Andrew stopped the forced injection of consciousness into the body, and the female voice may be right.

Probing consciousness into the body under his body, in front of him, what is connected by thousands of golden threads is a baby just born. No wonder. The newly spliced human body has been sleeping in the laboratory, and his consciousness is in a new state. Therefore, his consciousness has not grown up, and he is a newborn baby. The baby's whole body exudes a soft light, which has exhausted its own strength to fight against the fragments of consciousness transmitted by Andrew, fragile. A part of the golden thread is burning, which is relatively too strong for kuiyin's consciousness to burn the baby's original consciousness under the same function.

"If the transplant continues, he will die. If his consciousness doesn't die peacefully, all the nerves will think his brain is dead and fall into chaos. " Said the girl. She's in Andrew's body right now, and she can see the state of the body.

"If the great tiratis were here, he might know how to deal with it." That's what Andrew said.

"Maybe there's another way." The female voice says, "how about you peel off our original consciousness core and only input the memory part?"

Andrew thought for a moment, hesitated and said: "core consciousness stripping, only input memory data? That will cause memory loss! Moreover, if you lose your core consciousness, you will become another person! "

"But now you have no choice! Creating life is not within the purview of his highness Maitreya Taurus, nor is it within your power. "

Andrew fell into silence. He had to make a choice between God's command and the actual situation. If only the memory part is transplanted and queyin and Allen become another person, will they follow Maitreya taolos' orders? If they no longer obey Maitreya Taurus's orders, their mission will fail!

Is hesitating, the consciousness of the golden thread and ignited a few points of fire, the body instinct of a scream, is a mouthful of blood spit out.

We can't wait any longer. If they die, Andrew's mission is a complete failure.

At the moment, with a horizontal heart, Andrew directly peeled off the core of kuiyin's consciousness and the memory part, and pressed the memory part into the body.

The memory part does not directly act on the nerve, they are just the data storage in the brain, which naturally will not cause too much resistance. Once the scheme changes, the baby calmly accepts it!

A moment later, Andrew pulled down from the first body, waved his hand and pulled off the pipes on the body. He turned the body over, squeezed it on his abdomen, and let the body begin to breathe autonomously. Then he overlapped his hands and made a discharge in the heart of the body to wake the body up. After a while of tossing, the body coughed and got up from the ground, "wow", spitting out a mouthful of filth, and then looked up at everything around, mumbling: "who am I? Where am I? "

Anping is in danger in the mechanical laboratory.

Professor Han howled wildly in the crowd: "don't use electricity! No shooting! You can only control him with tools! Who can catch him? A million dollars

The one million in the underground city is very valuable. Let's not say whether it will be money or something. The one million in the military department alone is the pension of dozens of soldiers! That is to say, if you get the money, you basically don't have to do anything. You can go to the rear and buy a piece of lichen food and wait for death. But more, the researchers at the scene know that the value of this mechanical life is 300 times of the prize money given by Professor Han!

The preliminary development of mechanical life is successful, but it's a pile of money!

The mercenary regiment obviously knew more about the power. Most of them even put away their guns for fear that they might go off fire.

But even so, Anping is still in danger. These guys, they have metal mesh!

In the chaos, a man in general uniform appeared at the door of the mechanical laboratory“ Stand up As soon as he appeared, it was a loud order.

Everyone instinctively stands where they are. Almost at the same time, two people were shot out by Anping and fell on the operation platform of the assembly line, paralyzed into a ball of soft mud.

"Everybody, get out of here!" The officer gave orders.

Even Professor Han, in accordance with the military order, had to give up his momentum, waved to his researchers and left the mechanical laboratory in turn.

The bearer has great authority.

Anping clapped his hands, straightened his lab coat, held his arms and looked at the man. Andrew doesn't know where he has gone. Now he is the only one who can face everything here. After all, he is alone. No matter how strong his combat power is, he can't face the powerful security forces of he's group. He has to go out quickly. The good thing is that they all seem to think that this body has awakened and is not under their control for the time being.

The officer, with no expression on his face, came to Anping and began to slap him“ Good, good! Our experiment succeeded at last

Anping didn't move, so he held his arms and looked at the people coldly.

"Can you understand me?" The officer stopped in front of Anping and asked.

"Yes." An Ping answered.

"Do you know what death is?" The officer continued.

"I know." Anping also answered truthfully.

"Good." The officer nodded, looking satisfied.

"Take this thing." The officer threw something at him. It looked like a long sword.

It seems that he will use force to subdue his "newly created" mechanical life. Anping turns his mouth and goes to pick it up.

All of a sudden, with a jingle, a steel tool flew out from behind Anping. It hit the long sword flying towards Anping and made it fly“ Don't touch him Andrew's voice came from within.

"How did this guy show up again?" Anping turned around and rushed out a few meters behind him.

He doesn't want to be held in the palm of Andrew's hand any more.

But just turned around, his hands seemed to be pulled by something, and anpingsheng stopped in the air. After that, in the eyes of all human beings, Anping disappeared out of thin air!

"Damn it After all, the mercenary officer changed his color and hit the experimental platform with an angry punch. That oscillator is the bane of all electronic equipment, and of course it is also the bane of mechanical life. But who can recognize it?

This person is not flustered, immediately issued an order: "turn on infrared equipment! Give me a metal net! " Outside the laboratory, another mercenary rushed in. They were holding not only metal capture nets, but also some equipment that looked like dismantling tools. They had a way to deal with uncontrolled mechanical life.

The door leading to the biological laboratory behind the laboratory quietly opened and closed, leaving no trace. According to Liao Yiling's top secret information, "this biological laboratory can only be opened by the top management of he's group. For some high-level guests, it is also allowed to pass. "

But what Anping heard was Andrew's warning: "do you know why the mercenary Corps can compete with the operation team? Seven Lang eight tigers that is not so easy to provoke, only deal with a kuimu wolf, Lin Zicong almost put himself in! If you don't want to kill, it's better to be cautious. "

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