Heavy snow is still under, the more north, the weather seems to be worse, cold not to say, the more snow. With the north wind blowing, the snowflakes swept over and the road was not clear. The northbound team had to slow down to avoid anyone falling down the valley.

Although there is no satellite to achieve global positioning, Li Xinyan is not worried about getting lost in the vast white mountains. If there are mechanical animals, there will be maps. Wireless communication is two-way. Magic knife can control these mechanical animals, so it can naturally read the things in their minds. At this time, he has complete control over the mechanical animals, so it's no problem for them to jump off the cliff and commit suicide. It's no problem to get some secrets in their minds.

Li Xinyan is also a mechanical life. Naturally, he can read his mind with the magic knife, so what the magic knife gets is open to Li Xinyan. In this way, even if something goes wrong, Li Xinyan, as the "leader", carries the magic knife, which reduces a lot of pressure. When they add up in private, they become a superior subordinate relationship.

Li Xinyan's identity as a "Saint son" still carries weight.

Li Xinyan didn't have much interest in the control materials in the brain of the mechanical beast and the magic knife given by Alex, but everyone said they supported him as the leader. I don't know whether it was Wu Kun's natural sense of leadership or the burning sun's desire for control, but Li Xinyan turned these materials over and over, Because these things are still helpful for us to enhance our combat effectiveness, and Li Xinyan also discovered a secret. When the mechanical city puts these mechanical animals down to the ground, it will only put part of the map into the brain of these mechanical animals, not the global map.


Li Xinyan couldn't understand.

The mechanical beast did not appear in the era of the scorching sun, and the consciousness of the scorching sun had been confused. There was nothing to refer to in these situations, so Li Xinyan could not figure out what the machinery was. Only one intuition of the scorching sun has some reference value: "no matter what, cutting into small pieces is easier than taking a whole piece, especially for control."

After a little sad mood, Li Xinyan speculated that the brain capacity of mechanical animals is insufficient?

It shouldn't be. Saving maps doesn't consume much storage space. How could mechatrocity do that?

After the magic knife checked the brain capacity of the mechanical beast, it was confirmed that this was not really a problem of storage space, so the final conclusion was that the mechanical city did it on purpose. Maybe it's the mechanical city to control these mechanical animals in different regions? Or maybe it's doing it according to the task to prevent them from thinking too much? No one knows the answer. I'm afraid only genius knows the real purpose of the mechanical city.

However, from the map, it contains the coordinates of the valley of life, which is an excellent thing, so Li Xinyan and his party will not worry about how to go to the valley of life.

"Brother, why do you call the place we are going to" valley of life "? Are there many new mechanical animals there? Can mechanical animals grow out of the ground? "

Li Xinhai seems to be very interested in the fact that mechanical animals can grow in the ground. Mechanical animals are very valuable. Naturally, what he means is how to master this technology, and then "plant" some of them himself.

"You don't think it's possible?" Li Xinyan ignored him.

Li Xinhai did not talk any more.

Finally to get out of the mountains, the horizon in front of the concave down, it seems that the front is not a small plain.

"Magic knife, stop!" Li Xinyan suddenly stopped the team.

"What's the matter?" Magic knife stopped in front and asked.

"Besides us, there are other mechanical animals here!"

Magic knife immediately alerted the ground to stop the command.

For the mechanical leopards exploring the way in front of them, the magic knife also made them shrink back, so as not to scare the snake.

The crowd gathered around. Li Xinyan's keen sense shows that his body is much higher than that of magic knife.

Li Xinyan began to give the battle arrangement: "magic knife and mechanical beast are quietly marching 200 meters forward here. Then he lurks in the woods at the foot of the mountain and waits for my command. Xifeng rides the mechanical wolf you sit down to the top of the mountain in the west to look out, and let the mechanical wolf pass what he sees to Huandao and me at any time. Other people follow me along the edge of the mountain to the East for 300 meters and touch it from the woods to see the situation. "

Everyone answered, and then split up.

