When Lin Zicong came again, it was five days later. Li Xinyan's injury had recovered. But he only looked at the scenery outside the fake window and didn't speak. He didn't know what he was thinking. Although the hospital has strengthened its security forces outside, Li Xinyan didn't mean to go out of the room for five days. He just stood here and looked out of the window. He didn't even look at Sun Jiali when she came in.

Sun Jiali seems to understand what he is thinking and doesn't talk much. He stands. Sun Jiali directly uncovers his clothes and applies the medicine. After that, she leaves. She goes by herself and doesn't say a word to Li Xinyan.

Lin Zicong came in and said nothing. He just pointed to a man behind him with a smile and said, "this is Lao Du, your martial arts master. Let's get to know him. I specially borrowed him from the combat training center of the military department to guide you in martial arts If you want to stop this war, you can't even protect yourself Lin Zicong

Li Xinyan frowned at Lao Du, still turned to look out of the window and continued to think.

If sun Jiali can see Li Xinyan's memory, then Lin Zicong can naturally see the matter of preventing the war. He once thought that if there is something left in the memory, they can naturally see it. Strangely, Li Xinyan was neither opposed nor angry. He just looked out of the window.

Strog was seriously injured in the battle, and two guards of the other side were in front of him, so the possibility of his survival was very small. After Wu Kun died, Tong Liya's whereabouts are unknown. The three people closest to him are all gone now. Now, once Li Xinyan goes to bed, he will unconsciously fall into Wu Kun's memory. Every time he sees something in Wu Kun's memory that Wu Kun can't forget, he will feel more and more lonely.

Li Xinyan doesn't know whether the loneliness is something in Wu Kun's memory or his own. Like Wu Kun, he used to stick to base 766. Maybe it's a common feeling buried in his heart. He was inadvertently drawn out by Wu Kun's memory. It's like his emotion when he saw the images in Wu Kun's memory, Floating from his heart, he could not escape and escape. No matter what kind of source, once it appeared, it was difficult to expel him.

But Lin Zicong didn't care about it. He just lit a cigarette and said, "I'm busy dealing with the bureaucrats from the headquarters of the military department these days. It seems that my estimation of the effect of your operation is a little small. Let's say, this time, the human world was inspired by this incident. When the headquarters of the Bureau of military affairs learned that this was the work of our base, they immediately sent high-level representatives to commend it... Of course, this is not the key point. The key point is the support they got, which is very good enough for our development in the past two years! "

Li Xinyan has no distractions and doesn't seem to listen to him at all.

"Well, by the way, your original location is base 766, which is a remote defensive position. You probably don't know much about the general situation of the underground base. It is one of the three major large bases in South Asia, with a total force of about 1.5 million, including about 300000 mercenaries. The rest are divided into three groups. Of course, there are also some base garrisons. All the staff of the operation team add up to about 1032 people, and a large part of them are actually logistics and support personnel, with a total of 688 people. In fact, there are not many people in the whole operation team, and the internal consumption is not so big. If these supports are used properly, it will be no problem to support them for three years. "

Li Xinyan is in a trance and still doesn't look at him.

Lin Zicong ignored him and continued to say, "it's a pity that Luohai city of the ninth operation team has died. Long Yi told me the latest situation of them and I've considered it. There is no one left to manage the ninth operation team instead of him. This is bad news. The spirit of the ninth action team is to be able to wedge into the enemy's team. Without suitable people, it means that it is difficult to carry out the inheritance of this spirit When designing these 12 action teams, I have defined the consistent spirit that each team upholds. Only with an independent spirit can they have a consistent driving force, and the team can be twisted into a rope, so that they will not have disputes when they perform tasks, and there will be no conflict of values. Since there is no suitable person to replace him, there is no need for the ninth action team to exist. "

Li Xinyan still didn't respond.

Lin Zicong's cigarette had been burnt out. He lit another cigarette and said, "the situation of action group 12 is also not optimistic. I'm surprised that Wu Kun died. I didn't think so about him originally. I just hope that he can take you to understand the situation behind the enemy lines. It turns out that no one can show up in those places after they are occupied by the mechanical Corps. So we just want to know what the mechanical corps are doing after they occupy the ground, But I didn't expect that you would touch so far together and directly destroy a mechanical base. Wu Kun's goal is very bold. Among the 12 action teams, the performance of the 12th action team is also the most eye-catching. First, he destroyed the mechanical corps which can only be resisted by tens of thousands of soldiers in wolf Valley, and then he destroyed a large ground base in the mechanical city, Finally, this time we used the weapons that we had given up, and directly attacked the main body of the mechanical city in the sky! "

"It's really out of everyone's expectation!"

"But! Wu Kun is dead. This is also bad news. This problem is the same as that of the ninth action group. There is no core team leader! " Lin Zicong, sitting in a wheelchair, tapped on the table and said. His body is a human body, the injury is very slow, up to now still have to sit in a wheelchair.

Li Xinyan didn't pay any attention to him. He still didn't look at Lin Zicong here.

Lin Zicong said with an imperceptible smile: "after listening to the opinions of the members of the ninth action group, Long Yi, the members of the 12th action group and others, you recommend that I merge the remaining members of the two action groups and fill in some more people, so as to at least make up the original number of the ninth group, And then reconstituted into operation 12 I've thought about it these two days, and this idea is actually good. Anyway, at present, the combat power of the 12th operation group is also good, and the positional warfare of the 9th operation group is also good. If the two teams work together, maybe there's something more surprising for me! So, I agreed. As for the selection of the team leader, it is up to you to take the responsibility after everyone agrees. "

Li Xinyan still didn't respond.

Lin Zicong's smile slowly faded from the corner of his eyes. After a pause, he put out his cigarette end, then slowly stood up and solemnly said: "before Wu Kun left, he appointed you as his successor. Then, I will continue to implement this decision and appoint you as the team leader of the 12th action team!"

With that, Li Xinyan reacted. He sat down and waved. Lao Du pushed him out of the room.

Li Xinyan slowly turned his head and looked at the door. His eyes were slightly blurred.

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