Winter has passed, and Silver Valley has ushered in a wonderful spring.

First of all, the streams of big and small in the heavy mountains melt, and the gurgling springs come out from the cracks in the rocks and nourish the gradually green rocks. When the birds and animals grow up unconsciously, the trees in the valley gradually turn green, and when the peach blossom is red, the valley is full of insects and birds. When the snow on the top of the mountain gradually faded, the weather began to warm up in the daytime, and the green forest with flowers all over the mountain swept away the cold winter in the valley, so the Baiyin Valley changed from an ice covered city of steel into a green fantasy city.

Such weather, such scenery, for people who have been in the underground city for a long time, it is no different from heaven. When should we not go for a visit?

Li Xinhai twisted his waist. It seemed that he became lively with the weather. The jingle of the knife and pistol strap he was going to wear in the middle of the day made him take a deep breath of the fresh air full of life force in the valley.

Poof's body, a geese flying North fell from the air, hitting Li Xinhai's forehead.

Huh? Wild geese in the sky?

Li Xinhai looked carefully, and the wild goose was still smoking. Or baked? Or rare? Well, it's good for barbecue. Li Xinhai bent down and was about to pick up the wild geese. All around, there were more than a dozen roast half cooked flying geese.

"Aha? How can we get so much harvest before we go up the mountain? "Falling wild geese make rain?" Li Xinyan said with a smile.

"Well, it looks like you don't have to do it today." Ning Ding picked up two flying geese and pointed to the blue tattooed mechanical soldier more than ten meters away. He was looking at his hands suspiciously. The small electric lines on his hands were still running around, just like the twisting earthworms with blue light. This is the new Li Xinyan, a reborn mechanical life.

"Your Highness! Dodge The mechanical warrior is still staring at her hands with a little surprise. On the other side, a giant wolf rushes out of the jungle and plunges into Tong Liya, who is not far away from Li Xinyan and is looking up at the sky.

Just at this time, Li Xinyan raised his hand and seemed to have some questions to ask. He inadvertently extended his hand to Tong Liya. However, to his surprise, another electric snake condensed into a ball, and lightning spewed out from Li Xinyan's palm and ran towards Tong Liya. It's too late for Tong Liya to recover. She can't dodge at all. However, a figure in front of him flashed by, but with a "boom" of thunder, strog was pushed out, rolled and bumped into the trunk of a bucket, broke the tree with a thick bowl mouth, and rolled for a moment before he stopped.

The tortoise shell man liked the wind and said: "Niang, how nice it is to give me such a large amount of energy. Waste is a crime... "

Li Xinyan looked at his hand again and shook his head. How to control his power is still a problem.

Since he came out for spring outing, he naturally wanted to go to a place with relatively pleasant scenery as a camp. Since Li Xinyan had finished the barbecue ingredients with one hand, it was natural to find a place. Liang Long and xifengtian are powerful, but it's not cost-effective to run all over the mountain with large and small things.

They all went to the stream halfway up the mountain. Magic knife pointed to a flat tunnel in front of them: "here it is. The terrain here is good, and it's relatively flat. The scenery is also good. There's water beside it. It's very good to clean up."

Tong Liya nodded: "well, there are still some big trees nearby. It should not be too dry at noon. It's a good place. It's just... The grass is a little high on the ground. "

Li Xinhai, with a knife in his hand and a straw pole in his mouth, pointed to the stream: "otherwise, we can make a camp in the stream. In fact, we can have a few stones."

As they were saying this, Ding Guojia pointed to the flat ground chosen in front of the magic knife and cried, "what is this madman going to do?"

People turn around, Li Xinyan has been standing on the edge of a huge rock flat.

There was another "bang", and the huge stone split from it. Li Xinyan seemed to pick them up easily and spread them out on the flat ground mentioned by magic knife. A stone base barbecue camp took shape in an instant.

Ding Guojia's face was heavy and said, "is this progress?"

Magic knife said with a smile: "count! This time, no one was hurt. "

Liang Long and Xifeng obviously didn't like to treat themselves badly. They brought a full set of toasters and kitchenware to the mountain, not to mention the ingredients and condiments. Before noon, the fragrance floated in the mountain camp. It is rare for people to have such a good time to rest, so they sit on the rocks and under the shade of trees in the camp, eating, drinking and chatting.

"Miss Tong, according to the magic knife, now Li Xinyan has stabilized. Although it seems that he has lost a lot of inexplicable behaviors during this period of time, he still doesn't speak and doesn't communicate with people. Do you think his current situation can be regarded as several percent of the original situation?" Ning Ding asked.

After all, it's a woman. Her character is easy to be infected, and her heart is also easy to be soft. It seems that Ning Ding's question was asked after a long time in her heart.

That's what other people want to know. Everyone looked at Tong Liya.

Tong Liya turned her head and looked at stroge and Li Xinyan, who were basking in the sun on the higher mountain rocks, and said, "it's hard to count But what does it matter if it's in this state? " Her face was the same as this season, the cold of winter had long gone, and now it was full of the feeling of spring.

The crowd chuckled.

"Eat meat, eat meat! As long as it's a reply, it's good. You see, when you're full, isn't everything good? " Ding Guojia and thin mud road.

Li Xinhai, while decomposing a whole goose in a plate, calculated carefully with the statistical analysis level of a killer: "technically, the number of daily attacks this guy just woke up was 139. This week, the number of daily attacks dropped to 8. The number of attacks dropped by 95 days, with an average daily reduction of 0.99%. The decrease of attack indicates the decrease of unconscious action, and at the same time, the increase of conscious control behavior. By using reverse proof, the integrity of his consciousness can be calculated by backward deduction

"If, according to the principle of 50% division, more than 50% is going for the better, then in fact, the 57% consciousness integrity given by the initial magic knife has proved that what we have done is successful, and Li Xinyan's consciousness is really recovering for the better."

"In the past three months, Li Xinyan's consciousness has been recovering at a rate of 0.99% every day, combined with the percentage increase in the degree of control."

"Well, if he persists for another ten days or so, he will be able to wake up completely?" Xifeng asked.

"Yes, his consciousness is complete." Li Xinhai replied.

"However, can you resist these ten days? It's true that his attack times are less, but his attack power is getting bigger and bigger. You see, he can be full of energy without eating and basking in the sun, just like strog. Ten days, can we stand it? " Ding Guojia worried“ Today, he sent an electric ball to miss Tong. Isn't that an example? "

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