There is a fish tank near the window. There are some cold water fish in it. The fish swim leisurely, but the temperature is very low. I don't know whether they react slowly because of the low temperature or just like that naturally.

There is a wooden bed on the opposite side of the window against the wall. There are thick leather cushions on the wooden bed. There are three landscape paintings on the wall. The landscape paintings look very level, not inferior to the level of human painting masters, but the frame is very simple. It is fixed by several branches. It seems to be fixed on the wall at will, full of the flavor of life.

There is a stove in a corner of the room. At the moment, the charcoal fire is still burning. The wall that the mechanical soldiers knocked down fell on the side of the stove and nearly destroyed it.

The inside of the stone house of the mechanical warrior is not the place where robots live, but the place where human beings live!

This surprised Li Xinyan.

Li Xinyan remembers that he had a mechanical friend who lived in a laboratory with a metal test bed. Compared with the experimental table in my memory, although this bed is a little crude, it is already comfortable and in a mess. It is not the bed that mechanical life should have, but more like the bed used by human beings.

Can we say that the mechanical fighter will be more comfortable in such an environment?

Can he feel human feelings?

How could Raven have such a guardian? Li Xinyan is a little confused. Are there any angels in the group who like to live by themselves in the way of human behavior? This is a new discovery.

The name of this mechanical fighter is nether. If the homonym is English, it's quite close to "nature". Is Kevin a mechanical City God who loves nature?

Li Xinyan's heart is full of question marks. But none of that matters.

"How long have you been here?" Li Xinyan sat down on the cowhide cushion bed and felt the comfort of the implantation. He asked casually.

"Twenty nine years, your highness, one year younger than your age."

"Well, did you sneak down from mechatrocity or did Raven send you down?"

Li Xinyan's problem is very direct. It's only a bit overbearing.

The mechanical fighter is still very frank. He doesn't care what kind of tone Li Xinyan used. He calmly replied: "he came down according to the order of the great highness Kevin Rui."

"How could that be? What's his purpose? Or... What's your mission? "

None of the twelve main gods of the mechanical city is a fuel-efficient lamp. This is Li Xinyan's cognition after reading the mysterious material. On the way, Li Xinyan had nothing to do with himself. He turned through some seemingly useless documents in the mysterious material, which recorded the 12 node business log, and came to such a conclusion.

How not to save fuel is not the time for discussion. Now Li Xinyan deeply knows that if the purpose of his coming here is arranged by one of these gods, then waiting for him in the valley is likely to be a trap.

It doesn't matter that he died. It's a big deal to find time to resurrect, but so many lives under his command can't be resurrected.

Since they followed him, he had to worry about them.

This is his new goal in life.

Li Xinyan asked a question, but immediately felt that his question had been calculated by Nether. Nether bowed to him, as respectfully as a servant.

He immediately wanted to take back the problem, but it was impossible.

Nether nodded and said gently, "I'll take care of your highness tonleia, take care of his safety in these 29 years, and then wait for your highness son to come."

Li Xinyan frowned. Part of the problem was unexpected, but part was expected.

The unexpected part doesn't really matter. Originally, he thought that Tong Liya came directly from the mechanical City, but he didn't expect that she was not in the mechanical city in the past 29 years, but on the surface of the earth. She also took this place as her home and had such a strong mechanical soldier to take care of her.

The expected part makes Li Xinyan's heart wave after wave. According to Tong Liya, she is the substitute of the highest will of the mechanical city to feel the human world. If she is the substitute of the highest will to feel the human world, what is she?

A tool?

This is an answer that Li Xinyan is most afraid to know, but it seems to be the only one at the moment.

Should he be angry?

He couldn't get angry. Because if so, isn't Tong Liya also a tool?

He can't get angry with her who is also controlled and used by others.

But he was not willing.

Because he was already unable to let her go.

So what should he do about it?

Nether waited for a moment. Seeing that Li Xinyan didn't speak, she lowered her head and thought about it. She continued: "if your highness is worried about the situation in the valley, I can tell him what happened and what is happening in the valley. Anyway, your Highness has defeated me. In terms of discipline, I didn't violate the orders of the great highness Raven. In terms of safety, you can also learn about her highness Elena's work style, so as not to get the best of her. The goddess of life is not easy to provoke. I have to rely on her to rebuild my arm. "

Nether's words are very concise, but also very intimate.

Li Xinyan looked up at him, but did not comment. He was still in a tangle of thoughts and moods. Human emotion is a good thing, but sometimes the interference of thinking is also a troublesome thing.

But nether did not wait, and continued: "twenty nine years ago, in the battle of glory, his highness tirathamis was defeated. When he was in exile in the two-tier virtual space, he put forward the two-tier virtual space by his royal highness Irina, who was originally the w-868-256 plane goddess of life in the two-tier virtual space, and sent the consciousness of his royal highness Tong Liya, who is the God of the mechanical City, as an attachment, out of the w-868-256 plane. "

"He was sent out of the w-868-256 plane at the same time as her highness Elena. In addition to Her Highness Tong Liya's consciousness, there was also Her Highness Dale, who was the God of death on the w-868-256 plane. But he was not sent by his highness tiratimus, but by his highness Ares. "

"In this way, his highness Elena and his highness Dale, one is the God of life and the other is the God of death, but they were sent to the real space of the moon city by the main gods of their two worlds."

"The city of moonlight is not a place of tolerance, which is their consensus, so they accepted the arrangement of his highness tirathamis and came to this valley."

"Here, they copied the consciousness of Her Highness tongliya, made her highness tongliya in biological form, and gave her memory according to the arrangement of Her Highness tirathmis. In the holy city, at the same time, I claimed that I was defeated in the battle and my whereabouts were unknown according to the order of the great highness Raven. Secretly, I came to take care of their safety according to the order of his highness raven, so as to ensure that the holy city would not notice their existence. "

"Now it seems that my task has been successfully completed."

With that, he said no more. Li Xinyan did not answer, but a long period of silence.

Later, Li Xinyan raised his head and asked, "your name is the night guardian. Will the mechanical City believe that you are defeated in the battle and still missing?"

Nether said with a smile: "the rank of the guards in the holy city is determined according to the strength and the duty of the LORD God. The Royal Highness Kevin I serve has the lowest rank among the twelve Lord gods, so the holy city doesn't care whether our five guards are present or not. The word "dark night" in our title is enough to illustrate this problem. Strog's name is "guardian of the light." the word "light" is enough to reflect the light of the holy city

"In addition, his highness Calvin's clergy is very busy, but very important. At the same time, no one likes such a clergy, so other gods don't care much about his affairs. In the human world, this ministry is called "waste recycling."

"Waste recycling?" Li Xinyan didn't know how to be amused by Nether.

This is really a very distinctive guy who knows everything about the human world like the back of his hand.

Nether seemed to know why Li Xinyan was smiling. She still said seriously, "don't laugh, your highness. Your Highness has noticed the decoration and arrangement of my room since he came into the room. This is what I have to change from the moment I get to the ground."

"I have to learn how human beings behave. I have to learn how to sleep and dress, because I need to teach these churches to Her Highness tonlea."

"Her memory can be input to her, but habit can't, so I need to use my habit to guide her habit, in order to restore her to her original highness Tong Liya."

Li Xinyan didn't know what to say. This process is beyond his expectation. He didn't know how to evaluate it.

He clenched his fist and smashed it on the leather cushion.

Finally, with a sigh of relief, he said, "well, tell me about Elena. It's the goddess of life. "

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