The mechanical wolf is winding and crawling in the mountains, and the mountain road ahead seems endless.

It seems that the magic knife is very good at controlling the mechanical animals. In more than a day, he can skillfully give them orders. Some mechanical animals are sent to the front to explore the way, and then choose the place that can be widened to mark the animal road. Then a team of mechanical animals step on the road in front of them, and step on a road in the mountains where there was no road, In this way, the team behind will have a way to the valley of life in a vast white world.

In the middle of the team are Li Xinyan and others and most of the accepted mechanical animals. At the back of the team are several stronger mechanical leopards. Using their flexibility, they are responsible for helping the injured and disabled mechanical animals to keep up with the team and move towards the valley of life together.

Magic knife seems to have some experience in the management of mechanical animals. All the things that need to be paid attention to are well managed by him.

Of course, other people are not good at controlling it. They can't communicate wirelessly with robots, which is a weakness. Since we can't communicate with each other, there is no way to control these mechanical animals, so only he can do it.

Xifeng is a little jealous of him, but there is no way.

According to the truth, Li Xinyan can do it, but he seems to be worried and not in the mood. He sat on the mechanical beast, and let the wind in front of him raise the snowflakes that had become grains and hit his face, silent.

"Hey, brother, be happy. You see, we are all well. Miss Tong is just injured. We have nothing to lose. There's no need to be so sad." Li Xinhai sits on the back of a mechanical animal, trying to comfort Li Xinyan.

Li Xinyan ignored him.

"Ah... Of course, it's not sad. Miss Tong has a God in heaven to protect her. There's nothing wrong. This... Brother, you see, when we went to the Silver Valley, we were basically kidnapped by Adam Han, so if we say morality, we don't owe them anything. It's not us that are destroying them now. It's the mechanical city. Why the mechanical city will attack them, it is because they attack the mechanical fighters flying over the sky! From the reason, it has nothing to do with us. Now they are completely destroyed, which is the result of their excessive efforts, so there is no need for us to grieve for them. "

Since Li Xinyan ignored him, he might be thinking about Hu and Lu.

Li Xinhai admits that Hu and Lu are good people, but good people in the world may not be rewarded well. This is an unchangeable natural law. Li Xinyan doesn't have to be sad about it.

"What's more, it's been more than 100 years since the war, and it's not just a group of them who died, so we shouldn't feel sorry for them. If we are sad for them, we have to cry for our brothers who died in the base before? "

"People are born, old, sick and dead. Isn't there an ancient saying that life is great and death is glorious? Now they are all like this. We just remember their glory..."

Li Xinyan still ignored him.

Li Xinhai is still nagging. Li Xinyan looks up at the magic knife and says, "magic knife, find a camp in front. I have something to talk to you."

"Good!" Magic knife is very proud to shout. Li Xinhai felt that his words were superfluous. He laughed with self mockery, then took out two gold coins, flipped between his fingers, and swayed freely with the action of the mechanical beast.

As long as there are gold coins, everything is a floating cloud.

After the camp was built, the barbecue was baked, and people began to chat with each other. Li Xinyan can't see how dull he is at the moment. He's just thinking.

Li Xinyan eating meat, also slowly put down the mind, raised his head to a group of humanitarian: "I have something to say."

Everyone immediately calmed down and looked at him with great interest.

"You are all watching me come to life. If you are human, it is watching me grow up.". As you all know, my memory is made up of three pieces, which is an indisputable fact. Before I woke up completely, the process of memory fusion also made you suffer a lot.... "

Li Xinyan's eyes were misty, and everyone didn't say anything.

"So, in my opinion, you are my teachers and friends."

Li Xinyan's words were sincere, and everyone nodded to agree with his argument, although the adjective "watching me grow up" was not appropriate.

Li Xinyan continued: "now, I have some doubts that I need you to help me solve. I know that I am a mechanical life now, which is different from you, but the things in my memory are biased towards human beings. "

"To tell you the truth, some of the memories, and the most important part, come from me before the resurrection. But it's incomplete. Here are some things I like, some things I experienced when I was young, my experience in doing things, and some things that look like combat skills, but there are a lot less about what I have experienced recently, who I have a good relationship with, goals and so on. "

"The second part of my memory is about someone who seems to be very close to me. To tell you the truth, this part of my memory makes me have a deep understanding of my belief in fighting. Fighting is not a pure competition power here, but a necessary means for the continuation of life and saving. I can even feel the determination he left behind to sacrifice himself and let others live. "

"The third part of my memory, oh, seems crazy, but it's very interesting. Although he has some different creative thinking on some things, the purpose is just to let me live! Because only by living can we continue to fight and complete the second battle of memory. "

"But now I'm confused. If I am a mechanical life, fighting is my instinct. Maybe I will think about problems and perform tasks like these mechanical leopards and mechanical wolves. But now with these three memories, I will become a mechanical fighter. Then there is a difficult problem to solve. What is my goal in life? Do you live to live like you do, or for something else? "

"Don't tell me that I live to fight against mechatrocity. Because I found out from a place that I originally came from. I don't want to be used. "

"Don't tell me that Miss Tong's resurrection is just to complete the task assigned to him by someone, to complete the task of her feeling life in this world. I don't want to be just a tool in some process."

Li Xinyan stops and stares at the bonfire. My eyes are a little lost. Although the eyes that Tong Liya installed for him are not completely mechanical, they may come from a real human, but now they look a little cold.

In Xiaomi's materials, Tong Liya's tasks are listed, and there are many remarks about the gradual goal. Some of the notes said, "let him notice of XXX.".

Is it just a task for Tong Liya to revive him?

Li Xinyan felt that he had returned to a starting point.

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