"What? Why is this city still connected with old robots? What is that

Machine boss a rhetorical question, attracted Tong Liya to interest. She has always paid more attention to unsolved events than Li Xinyan.

The mechanical boss struggled for a few seconds with the appearance of having something to say, and said: "they, no, not only they, but also my relatively new class I robot, were driven out of the holy city!"


Li Xinyan and Tong Liya look at each other. What happened to the machinery City?

It's normal to fight openly and secretly at 12 nodes. It's something that the same level of existence will care about if there is more divine power and less divine power. However, this kind of thing that expels the working robots at the bottom has never happened in the mechanical city!

"Why?" Li Xinyan and Tong Liya asked.

Now that I have said the beginning, the boss of the robot has no worries and says the whole thing.

The beginning of the matter should start from the glorious war.

The battle of glory, the defeat of tirathus, and the death of seven of the guardians cannot be concealed. Before long, the city of moonlight was known all over the city.

For the general public, the replacement of the upper level of the holy city has nothing to do with them, because even if tirartemis is gone, there will be no fewer mechanical animals to fight with human beings. The factories of the mechanical city still need to continuously manufacture their spare parts, send them to the battlefield, and the mining robots will still be sent to the lunar surface to dig, It's hard to be lazy at all, so the result of the glorious war among the people at the bottom of the mechanical city is just a news that everyone pays more attention to. In the past, it seems that nothing happened.

But the priesthood of tirathamis was seized by other gods!

The consequences of this incident were not obvious at that time, but they showed up little by little after the glorious war.

First of all, apparently, the clergy left by tirathmis was taken over by Kreis, the God of structure.

The original clergy of Kreis was the structure, development planning and foreign affairs cooperation of the machinery city itself. This is a very important part in the era when people use mechanical City frequently.

In that era, the trade and transportation of human beings needed to use the mechanical City frequently, which required a core node to take charge of complex comprehensive problems, such as where to put, how to put and how to get the goods, and how to build and develop the mechanical city to match it. Therefore, Chris was a very important node in the mechanical city in that era.

The war between the mechanical city and human beings broke out, human beings no longer use the mechanical City, the expansion of the mechanical city began to stop, and Kreis's clergy began to shrink, which was a big blow to him. But in the next war, he still had to exist, because the consumption of war resources still needed him to decide the allocation of a lot of materials, So although Kreis had no spirit, he didn't degenerate and became an idle God.

But he took over the clergy of tirathmis and made Chris degenerate. He no longer focused on his own clergy, but began to devote a large part of his energy to the clergy of tirathamis - creation. It seems that since then, the production of war robots has surpassed that of other robots, which has been greatly improved! Among them are the killing Mechanical creatures such as the mechanical wolf and the mechanical leopard, which are used for ground operations.

But the creation that Chris took over was only superficial.

In secret, it is the gods who are fighting for this clergy!

Without tirathamis, onomia began to independently interpret the order and rules of the mechanical city. Some new codes were created, and others could not resist; Vasetti began to create new conversion rules, new conversion modules appeared in data conversion, new standards appeared in the interface between machines, and even the interface of aircraft carrier was changed into a new shape, which made some old robots at a loss.

What's more, she began to create the data storage mode of Mechanical City independently. For her, this is a technological innovation, but the vast number of ordinary machines working outside are constantly complaining. The new data storage method is good and fast, but some old robots are limited in capacity and calculation rules, so they can't accept the new data storage method at all. For them, the only way to replace the old memory is to completely cut off their heads and replace it with a new one. What's the difference between killing them?

What's more, the rescue part of the God of salvation, raven, has also been innovated. Some old replacement parts that these old robots originally wanted to obtain through him have been destroyed by him according to the new rules when they went there!

The change caused by the dispute between the gods is that the old robots that originally lived at the bottom were completely eliminated!

And the incinerator of the God of redemption, Kevin, is still working!

What's more, his incinerator business is getting better every day!

There is no new plan, no way out, no future, and the damn incinerator in front of us. The old robots have to flee.

They have to leave the mechanical city to survive!

And inadvertently, the God of salvation, Kevin, quietly opened a secret door in the invisible place of the gods.

His spaceship sent some of the rubbish which was too late to be destroyed directly to the ground!

Among them, there are those old robots who can't see their way to life and are in constant fear in the mechanical city!

The gods should know about this phenomenon, but they all cleverly chose to turn a blind eye. If the God of redemption is annoyed, will he pile up the garbage directly at the door of a God's house. It is said that in the garbage cleaning work after the glorious war, the God of salvation cleaned up for a year before the hall of glory was restored to its original state!

No one wants to compete with a garbage collector.

Besides, it's the mercy of the gods!

That's how things get to a new equilibrium.

But before long, the balance was broken again!

This time, Maitreya Taurus, the God of space, was imprisoned.

Similarly, the priesthood of the God of space was divided up by other gods.

Onomia creatively gained control of places like the palace of glory. To put it bluntly, these places have become his home court.

Fanceti got 30 / 50 of the calculation power of the mechanical city! It allowed his power to sweep over the other gods.

Atliana has acquired the virtual space ability!

It's not for fun. Everyone knows those empty spaces. Every space is a plane. If you get them, you will have a cradle for the growth of the gods!

If she is happy one day, and puts forward one or two or more powerful supreme gods as her subordinates, that is, the Templar order guarding her virtual temple, it will be a terrible war machine!

Because the consciousness of those who fight fiercely in their own plane, even Ares, the God of war, is not sure that he can fight a group of people!

Other gods have their own advantages. As for what kind of benefits, others may not know, but they are clear!

The space clergy is divided up, but no one cares!

The space expansion of the mechanical city has stopped. On the surface, at least.

More space resources have been used for war purposes, such as the body storage, parts storage, energy storage of mechanical animals, while the space used by ordinary robots has not only lost growth, but also been plundered inch by inch!

Thus, the second escape of ordinary robots in the mechanical city began.

Compared with the city of moonlight, the vast surface gives them the freedom they yearn for!

Why not escape?

After more than 20 years of escape, the mechanical city has been built unconsciously!

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