The smoke of the explosion dispersed slowly. Tirathamis stroked his chest, his seven orifices were flowing with golden blood, and his face was not God's, but a thief's smile. He looked at Versailles and onomia. But the eyes of Versailles and onomia were not on tirathus. Their eyes fell on the center of the fireball that had just exploded. There stood a small black man, or rather a baby less than half a meter tall.

Baby's black skin, black eyes, only one tooth, white and shining different from ordinary people's light. Onomia could see that it was... The light. But if it is the holy light, his hand is dancing with a weapon different from his physical attributes - exactly the opposite. It is a thing representing death and darkness, and it is a scythe of death! It seems that the baby uses the scythe very purely, and the scythe is also very obedient to his will. With the baby's slight force, the blade of the scythe composed of space storm will suddenly grow one foot wide. Playing with the scythe of death, the baby seemed to be disgusted with the three shields just now. His mouth was pouting, and the scythe of death in his hand was idly drawing circles,

"This... This is... What is it?" Vasette's chin is going to fall. Can darkness and light coexist? Can death and life be combined? This completely reversed his understanding of rules, soul, body and nature. And onomia seemed to be no better than him, staring at the black baby.

The baby, however, seemed to be in a very bad mood. He gave tirathus an angry look, then turned his head and looked at versatius and onomia with a look of disgust in his eyes. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth with a cry of a baby. A shockwave swept the whole world. As the mountains within the visual range had collapsed, it was difficult to judge the power between his cry and Versailles' roar. The dragon shaped monster in the sky stopped struggling and looked at the baby below.

Onomia felt cold in his heart and felt an impulse to destroy the giant dragon like monster. He, versatius and tiratius belonged to the gods of the outer plane, and their own strength was higher than that of the secondary plane. Because the divine power could not be completely integrated with the power and attributes of the plane, they had to converge, otherwise their entry would make the plane collapse and break into countless pieces. And the monster in the sky, as the supreme god of the plane, naturally has the greatest power that the plane can hold. If he merges with the little baby below, this power will instantly exceed the maximum power of the plane! Once they merge, the plane will collapse instantly.

This kind of space-time collapse caused by too strong internal force is different from the collapse of potential plane caused by external force tearing. The potential plane torn by external force is broken into countless pieces at most. It is as powerful as Versailles and onomia, and can escape. But the space-time collapse caused by too strong internal force of this potential plane will be like a big vortex, It's not just debris, it's like a huge black hole, swallowing up all the nearby things! Originally, all the powers of Versailles and onomia didn't care about such a disastrous event, but now they take the initiative to reduce their power below the upper limit of the plane, and the noumenon is inside the plane. Once the plane collapses, they can't escape!

And the huge dragon shaped monster in the sky, looking at the baby's eyes, is a kind of hungry eyes!

However, the next moment, who is devoured by who, but it is a matter that no one knows. The combination of the power of death, the power of light and the power of life has the ability to see the Supreme God on the plane!

This is a conspiracy! Instead of looking at the huge dragon shaped monster in the sky or the black baby, he looked at tirathus. Tirathamis's face, the look of thief, has become a face of relief. The purpose of the trap is to completely destroy a manager of space-time order and a distributor of divine power!

But tirathus, can you survive in this place where even the LORD God can destroy? No, he doesn't need an answer, his expression can tell everything!

As a result, the sky dropped inconceivably, and the undeveloped dragon shaped monster directly used its huge body to rush towards the infant suspended in the air. The huge force triggered the bending of space, and the order chains inserted in his body could prevent him from escaping, and could not prevent him from approaching. For him, there are only two choices, one is to be captured and destroyed by onomia, the other is to die and destroy something else. For babies, there are only two ways.

The existence of two desperate struggles is at a dead end. However, when the two of them destroy together, it is possible to destroy their existence together.

There is a funnel of time and space between heaven and earth. The funnel has no upper and lower poles. It only distorts everything and is compressed into a more and more unstable point. It's a vision that too powerful a force is about to turn together. Powerful as onomia, the master of order, can't stop it!

However, at this moment, a red ray of light from the middle of the funnel ignites a fan-shaped aperture, and Shengsheng cuts the funnel of time and space into two pieces. The huge body falling rapidly in the sky and the small black body rising rapidly in the low place can not be considered to miss the distance of several hundred kilometers, one rushed to the high altitude, the other rushed to the ground. One day, the cloud that rushes into the sky directly rushes out of the plane, and there is a huge hole in the sky. The other one rushes to the ground and smashes the whole continent into pieces. Magma, gravel and water all fly up. All things lose their gravity and are swept by the violent energy and float in all directions.

The destruction of the plane is nothing more than that.

But it's not over. In the eyes of tirathamis, after the two staggered body shadows, red rays that did not belong to this plane had condensed into dozens of red swords, whirling like a turbine, catching up with the figures in two different directions. It's the sword of judgment that shatters all heresies.

There was a wry smile on tiratimus' face. He looked at his onomia with a satisfied smile.

However, due to the great distance between them, onomia did not see the eyes of tirathus, but was still relieved and relieved.

In another world, in the mechanical city of the sky, the green flame on the metal platform of the floating space capsule suddenly jumps without warning.

"Yes? Are you awake? It's amazing. Does god dream? "

Tiratimus, that is, the just opened eyes of the green flame, Atlas wolf shaped metal head is shaking left and right, a pair of mechanical eyes carefully looking at tiratimus, atlas's sharp teeth, looking at the special stimulation from this angle, as if he was about to swallow tiratimus“ What are you doing? " Asked tiratimus. For his existence, dream is memory, and memory is dream. But because he didn't react from the dream for a moment, and the wolf really had the smell of prying secrets, he was a little uncomfortable.

"Hee hee, my Lord, what dream did you have? What... Looks like a nightmare? " Atlas looks a little bit like a god of laughter.

Tirathamis was silent for a moment, then asked, "what? Looks like your riddle has been solved? "

"No! No

"Then... Why did you come to me?" Asked tiratimus.

"Well, I think so. Can you tell me the answer? As a fair deal, I'll tell you a secret. A secret I just got from Alex yesterday

"The secret?" Tiratimus gave a smile. It's an interesting price. It's a worthless riddle. It's worth everything.

"And what's your secret?"

Atlas's mechanical face could not see anything, but the tone betrayed him: "ha! So you agreed? Alex said, "if you can remember the method you taught him 27 years ago when he first started guarding you to melt the first T53 metal and t1135 metal together, then he has solved a problem you didn't solve at that time!"

Tiratimus brightened for a moment, then recovered his calm and said faintly, "is that right? Is that the secret? "

"Yes Atlas road.

"Well, I'll give you the answer in exchange for the secret." Tiratimus said without hesitation.

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