Darts are long-distance attack weapons. If more than a dozen people come near, I'm afraid Tong Liya will be dangerous. The shape of the magic knife shakes, and they are eager to retreat to Tong Liya. "Where are you going?" the Scarface man yelled, The hammer came straight over, and the three men he was carrying cooperated very well. The weapons swung round and surrounded him, blocking the retreat of the magic sword.

Magic knife heart next urgent, urgent way: "Your Highness quickly retreat!" Tong Liya was not in a hurry. She touched her hands again. Her arms turned with her body, and ten cold lights cut her face and chest. Three more screams.

Tong Liya uses the method of dart killing in group warfare.

The accuracy of shooting only one dart at a time is relatively high, but the killing efficiency is low. I'm afraid that before a few people are injured, these ferocious men will bully and follow. Therefore, she shoots ten plum blossom darts at once, with the intention of expanding the result. Although some of them were shot, more than a dozen of them didn't step back and continued to march forward. Four or five of them even came up with obvious Kung Fu. Tong Liya scolded in a low voice: "it's really a bandit base. If you get something, you'll kill it!"

These people don't come here with guns, they are all with batons and other things. It's strange to say that they are killers. But think about in the underground city, most places are limited space. If you use too many machine guns here, you can't protect which stray bullet will bounce back and hurt yourself, so this also makes sense. In addition, the sound of using cold weapons is small, which is the concentration of private courtyard in name. Naturally, the waves caused by killing Tong Liya will be much smaller! As the owner of the base, this result naturally has the least negative effect on Adam Han, so these people are most likely the killers sent by Adam Han!

Seeing that six or seven batons hit her at the same time, Tong Liya had to move away. However, there were many people on the other side. She avoided the six or seven batons in front of her, but another person came to her side. A stick could sweep her left arm and pull a piece of leather off her fur coat.

Just at this time, a shield suddenly stretched out from the right side, directly hit the strong man in the side attack, and knocked him out!

The tortoise shell man likes the wind.

Then six or seven jingling sound, hit to Tong Liya's front of those batons, all knocked on the other steel arm.

Iron arm Liang Long also timely top up.

Tong Liya stepped back a little, but found that she couldn't go back. Behind her was a test bench with molds!

In close combat, Tong Liya has no advantage. She has no other weapons in her hand. She looks left and right, and sees half of the failed arm skeleton on the ground. She picks it up and joins the regiment again.

It seems that there is a steady stream of formulas in tiratimus' hands, but in fact only he knows that these formulas are the basic equations for building a virtual laboratory. The equations are rapidly attacked by unknown forces. With each modification, his world will be turbulent. The changing rules lead to the instability of the superstructure, and everything is on the verge of destruction. In this case, he himself is rapidly modifying these basic equations of his virtual laboratory, replacing some of the algorithms with another equivalent equation in an instant, so as to create obstacles to the attack power and maintain the stability of the superstructure.

However, after a stalemate for a period of time, he found that these three forces were not what he initially estimated. They were all trying to attack his own world. Two of the three forces were modifying the basic equations here, while the other force was constantly exploring his world! Later, he was surprised to find that the two forces were still attacking each other! The first force will modify some of the equations, and the second force will modify others to achieve the opposite effect! After the first force finds the behavior of the second force, it will attack the equation involved by the second force in advance to attack the modification of the second force!

And the modification behavior of the wireframe tirathamis himself has completely become the "repairer" who will not immediately disintegrate the fighting platform.

The strangest thing is the third force, which seems to be familiar with here. It doesn't damage the virtual laboratory, but it doesn't modify the damage caused by the first two forces!

Until he suddenly stopped in front of an extremely complex formula.

Tiratimus saw that the formula was an equation extracted from the energetic flying insects of the scorching sun. At that time, it was a temporary solution to solve the problem of excessive energy in Li Xinyan's body. The power pondered for a long time, and finally stretched out its tentacle and filled in two characters above the formula. That's the square of the speed of light.

The situation in the laboratory is not optimistic. Most of the raw materials near the door of the laboratory are purchased by Li Xinhai. Under the fierce fighting, some of these raw materials have been scattered, and various kinds of powders, colloids and liquids on the ground are mixed together. Some of them begin to have some chemical reactions, giving birth to some pungent smell.

Fortunately, the finished wall and the liquid crystal made by strog are all inside the room. There is still some distance from here, so it will not be destroyed immediately.

Tortoise shell man like wind hammer at this time put in great use. The intruder's baton also has electric current, but it's a piece of cake in front of him. It's obvious that his electric current is greater. When he swivels the baton, his opponent immediately screams.

And Liang Long's steel arm is not like goods, in front of him, the opponent's weapons are basically not touched a few times to become two pieces.

"Listen to me! The battle is over Scar male see potential not right, immediately shout.

It doesn't matter. The minions are well-trained. Scar man gives an order. They retreat quickly and form a formation of five.

The magic knife bit its teeth. He had just been under the attack of four people and surrounded by some enemies who couldn't get up in the back. He used his energy very fast. It was only about ten minutes. His physical strength was a little unbearable.

"Up The tortoise shell man is fighting with two or three people in front of him. Seeing that they shrink back, he shouts at Liang Long and rushes up. He tries to use the shield advantage to disperse the small battle array in front of him, but the opponent's fists and feet come out together, and he flies straight out!

"Damn it! What's this? " Xifeng got up from the ground, wiped the saliva and blood on his mouth, and scolded.

Tong Liya didn't expect this move at all. She was small in size and relied on dexterity and speed to fight. The enemy's battle regiment contracted and she was almost caught between two small formations. Liang Long is quick eyed, grabs a baton with his knife arm, pushes it on an enemy's shoulder, and then kicks him into the crowd. While he takes two steps forward, grabs Tong Liya's belt and lifts her out of the gap between the two formations.

With a dull sound, Tong Liya was pulled out. She turned over two times and jumped out of the regiment, while Liang Long got a punch in the back and staggered out.

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