The warehouse of the action team looks like the warehouse of the recycling center. There are many old containers in the huge factory as containers, but these containers are more orderly than those of the recycling center. The container is painted in yellow. It looks much cleaner and more regular. The lane in the middle of the container is painted with neat yellow lines, and the key positions are marked with the names of some areas, such as "weapons", "knives", etc., so that people who come in can quickly find the area they want to reach.

Li Xinyan followed Guan Tong all the way and saw the word "relic" on the ground. They stopped.

Guan Tong is holding a bunch of keys, which are marked with 12 rows and 3 cabinets.

After opening the third container in the 12th row, Guan Tong went in and rummaged for a long time, then took out a diary from the container. Put the diary on the palm of Li Xinyan's hand. Guan Tong goes to the fourth cabinet in the ninth row and takes out a notebook of the same style. Compared with the previous notebook, this one is much thicker. It is also mixed with various kinds of paper. It looks like a frog that has been stretched to death. I don't know how many secrets its owner wants to put into its stomach.

"I have received the order of general long. You can have unrestricted authority, so you can take these two diaries away." Guan Tongdao.

Li Xinyan is not much nonsense, took the notebook and left: "after reading, I will return it."

Instead of going back to the meeting room of the action team, Li Xinyan went back to his room, closed the door, comfortably laid himself on the bed, and then opened the thin notebook. Reading is hard work. In the past, when I was in base 766, the smooth boulder was a good place for reading. Li Xinyan missed it very much. Without this condition, he can only choose his own room. It seems that this is a relatively comfortable place. This time, he will spend half a day without sleep to read the contents of these two Diaries!

Knowing the existence of these two diaries is naturally a record in Wu Kun's memory.

Memory is a magical thing, especially people's memory. They only keep important things. For some details and data things, it will gradually blur. Therefore, Wu Kun's memory directly blurs some details in his diary. Only when he has them completely, can Li Xinyan understand the problems he faced at that time, These things are very likely to have implications for the coming future.

Of course, the program of the action team requires that specific action tasks should not be recorded, because many tasks have unknown backgrounds or unjust aspects. However, things beyond the tasks can be recorded. This is the original intention of Li Xinyan to look for these two diaries. Action group 129 is a mixture of the legacy of action group 9 and action group 12. Naturally, there are many things that need to be inherited from the previous content, such as specialty, spirit and policy. As a record of the action group, Wu Kun also said in his memory that every team leader has such a book, including those who have died, so it is necessary to establish a complete action group 129 as soon as possible, These things are indispensable. Only they can unite these people into a powerful fist as soon as possible.

On the other hand, in the eight years of base 766, Li Xinyan did not have the opportunity to lead a group of highly skilled soldiers to complete an important task. Most of his men were just sent to the front from the rear, so his command ability did not have much room for development. Longyi sent this new team to him, In fact, he was worried. Getting Wu Kun's and Luo Haicheng's notebooks, to a large extent, is that he wants to learn some skills from these two visible and tangible predecessors.

Just now, the container opened by Guan Tong is very strange. Why are there 12 rows of 3 containers and 9 rows of 4 containers? Are there more things left by our predecessors in the cabinet in front of us?

I think it's a bit far away. Li Xinyan shakes his head and throws out his superfluous thoughts.

Open Wu Kun's notes, a vigorous and powerful notes with heroic spirit.

The first few pages are Wu Kun's records of the resources of the operation team. Li Xinyan immediately feels cordial about this, because in fact, the things he has been operating in the past two days are mostly the contents of weapons, rationing, accommodation and other resource reserves. We all think about the same thing.

The following pages are some of everyone's specialties. Wu Kun remembers this very carefully, and even has a clear record of who likes to smoke and when. Turn to their own page, but it is a blank. Obviously, Wu Kun has not had time to analyze his own characteristics.

And then things began to let Li Xinyan some fascinated, it is according to the front of everyone's expertise, made out of a map!

A team naturally has its own shape on the battlefield. Only in this way can a team become a fist. In the case that everyone has different strengths and the task is complex, the three-dimensional cooperation highlights its importance to combat. Li Xinyan suddenly remembered a book that Tong Liya had shown herself when she was in the ward. It was called "on three-dimensional war". Isn't Wu Kun's record a real example of three-dimensional war in a battle?

Although Wu Kun's painting of villains is not very good, the small characters beside it are very reasonable. It explains in detail the use of each person's characteristics in combat, such as three-dimensional crossing, mutual complement and so on. It is very accurate!

Looking at a breakdown chart, it has been two hours. After carefully studying the command experience behind, some gateways dealing with other departments, as well as wartime gestures, weapons and equipment, it has been about five hours. Li Xinyan was a little tired, so he stopped to have a rest.

After eating the regular fast food in the refrigerator, Li Xinyan opens the notebook of luohaicheng.

If Wu Kun's three-dimensional actual combat is version 1.0, that is, the optimized formation of the action team is higher than that of the ordinary troops, then Luohai city is version 2.0 of the three-dimensional actual combat. His total personnel resources are obviously much more than Wu Kun's personnel resources, so the complexity of his records is also much more complex than Wu Kun's.

The original notebook to join those colored paper, is every mission when the battlefield layout map of Luohai city! On it, there are not only the arrangements of everyone, but also the detailed marks of battlefield obstacles, auxiliary equipment, protective equipment and weapon coordination. If you take out any map, it will be a perfect formation that can be used independently on the battlefield!

Strictly speaking, maps violate the confidentiality principle of the action team, but luohaicheng keeps them. Naturally, the significance of these things is far greater than the confidentiality principle of the action team. Between violating the system and ensuring victory, luohaicheng chose victory. This is an attitude! Li Xinyan could not help but feel awe. Because the word "victory" means the lives of many soldiers on the battlefield!

Between life and system, luohaicheng chose to fight for life.

After the map, Li Xinyan was puzzled by some account records. Does the ninth action group still have business content? After thinking for a long time, he realized that these things were actually the profits of heideng's trading to luohaicheng!

No wonder Luohai city can privately raise funds for the construction of Xingchen. It turns out that the funds come from here.

Li Xinyan seems to open the unknown side of Luohai city in front of him, and that side is gray.

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