The bright Mechanical City in the sky.

This is a fully enclosed space capsule. The space capsule is huge, about 1000 square meters. It is surrounded by unknown metal walls. The ceiling and the ground in the middle are carved with some complex patterns. The patterns are interwoven and spread around. The center is much more complex than the edge, At this time, the pattern flickered slightly like vitality, and occasionally streamer came from the middle of the pattern and slowly disappeared in the distance. In the middle of the pattern is a one meter high metal platform. The pattern on the ground spreads from the ground to the metal platform.

The metal platform is square. Four dragon head shaped pillars are erected at the four corners. The pillars are about two meters high. At the moment, countless green rays are emerging. The rays not only form a green transparent light ball, but also divide the spherical space between the pillars into countless small green grids. Due to the unique nature of the light and the specific ability of the metal platform, the closer to the light ball, The more you can see that in fact, the time and space in those space lattices are twisted into countless independent spaces with different directions and shapes by the force of the whole platform and light.

However, in the middle of these small lattices, there is a green flame burning slightly. The flame is very small, even less than one percent of a space lattice, but it burns very tenaciously. It seems that after a while, it will accumulate enough strength, and then suddenly break through the light curtain between two lattices, And then jump to another space grid. At the moment of its transition, that is, the moment it penetrates the light curtain, its green will be absorbed by the light curtain, and then all the light curtains on the whole platform will be dyed thick green.

This kind of green power seems to be extremely powerful. When all the light screens on the metal platform absorb the green light, they will vibrate violently, make a heart beating plop, and then transmit the heaviest green light to the metal platform. The pattern on the metal platform will absorb the green light energy, then flow through a bright green wave, rippling away from the metal platform to the surrounding ground, and gradually disappear on the metal wall.

In the distance, on a certain river beach, the moment when a * * burst out, the green flame just ready for the next transition, ready to break through a rhombic space light wall, suddenly stopped, and then doubled without warning! The shaking flame seems to increase its own energy for some special reason, and even the color of the flame becomes more green.

"Ha! Finally, there is a result! " A slightly magnetic middle-aged man's voice sounded in the capsule. The man seemed so excited that he couldn't help laughing. The flame in the space lattice vibrates slightly with the laughter, which seems to be integrated with the sound.

The movement and sound of the metal platform inside the capsule seem to have been noticed by something outside. A metal wall suddenly retracts upward, revealing a two meter high door. In the orange light outside, a robot walks in. A robot is not so much a robot as a human attack animal. His arms are full of small weapons, including metal knives and metal barbs. There are two Black Muzzles near his elbow. If it's just these, of course it can be classified as a robot, but the most unique thing is that his head is a wolf shaped metal head, two sharp Bluetooth knives pee down from his upper jaw, reflecting an orange light in the light.

The robot came in, looked at the green flame on the metal platform, then walked around the metal platform, looked at those still with green light curtain, and then said with a similar joking tone of people who didn't match his appearance: "Yo? Why are you so excited today? What's up? What's up? Or do you think of some interesting games? If you have any fun, please remember to share it with me. Otherwise, if you stay with me every day, you will be bored to death. "

The green flame didn't answer immediately. After pondering for a moment, he let the robot's electronic eye scan several times on his body, then jumped from one end of the diamond space to the other end, and even rebounded a few times on the light wall of the diamond space like a trampoline, joking: "well, I don't play games today, today... I want to give you a riddle. Atlas, if I remember correctly, last time I gave you a riddle, you spent seven days. This time... I'll give you six days. "

"Six days!? Why not 6.9 days? Reduced by a tenth of a day at a time!? It's not fair. The time curve is not right. " Exclaimed atlas, slightly dissatisfied.

"Oh, why are you still so rigid? I see that you are smarter than other robots, which shortens your time. How else can you show that you are more powerful than other robots? " The flame stopped, trampolined on the light curtain, hovered in the center of the diamond space, seemed to be staring at atlas, a flame slightly cocked up, just like looking at the face of a robot.

"Oh... Well, six days is six days." Atlas hesitated, nodded and agreed.

Green flame seems to be in a good mood, and said: "I've got a topic. Listen! Cassis went to school in the morning. He suddenly saw a bone and a wallet on the ground. Instead of picking up the wallet, he picked up the bone and left. Why

Atlas stayed for a while, and then said, "six days?"

The green flame replied, "six days."

The robot pondered, walked out of the capsule, the cabin door closed slowly, and everything in the room darkened again, and the green flame stopped in the air. After a long time, he said with a smile: "Oh, it's a good robot, with a little future." He turned around, then dashed towards a wall of light, and then his body appeared in a hexagonal cylindrical space.

If someone can enter that space, they will find that there are mountains, water, sea and mountains in the small space. There's also a sky here, my own sky! A fiery red sun hung high in the sky, and a thick dark cloud was transpiration on the horizon in the distance. Under the dark cloud, there were patches of rain lines, moistening the green vegetation growing on the ground. The vegetation covered the towering mountains, and the river meandered among the mountains to the distant ocean. If you look around, the space here is not just a little bit seen from the outside of the metal platform, but a vast space of millions of miles!

The dancing green flame seen outside is not a flame, but a tall angel with six wings on his back and three meters tall. The angel stopped in the clouds at the moment, and the six white wings sent out soft white light, blocking the fierce wind in the sky outside an invisible spherical aperture, quietly looking at the distant flashing light and clouds and the horizon. In the afternoon, the sun reflected on the distant sea, making the angel's face more white and handsome. The angel stood in the air for a long time, then sighed deeply and said with melancholy: "great Minotaur, how much effort have you made to trap me?"

The angel's eyes that pass through time and space are turning a dense green that can't be melted. The green is surging endlessly. After a moment, the green awn slowly stops surging and stops at the top of a snow mountain. There, stands a broken temple, a 50 meter statue of the God of war, holding a spear stabbing into the sky, quietly looking ahead. There is a faint milky flame from the statue's eyes, which gives the statue a little breath of life. His eyes seem to have passed through thousands of kilometers of space, staring at the hovering six winged angels. There is a thunder in the sky, which makes the earth tremble slightly.

"Well, I can't help myself!" The angel's face showed a little grimace, and his figure disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a ripple of space rippling in the place where he had stopped.

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