Long Yi looked up and said with a surprised smile, "did you two come together or just met in the courtyard of the action group?"

Behind filona, pushing the chair, is Yamashita Xiumei. These two people seldom see each other. How can they meet each other is a problem.

Before shanxiaxiumei could answer, another person flashed in outside the door. He was wearing a thickened skirt that didn't match the environment of the underground city. His long hair was wavy and hung on his shoulders. His smile was like a flower. What's more, he had a red hairpin on his head. This hairpin flower is a bright spot. It adds a lot of colors for her, and makes everything around her look more lively in the underground world. She grabbed the limelight of the beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain and yelled at longyi: "come on, this office is not good. I can't sit down. I want to find a meeting room. These are not the only people who are here today. Guan Tong, you'd better prepare the tea. We may have a meeting! "

Guan Tong was still in a daze, and Yang Ying said, "what? Don't you hear me? Hurry up, hurry up, there's really no place. It's OK to open a yard on the top of the mountain. We've lain down for a long time. Go to the mountain to have a look at the scenery and bask in the sun. I know that there are many training grounds for your action team, and it's not much trouble to turn them into a meeting place. Besides, we don't need such a formal meeting room when we get together. Although it's winter today, the weather outside is good and the sunshine is good! "

Yamashita chuckled and finally said, "hmm? Miss, you are not mistaken, are you? It's winter outside. It's freezing on the top of the mountain! It's all snow

Yang Yingyi looked up and said, "I think you've been in the office for too long. Are you lack of exercise? The underground city is a military base. It's not a greenhouse. If you don't cultivate flowers, a little ice and snow will freeze to death? It's not that crisp! Besides, there are fewer and fewer sunny days now. We just go out to get some air. "

"You can take it, but the patient can't take it!" Retorted Yamashita.

"I can stand it!" Philona sat in her chair, her voice hard.

The foot of the mountain shook his head and said helplessly, "good! Then we'll have an ice and Snow Festival? "

The voice did not fall, outside the door came a man, a military uniform, a short hair, cold way: "do you need some coffee?" This man looks like a very handsome man from the appearance, but he can tell from his voice that he is a woman.

Dragon Wing immediately stood up from the chair, saluted: "Chen staff! Why are you here? " After the salute, he went up and held the hand of the visitor.

Chen Chong, senior staff officer of the military headquarters, task dispatcher of the operation team, and Lin Zicong, most of the tasks of the operation team are assigned by her hand. For this direct superior, the Longyi department can't be more familiar. Of course, when Lin Zicong was alive, most of the time Chen Chong was directly assigned to Lin Zicong, and long Yi seldom contacted her directly.

"Well, this... I have a strong appeal." The foot of the mountain put in a mouthful and directly covered up the problem of longyi.

The reason for Chen chonglai is not important, especially at this juncture.

Yang Ying turned her lips and said, "what's your appeal? Forget it, you can't even control lengling. What's your appeal? Mr. Chen came only because of my face. "

The foot of the mountain snorted indifferently and said, "I'll tell you, it's rubbish. I don't want to tell you that people are almost here. Let's get to the point. We'll talk about the business later. Mr. Chen, you're here first. Read out the appointment certificate to general long. We're even spectators. If we see this, we can cooperate in many ways. "

"Warrant?" Dragon wings are not smiling. If a warrant is not a matter of business, then what is a matter of business?

But... What kind of warrant would it be?

Chen Chong suddenly stands at attention on the spot and pays a standard salute to longyi.

Dragon Wing a Leng, instinctively return a gift. How could this warrant be against him? But the question in my heart belongs to the question, what should be done should not be careless at all.

Chen Chong opened the folder in his hand and read: "after our ministry's study and decision, we hereby appoint major general Long Yi as the leader of the special operation team of the Taihang Mountain underground city base in the Asia Pacific region of the independent resistance organization. It will take effect as soon as the appointed person presses the palmprint." Then spread out the folder in front of longyi.

Longyi knows that the paper is specially made. He stretched out his hands and pasted his palms on the paper in the folder. Several light rays crisscrossed on the paper immediately. Later, the light gradually faded away. Where the light flashed, there were watermarks, palm prints, and military insignia. Under the appointed text, there was the current encrypted timestamp.

"All parties who must know about this have received your notice of Inauguration at this moment. Congratulations Chen Chong said with a smile.

Long Yi looks up and looks as usual. It's a standard military salute to Chen Chong.

Yang Ying said with a smile: "well, maybe Lin Zicong was just like this. Being young is good."

"Again." There was a murmur at the foot of the mountain.

"The second thing is about the stars." Chen Chong is a man with few words. Generally speaking, people who do secret things have this kind of character. When he said this, he stopped and scanned all the people present. She looked at Yang Ying with questioning eyes. Yang Ying nodded and then continued: "about the star trace, the upper level of the military headquarters has known all his plans."

"It's natural." Long Yi said, "in this matter, the action team didn't have to hide it from the military headquarters. Exploring the ruins of Z city itself is an action task given by the military department. It's no surprise that the military department knows the follow-up development of this matter. "

"Ha ha, I haven't finished yet." Chen Chong looks at Yang Ying again. It is obvious that he needs Yang Ying to confirm the safety of all the people present. Yang Ying took the trouble to smile and nod. After getting Yang Ying's reply, he stopped hesitating and said, "the matter has to start with the model converter you sent to general Xing. Do you know that a few decades ago, human space warships were absolutely dominant. Why did they fall behind in a short period of time? "

"Because human beings are not united." Beautiful scenery at the foot of the mountain.

"That's the root cause, that's right." Chen Chong nodded at Xiumei at the foot of the mountain. "The inertia of human beings in technological progress is derived, and the stagnation of human science and technology in war is also a reason."

Chen Chongdun continued: "the model converter you sent to general Xing is a new organism that uses light to calculate. It can make complex computing use of light superposition, subtraction, and even color, band synthesis to complete the calculation in the light transmission. Such calculation results can not be cracked by the enemy. It can be called a war innovation in the mechanical world. Compared with human beings, their combat units complete combat operations directly through light and rays in the communication, and then directly act on the weapon terminal, whose efficiency is beyond human beings' reach. Therefore, technological progress is also a factor that the combat power of Mechanical City surpasses human beings! 0”

"In this case, the independent resistance organization gradually expanded its strength in the human front at that time. The military headquarters hoped to use the last time to try to crack these things, hoping to learn the science and technology of the mechanical city. But mechatrocity didn't give us time to study them at all - they sent out super instrument agents to attack our base

"As a result, we all know now that the base in Z City has been destroyed and no one has escaped, but the super instrument agent has not escaped and is controlled by us..."

"Well, those are all things in the past, so I won't talk about them any more. What I need to tell you is to convey the words of general Xing: give him some time, this thing will be combined with the star trace, and it will create a sharp weapon that can directly threaten the mechanical city!"

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