"What's your last name? What's your name? " Li Xinyan cleans his nose and mouth with tissue paper and asks coldly.

"Me? brother! My name is Li Xinhai, three gold Xins, the sea of the sea, which means the sea full of gold. When I was born... "Before Li Xinhai finished his words, he was so tight on his neck that when his chest hit him, he hit him upside down and fell on the street.

Li Xinyan's first judgment is that this person either has a plot or wants to assassinate his third killer!

Otherwise, how could it happen that someone was one word short of his name? Originally, he would like to eat breakfast before making theory, but now it seems that he has to solve the problem that this guy is eating breakfast.

The old man, who was still making cakes, looked up and did his work slowly.

Li Xinhai did not seem to expect that Li Xinyan had such a good hand. He got up from the ground, opened his mouth and spat out blood“ well! It's really a monster He laughed, stroked his chest, stood up, wiped the blood from his mouth with his sleeve, and said: "I really like it! brother! Can't you just take it easy? "

Li Xinyan, however, has no expression. He picks up his chopsticks and stares at him in case he draws a gun from his waist. Before this guy put away his gun, he probably knew his physical condition, so he estimated that the power of the pistol was limited. Now as long as Li Xinyan's guard is relaxed, he is afraid that what he is facing is either a knife or a dagger.

Li Xinhai didn't look like he was pretending. He spat blood and phlegm, then came back, sat a little away from Li Xinyan, and said with a smile: "no wonder so many people want to join the special action team. It turns out that as long as they go in, their combat power is really a level of ordinary people!"

Li Xinyan was stunned and asked, "what are you talking about?"

"Brother! To tell you the truth, I'm a killer! But do you know, I really don't want to be a killer anymore! But what can I do if I don't want to? If you are forced to do something, you will die! I've heard of an organization before. It's said that it's led by general Lin Zicong, the fourth highest ranking general in the military headquarters, and it's called the special action team. When you enter there, you will become a transparent person who hides his tracks. In this way, even organizations on the black market can't take them. It's equivalent to breaking away from the killer organization. However, there is a rule in the special action team. Their people are always screened from regular military organizations like the group army. If I join the group army and wait for screening, I will be killed immediately if I can be screened into the action team or not, just let the killer organization know that I have left them and entered the group army! "

Li Xinhai vomited another mouthful of blood. Li Xinyan knows his strength. According to his current strength, Li Xinhai's injury will not be false.

"Your name..." Li Xinyan's face was expressionless. He continued to eat breakfast and asked as he ate.

"Li Xinhai, the three golden Xins, the sea of the sea, means the sea full of gold. When I was born, my father dreamt that he had made a fortune. He gave me this name in the sea of gold. "

Li Xinyan said with a smile: "so... Is my name the stone that my father dreamed of making of gold?" Of course, he won't regard this guy as his brother. He doesn't have a brother. It's clear that people's names will be repeated in a certain way. Similar names will be even more“ It seems to me that you have been a killer for many years! " Li Xinyan road.

"Yes Li Xinhai's face regained his ruffian spirit, stretched out his ten fingers, looked at them carefully, even lifted them up to the light, sighed: "look, these are a pair of killer's hands. They are perfect, slender and powerful, but they have many opportunities to kill! Every night, when I look at it in the light, I feel that I have chosen the wrong sex, because a killer is totally unworthy of such a perfect pair of hands. It should not be used to harvest life. It should have been used to... Make cakes, repair flowers and plants, write and write... Anyway, it shouldn't grow on me. If it grows on a woman, maybe it will have a better life. "

Li Xinyan was silent. People who kill too many people will be a little neurotic. This problem has been discussed with Pamir when chatting with him before. Pamir has more knowledge than him, so we can be sure that this guy is a killer. That should be true.

But he didn't really come to kill himself?

"Why kill the man you killed today?" Li Xinyan continued. The old man who makes breakfast seems to be deaf and dumb. He only concentrates on making his own things, and his work doesn't stop.

Li Xinhai said with a smile: "Oh, speaking of this, we have to compete with the task of your action team. Do you know who your operation team didn't kill? "

Li Xinyan did not answer and continued to eat. Li Xinhai understood that it was deep and smiling, and continued: "we have summed up that the action team has three don't kill. The first thing not to kill is too small a bird. The action team is a soldier who walks in the black zone for the normal operation of the military headquarters. They are mainly used to solve some special problems that can not be controlled by normal means. For example, there are no organizations and individuals who obviously violate the law, but will cause serious harm to the normal existence of the military headquarters and the underground city society. However, if these birds are too small, they will feel sick, But it does not cause too serious harm to the normal existence of the military headquarters and the underground city society. What should we do? It's the responsibility of the action team, and there's a fringe. This is the first bird that the action team wanted to kill but could not kill. "

"Second, if we don't kill, it will have a negative impact on the internal balance of the military headquarters. The action team will give way and implicitly refuse to deal with these problems."

Li Xinyan's chopsticks stop slightly. That's right. He heard Guo Tianming say that the above tasks are arranged by someone, and the action team only implements them. In this way, it is through Lin Zicong's filtering that the actions that will harm the action team are filtered.

"In fact, this second non killing is also a basis for the balance of upper class forces. Otherwise, there would have been chaos in the military headquarters. " Li Xinhai said with a smile. He stroked his chest and spat blood.

"Third, it's a matter of vision."

"Vision problem?" Li Xinyan said with a smile, "why, the high-level military officers also have vision problems?"

"That's nature!" Li Xinhai gave a white eye, showing the appearance of "only I know the inside story in the world" at this point. Li Xinyan almost laughed out, but he just kept his smile, which made him as deep as ever.

"What does the military department do? War! But what does it take to fight? Money! You... By the way, you don't need to care about this. Naturally, you are not sensitive to money. Do you know how important money is outside the military headquarters and on the black market? Money can buy almost everything you can think of! Hey, hey, don't you know? Where there is money, there is crime. No matter how tall the military headquarters is, no matter how concerned about the future of mankind, he may wipe his own ass clean? There's only one way to wipe it clean - cut it! But how is that possible? " Li Xinyan tone as always exaggerated, "since can't cut, the only way is to ignore! No matter! Regardless of this, then all the things that the military headquarters can't see will come out! I won't say that. Anyway, there are no pleasant words

"If there is something that the above three operation teams can't manage, it's naturally the problem of elbow and armpit. Therefore, the military headquarters doesn't care about this part of the matter, but someone is in charge of it instead of him."

"Who is that?" Li Xinyan finally finished eating. He sat down and asked.

"He group." Li Xin, Haidao.

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