi paid a very small price, but it received a very big result. It is a safe profit to use a name and some wrecks of space warships as the price. But he was not reconciled. He felt that he had made a mistake. This mistake may not be obvious now, but I don't know when it will cause more trouble.

All along, Heshi group exists in the underground city system as a business. Whether it is selling equipment, weapons or other materials, Heshi group has a large share of supply. After the last electromagnetic storm, the loss of the base is basically borne by Heshi group, and their power is even higher, The strength of he's group in the military headquarters is lengling's mercenary regiment. There is an indescribable relationship between them. Now he Xingtong secretly takes Lin Zicong's side and gets involved in the construction of large-scale fort. Lengling knows what to think?

The relationship between Lin Zicong and Leng Ling at the previous military headquarters meeting is still in the air. If the "underground" cooperative relationship between Lin Zicong and he Xingtong is known by both sides this time, what would it be like?

In addition, he and he Xingtong set up this kind of underground contract at this time, but lengling borrowed the strength of the second group army to secretly attack the ninth operation group in the ruins of Z city. Both things are in the dark. If Lin Zicong knew, what would he think of him?

Put aside Lin Zicong, Leng Ling is a man of thousands. Originally, he wanted to kill people with a knife, but he didn't expect that he would attack the Second Army division of the ninth operation group. Instead, he just dealt with him and made a show. In fact, he joined the Third Army led by Wu Niu at the scene and slapped the mechanical forces with the ninth operation group. How would Leng Ling feel?

If Leng Ling knew that he Xingtong had betrayed him during this period, and even started to secretly build a large particle battery for longyi, what would he do?

Dragon Wing twists a leaf to pieces.

He vaguely felt that the rhythm of these things was out of control and not very stable recently, but when he thought about it, he felt that he was still on the point. If he missed the idea, it would be difficult to say whether he would have this opportunity in the future. But what opportunities are hard to find?

After much hesitation, longyi finally figured out this intuitive thing. Fundamentally speaking, it was the opportunity to get some funds from Heshi group to enrich the action team. Money is basically the end of all problems. But the initiative of this end point is no longer Lin Zicong's side!

Isn't this the problem Lin Zicong has been having a headache? He is willing to break himself, shuttle flowers, is not for this problem? If he had money, he would have to think about how to waste his youth and beauty from those women every day in exchange for a little bit of benefits? You know, wanton flowers is not only physical work, but also intellectual work, but also a test of Eq. it is not impossible for a careless woman to tear him up!

At this point, longyi lost his smile. In terms of money, he has made so much money in disguise. What does Lin Zicong think when he knows?

Pacing two steps, the Dragon Wing slightly some light up.

At this time, a member of the action team quietly came to the front of longyi, stood at attention and saluted, and then said: "the first action team report openly!"

This person's height is ordinary, and his appearance is also ordinary, but there is an indescribable taste in his appearance. Long Yi even glanced at him, and then looked back to see his face. He still felt that his face didn't leave any impression in his mind.

When the first action team was set up, it was selected based on personal ability. The characteristic of Zhang Ran is that he has no characteristics wherever he loses his appearance, which is easy to forget. Such a person is the most effective one in spying.

Longyi nodded and put his mouth to longyi's ear. In a small voice, he said quickly: "lengling has already responded to the mercenary Corps. It is said that half of the mercenary headquarters gathered in the corridor at that time, and everyone heard it clearly. Lengling's room almost turned over. Herman's face was full of anger when he went in and blood when he came out. I don't know whether it was her own or lengling's. later, the person who cleaned the room said lengling had been standing in the room for a long time, and there was nothing on her body, It's just that I've got some injuries on my hand and I've been dripping blood. "

"Leng Ling didn't make any big moves after the incident. She just gave three orders. The first order was to send people to the Heshi group to prepare some gifts and send them to the second army. It's not clear what the gifts contain, but it's said that there are many things in them, and it's not clear who to give them to. The second order is to change their core combat capability, seven wolves and eight tigers, to six wolves and eight tigers, and withdraw them to the underground city base for standby. The reason is that the fierce fighting broke out in various places recently is abnormal, and the mercenary Corps needs to focus on strategic adjustment. The third order is that, Is to make full efforts to repair the damaged infrastructure of the underground city base promised before. Of course, the main force of this part was originally Heshi group, but lengling felt that those forces were weak, so the mercenary Corps needed to inject strength into the reconstruction work to ensure the smooth progress of various repair work. "

"In addition, the top echelons of the military headquarters are very satisfied with the confluence of the second and third group armies, with the group army being able to gain control of the giant spirit God, and with the recent battles of the operation team. The military headquarters has contacted and reported to the international headquarters, applied for subsidies, and the international headquarters is also very satisfied, Special envoys will soon be sent to the underground base to reward the relevant personnel. At the same time, they will have further understanding and discussion, study the strategies and tactics, and promote them all over the world. "

After the report, Zhang Ran retreated. Longyi frowned and asked, "do general Lin know all these things?"

Zhang Ran shook his head and said, "general Lin knows everything about the headquarters of the military department. The things about lengling have not been reported to general Lin yet."

"Well, I see." Longyi nodded.

Zhang Ran hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "well, do I need to report the situation of the mercenaries to general Lin?"

Dragon Wing slightly ponders, way: "report."

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