He said that the boy was too active, but he looked clever. Seeing that Sun Yue didn't speak, he not only answered but also asked: "general sun, I don't know, but these things will probably change people's view of mechanical life, OK?"

Sun Yue frowned, just for a moment. He nodded and said, "OK, show it to the generals." Liao Yiling's pet gets the most information, that is, some private information from the top of the military headquarters. I'm afraid it won't be very important. However, since you want to see, Liao Yiling will never give him something that can't be elegant. Liao Yiling is not an ordinary woman, and ordinary women can't swim between so many senior officers. Therefore, the outside world's wishful thinking will not be made public in kuiyin's hands.

Quinn nodded, went to the screen at the end of the conference room, turned on the screen, and put his hand on the power. Although he is only six or seven years old at the moment, it doesn't look childish at all. Everyone calmed down and cast their eyes on the screen curiously. What's important about this little thing for you to see? Kuiyin holds the signal input interface of the screen with her hand, and then sends some information in meticulously.

The screen gradually brightened up. The scene on the screen didn't look like a scenery, nor a basement meeting room. It looked like a brighter metal room. The room is very large, just like the Great Hall of mankind. The metal pillars are engraved with the patterns of the ground and the ceiling. Under the bright light, the dark red seats in the distance are spread out in rows, which can accommodate more than a thousand people. The light in the distance was a little dim, but I could tell that it was full of people.

As soon as the camera turns, a general in white military uniform puts his hand in the white area on the rostrum, looks up, looks dignified, and glances at the full seat in front of him. His eyes fall into the distant void, just like a wise man who has gone through tribulations. What he sees is the final outcome of countless changes in the world.

"This... This is not general Lin's new operation team leader!" Someone screamed.

"No! This man is much older than he looks Some people have different opinions.

"But... It as like as two peas in two."

"What's going on? What is this place? " There is more doubt.

"Look at his clothes! That's a commander's dress! What unit is he from? "

"We have never had such a commander! Where do we have white clothes? This place doesn't look like our conference hall... He's not our commander. "Some people are denying it.

"Stop it! Let's see what he says first Some people are more calm and hit the point.

There was a quarrel at the bottom. Sun Yue didn't pay attention at all. He was staring at the screen himself. He had never seen these scenes. He was also surprised at what kuiyin showed.

The general in white sighed and said, "my friends! The moment we face is not enough to describe danger, but should be defined by life and death! So we should put aside meaningless quarrels and solve some practical problems. " The voice of the man in white is exactly the same as that of Li Xinyan, but it can be heard that his voice is older than that of Li Xinyan, adding unquestionable firmness and strength. Although there is no momentum of young people, Li Xinyan does not have this sense of calm and accurate grasp of the world after rational and careful consideration.

I don't know how long the general in white has been speaking, or what he has said. It's just from the quiet situation that the meeting has reached a very important stage. The general in white seems to have made everyone realize the importance of putting down the quarrel. His eyes are firm, his right hand points to the sky, and his voice is enough to penetrate the starry sky: "life is born and always is free and equal, no matter it is born in nature or belongs to mechanical life, free will will accompanies the whole life from the day it is born, which is the right given to it by the world, No one has the right to deprive it. Accompanied by free will, the material existence, property and behavior of every life are attached to life, so they should also be free and should not be oppressed and exploited! Any oppression is unreasonable and is bound to die out. As soldiers, our natural duty is to fight for ultimate equality by all means when our world is treated unfairly, instead of quarreling here! "

As soon as the picture turns, another scene appears on the screen. The general in white, holding a black object in his palm, raised his head and asked, "that's all that's left?"

There was a loud voice nearby and said, "yes, general, that's all that's left. The rest of his body has melted away in the explosion."

The general in white looked at the black wreckage in his hand and held it silently: "although mechanical life can be reborn, it takes time and conditions. Human beings say that mechanical life has no feelings, but when they encounter crisis, their feelings are no less than human beings! They will also give their... Lives for their faith and loyalty

The general in white spread out his palm again, showed the black wreckage in his hand again, and then gently put it into a metal iron box, which was gray and only carved with the shape of a lonely jigsaw puzzle.

The picture changes again. In front of a metal door of a cave, five mechanical leopards are picking at the crack of the door with their claws. After a squeaking sound of metal scraping, the metal door is forced up, exposing the vast mountain cavity behind the door. When the door was opened, a row of metal piles more than half a meter high stood four or five meters behind the door. The top of the metal piles was slightly red and flickering. The door had just been lifted by the mechanical animals. Without waiting for the mechanical animals to react, dozens of water columns, colloids and lasers were mixed with some unknown things and poured over like a waterfall.

The picture quickly glides to the depth of the corridor, and the mechanical beast blocks in front of it, and the messy things that come from the jet are poured on the mechanical beast blocking in front of it. What happened in the back seems to be out of order. The water column and colloid mixed with each other. After the water mixed, the ground around the metal door was extremely slippery. The mechanical beasts standing in front of them did not expect it, and immediately fell about. I don't know where there is a spark. With a loud roar, a flame outside the metal door, accompanied by laser light, suddenly ignites from the ground, wrapping all the mechanical animals in it.

"Kill them!" With a sharp roar like a metal sound, a group of mechanical animals rush into the sea of fire in disorder and march towards the other end of the sea of fire. Just in a moment, dozens of mechanical animals ran directly across the fire from the back of the picture and rushed behind the fire.

After the flame, there is no shadow of people. There are only some things that look like industrial robots. In their bodies and mouths, they are constantly spitting out something like oil. Some of the flames burn faster and have turned some industrial robots into torches.

In a chaotic sea of fire, black shadows flicker. The mechanical animals directly bite the sensors on the top of the industrial robots with their sharp teeth. That's their eyes. Then, with a flick, the industrial robots fall off a deep cliff at the other end of the fireworks. What's more, like biting human corpses, the mechanical animals directly tear the bodies of the industrial robots to pieces, It seems that there are many meteors in the sky.

It's a war in the mechanical world. Everyone can see it.

It turns out that there are massacres and revolts in the non-human world!

So, what's the difference between mechanical life and human beings?

The people in the conference room looked at the screen and forgot the argument.

After a long time, Sun Yue asked kuiyin, "what are you showing us?"

Kuiyin naivete said: "this is something I found in the military information pile. I have nothing to do. Er, as you know, there are few people in charge of these materials that have been up to the age. As long as you stay in the library of the officers' club for some time, you can always turn them out. Maybe these materials have been kept for a long time, and I don't care about the specific time. After listening to what you said just now, I think we should have a look at these things. "

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