It is a dangerous process from galloping to stopping the body shape. If there is deviation, it is very likely that it will not stop, and it will crash straight into the purple crystal, and then be trapped inside the crystal, becoming an ice bound consciousness. But tirathamis was so successful in controlling his body that he did not impinge on the interior of the purple crystal. At the same time, he succeeded in directly causing great damage to atriana, damaging her strength, so that the crystal in front of her stopped growing, so that he could successfully avoid the purple crystal and turn around.

Tirathamis did not stop and continued to go up. There was nothing to be happy about the war between gods. He even felt that it was a kind of sadness. Thinking of the past relationship, tirathamis could not help feeling a little sad. She used to be his best friend, countless nights, countless tense moments, she was behind him, silently providing everything he needed, the purple endless corridor, twinkling stars, still in front of him, lingering. It's bitter to be an enemy, but it's inevitable because of fate.

Even God has his own destiny.

The pursuit of firelight calcium carbide does not allow him to think about more things. Here is the void abstracted from the order node, onomia. Although he can't completely control it, with the power of onomia, creation has no advantages or even disadvantages in front of order, because the attack of order is ready-made, and creation needs more resources.

His voice still showed the supreme power of order: "give up, great tirathamis. Although Arianna is negligent for a moment and is attacked by you, you are no better than yourself. You can put the power of life on a God, This itself will be eaten back by the power of God. If I'm right, your weak power must have made your power a little unsustainable, right? There is no victory without cost in the world, so even if you can continue to run, how far can you go? Put out the new flame in your hand, or give her to me, that is a sin, she should not have appeared in this world. Of course, as one of the Twelve Gods, we respect your choice. If you don't have the heart to see her destroyed, we can destroy her on the altar, and you can avoid it. "

Tiratimus did not answer, but continued to run forward, and the distance between the three figures had been reduced to two and a half squares. If we all enter the same grid, there is basically nothing to escape from. The chain of the God of order is in the same space-time plane, which can instantly lock the position of tirathus. But even so, tirathamis still didn't mean to stop“ Although the divine power is great, it is not without defects. Because there is nothing perfect in the world! "

Onomia's voice softened a little: "of course, the great tirathamis, although the sin is in your hands, we can think that it has nothing to do with you. Your glory will not be lost at all. After you get the sin, we can consider giving you some divine power as compensation. Don't you always worry that your divine power is not enough to build what you want to create? With these powers, you don't have to worry any more. The great versatius, who is in charge of the balance of the powers, has discussed with Arianna. They all agree to give you a certain amount of compensation for the distribution of the powers of the gods, as the price of your sin. So what are you hesitating about? "

The orange light directly stopped the staff: "I, the great Versailles, in the broadest basic space, facing so many plane spaces, solemnly promise that if the great tirathamis can hand over the God's sin, all subsequent compensation will be fulfilled according to what the great onomia said, without any deviation."

Tirathamis did not look back or stop, but sneered: "ha! Several self styled gods even tried to seduce me with a little change of power in the distribution of divine power. What kind of person am I? Hum! Don't think that this little power is of any use to me. If I am happy, I don't feel any difficulty in creating a kingdom of God! "

Onomia's voice became very cold, like ice metal rubbing against each other: "great tirathamis, your consciousness is challenging the whole world!"

Tiratimus also said coldly, "so what?"

"If you don't repent, you will be imprisoned in the cell of divine power. You know, the labyrinth of the great Minotaurs, I'm afraid you won't be able to get out of it for ten thousand years!"

"Ha ha ha, good! Good! If one day, to be able to play in the maze of the great Minotaur, it is also one of the joys of life. When I played with him before, his labyrinth was always not complicated enough in front of me. In this way, I had an excellent opportunity to challenge him and see if his labyrinth could trap me! "

"But before you want to lock me in his maze, you have to catch me!"

The last sentence of tirathamis did not appear to be panic or deceptive. Moreover, this guy did not seem to be very deceptive. Listen to the tone, it's a little sure. Onomia was stunned. Is it... In this desperate moment, even if it is difficult for his own divine power to support a divine power attack, what action can tiratimus make?

Just wondering, the gravitation lines of several potential planes that pass quickly in front of us suddenly swing left and right like twisted gods. The gravitational line will not swing by itself. There is only one possibility for this kind of swing, that is, in the process of internal operation of the plane space here, a strong subjective consciousness or powerful existence has been born, which has threatened the stability of the plane or caused the change of the plane force with its own quantity!

As soon as tyratmis' figure flashed, it was like a meteor, rushing into the large plane which occupied three or four planes. A faint ripple spread out on the outer layer of the plane, like a green spring water.

The white and orange currents stay in front of him.

"The great onomia, what's the matter? Don't we chase? " Asked vasette.

"It's not that you don't chase. The area in the plane is not under your or my control. In the divine order, it's the domain of Ares, the great God of war. Every God has his own division, and every God can't surpass his category. If there is one, he will degenerate! " Onomia's voice was a little dry and hesitant. His original voice was uncomfortable. It was like a sword stuck in a crack in the door, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"But when the God of war comes, I'm afraid tirathamis will have escaped long ago."

"But I don't want to degenerate yet!"

Fanceti said with a smile: "if you regard contingency as depravity, you will be marked as depravity if you turn the guards who guard the divine world into wolves, tigers and leopards, because that is the duty of tirathus! So it's nothing to go into the plane and take tirathamis. "

Onomia glanced at Versailles, frowned slightly, then let go, and stepped into the deformed plane.

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