The orange explosion brightened the sky, the fireball folded more than ten degrees, changed its direction, and rowed toward the horizon. However, the brightness of his body, that is, the fire light that can be recognized, became brighter. The green fireball fled westward, and the white and yellow ones followed him westward, which was a short distance from midheaven.

"Can our particle gun shoot so high?" Burns asked suddenly to several lieutenants behind him.

"It looks like... It's 40 to 50 kilometers away. Above the stratosphere, as long as it doesn't exceed the ionosphere, the particle gun should be able to hit it." The Deputy answered.

Burns immediately said, "take aim at the two shooting stars at the back and hit me hard!"

In the central command room of Silver Valley.

All the commanders have found the abnormality in the virtual office in the center of the command room. Hu and Lu's office is a mess of green "0" or "1" symbols, which is the result that the system can't analyze. No one has ever seen such a situation, and no one knows how to deal with it. Everyone is staring at it.

Where will Hu and Lu go in this situation? This world is the projection of his consciousness. If there is chaos here, then his consciousness must be in an unhealthy state! Someone directly pressed the alarm: "attention, all units, the VPC in the central command room is under attack, the VPC in the central command room is under attack..." but immediately someone yelled, "who told you to press the alarm? When the alarm goes off, it will cause confusion! "

It's CC, the virtual woman in another virtual office. When Hu and Lu are not here, she naturally becomes the boss.

At this moment, a correspondent loudly reported: "commander CC, there is something abnormal in the eastern battlefield. There are UFOs in the sky. The field commander burns ordered the particle gun to shoot at the sky. The particle gun will start shooting in five seconds. Is the command center involved? Please give instructions! "

The particle gun is not located in Baiyin Valley, nor in the eastern battlefield as mentioned by the correspondent, but in hongsongling, which is adjacent to the eastern battlefield. The particle gun is an important weapon in Baiyin Valley, but its use frequency is not high. This time burns suddenly wants to use them, it is a sudden situation, and he will naturally inform Baiyin valley.

"No intervention, but to project the situation in the air to the command center, we need to see the situation." CC spoke slowly, just like the commander's voice.

The correspondent answered "yes" and projected what the electronic telescope could see onto the large screen of the command center, where everyone looked.

As things in Hu and Lu's office and things in the sky happen at the same time, no one knows whether the two are one attack.

In the void where Li Xinyan and Hu Helu are, the situation becomes more and more strange. When Hu and Lu first launched an attack on Li Xinyan, they adopted a way to break through the space restrictions. This way ignored some characteristics of the three-dimensional space, compressed the distance directly, and attacked the three-dimensional space in the form of two-dimensional space. Therefore, if Li Xinyan didn't know the attack way, he would basically have to give up. But Li Xinyan's counterattack is a way Hu and Lu never thought of - turning himself into zero to avoid Hu and Lu's attack, and along Hu and Lu's attack way, he has the trend of breaking through from three-dimensional space to two-dimensional space to counterattack Hu and Lu!

If the insect symbols decomposed by Li Xinyan are regarded as point attack, it is a complete counterattack from one-dimensional space to two-dimensional space!

What's fatal is that Hu and Lu can't escape or move. If he changes the structure of this space and his attack mode by himself at this time, he will die with Li Xinyan - their code will be embedded together and become a monster that no one can analyze!

Hu and Lu struggled to send out this series of information, not sure that Li Xinyan could understand it at this time, because Li Xinyan had broken up into parts, Whether his consciousness is still a whole is a question.

As soon as the signal was sent out, the insect signs on the thorns stopped for a moment, and then disappeared. Hu and Lu were immediately ejected from the virtual space and returned to his virtual office.

The resolution of the virtual office immediately returned to normal. Someone cried, "General Hu is back!"“ boss! What did you do!? Look at the sky! General burns is going to attack the flying objects in the sky Cried CC.

Hu and Lu gasped and looked up at the screen, which projected the results of the high-power electronic telescope. The screen was aimed at the white and yellow meteor. After the telescope was enlarged, it was obvious that they were two flying mechanical fighters!

"No... don't worry, someone's going to intercept." Hu and Lu gasped. Li Xinyan's attack makes his code a bit disordered, but his reply way partly remains the human way, so he can't stop breathing to relieve his physical discomfort.

Hu and Lu refer to Li Xinyan.

At this time, Li Xinyan has returned to the virtual laboratory.

Li Xinyan shrunk the line of flame that was still floating on his body and said to Zheng, "hmm? Your highness is back. How do you feel? " "Immediately connect to the microwave facility in the Silver Valley. Three guys fall from the sky. This is the only chance we have to attack them," said tyratmis

"Ah?" Wireframe tiratemis stares at Li Xinyan, who is in the same wireframe state. He doesn't quite understand. Looking at the slowly retracting flame lines on Li Xinyan's body, his eyes look very strange, as if he saw a long-time farewell friend.

But Li Xinyan didn't explain too much and didn't want to ask anything else. Instead, he looked back at the wireframe tiratimus, thought about it, and said in an unquestionable way: "I guess... One of these is probably your noumenon."

All of the above things happened only in a moment, and in time, it was time for burns to order the ion cannon salvo.

On the Red Pine Ridge, there are more than ten lights on the dark mountains, which are facing the sky. These light paths are very long, much faster than ordinary shells, whistling through the air. The light illuminates the valleys and overlapping mountains, just like a roaring dragon.

On the eastern battlefield, the soldiers who cleaned up the battlefield stopped their work and looked up to the West. More than ten bright lights surprised and excited them.

In the central control room, everyone looks at the screen. There are a series of data from the computer system, such as the particle bullet path, explosion range, real-time situation of the enemy, and the expected results. But the most striking is the situation of the collision point between the two sides. Also, their eyes are full of excitement.

It's not every day that we have the chance to hit the top fighting arm of the mechanical city - Mechanical soldiers. How can they not be excited?

At this time, someone reported: "General Hu, please look at screen 2. All our microwave communication equipment has been controlled! Their focus seems to overlap the shooting point of our particle gun! "

Hu and Lu happily smile: "don't worry, there are friends who want to use our facilities to recruit ruthless."

In the virtual laboratory inside Li Xinyan's body, wireframe tiratemis has opened all the microwave communication facilities controlled by Baiyin Valley and said to Li Xinyan, "Your Highness, if you can make sure that your body is not injured? Your body has just been rebuilt! "

Li Xinyan has changed his shape. At this time, he is a five pointed star rising slowly.

"It's hard to say. You know, the other two are not ordinary people. They are probably the gods of the mechanical city! " Li Xinyan said that before his voice fell, the five pointed stars that made up his body suddenly disappeared in situ. Tiratimus understood that he had sent out part of his structure through the microwave equipment of Baiyin Valley!

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