Xifeng has an electric hammer, so it's not a problem for nature to control a mechanical wolf. As long as he gives the mechanical wolf some electricity, the mechanical wolf will be in a wonderful state. Magic knife and Li Xinyan can feel everything he sees on the plain.

Six or seven minutes later, everyone is in their places.

Li Xinyan felt the edge of the plain from the woods 500 meters away, and looked in the direction of the strongest communication signal of the mechanical beast. In the long grass of the plain, there was a fierce battle!

Not to mention the situation in the distance, just 100 meters away from them, there were three or five people and three or five mechanical wolves fighting.

The advantage of the mechanical wolf is that the individual combat power is stronger than that of the human. However, the fierce fighting place is now in the grass. On the contrary, the fighting seems to have some geographical help for the human soldiers.

In the long grass, the ground is soft, and the weight of the mechanical animal is not light. The sharp teeth and claws of the mechanical animal are easy to sink into the soil. However, the human soldiers often roll over one by one, overpowering a piece of sedge, and then roll over one by one. They directly put a layer of straw mat under their feet. They will not be hindered by the mud when they fight!

One on one, the two sides even!

Looking to the distance, the grass is very big. There are more than three or five shaking points, but dozens of them!

What kind of team can this be against the mechanical herd?

Listen carefully to the wireless communication from the mechanical herd, Li Xinyan realized that this is an encounter between the mechanical herd and human soldiers!

The commander of the mechanical herd is shouting: "withdraw! Get out of here! We are no match for these soldiers

Of course, the commander's communication command is not like this, but it means so.

After a little thought, Li Xinyan made a gesture, and everyone touched the direction of the mechanical herd to retreat. The place where the mechanical beast wants to retreat is just in front of the foot of the mountain where magic knife and his mechanical beasts lurk!

If you're right, the commanders of these mechanical beasts obviously want to retreat to the mountains.

In the long grass, the mechanical herds were forced by the human soldiers, so the retreat speed was not enough. However, Li Xinyan and his team members, actually four people, quickly touched the woods at the foot of the mountain.

Li Xinyan said in a low voice: "look carefully. I'll say which mechanical animal to catch later. Everyone join hands and catch him for me!"

"Catch... Catch?" Ding Guojia didn't even think about it.

"Yes! Hold on

After a while, sure enough, in front of the grass, a leading mechanical animal rushed over. Li Xinyan pointed to a direction, counting down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 with his fingers, and everyone rushed towards that place!

With a plop, the mechanical beast did not expect that there would be people ambushing in the woods, and it would be knocked down by four people on the ground! A closer look, it turned out to be a mechanical deer!

While others pressed the mechanical deer hard, they were surprised that the mechanical animal had this kind of breed, but Li Xinyan didn't stop at all. He grabbed the antlers, and the blue electric awn of his hands immediately came out of his hands. The electric awn with twinkle fell from the antlers to the head of the mechanical deer from top to bottom.

He not only instantly burned the head of the mechanical deer, but also destroyed its antenna. Mechanical deer even warning did not have time to send out, it became a pile of scrap iron!

"Stop it! Gather here Then Li Xinyan gave the order. Of course, the way these commands are sent is the same command protocol that the magic knife commands the mechanical animals.

"Hi! There are people here In the rustling sound of the grass, the soldiers fighting with the mechanical animals just now yelled to each other. Li Xinyan is shouting while giving wireless instructions.

But then, the mechanical wolves came, and the human soldiers came with their guns and sticks!

"The mechanical beast has a human commander!" The soldiers were warned of their comrades.

The next moment, two long knives appear in front of Li Xinyan with the wind!

Li Xinyan rolled out close to the ground, shouting: "my own people!", But the two long knives were cut by the sound!

The knife clipped against his shoulder, fell on the deer's head and bent the two metal antlers.

Li Xinyan exclaimed in his heart, how dangerous! On the ground, one tumbled away and turned around.

"Captain Li!" The swordsman came out of the grass and exclaimed in unison.

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