It's almost midnight.

Li Xinyan did not return to the VIP hotel room, Tong Liya also did not return to the VIP hotel room. In fact, since the morning, she has been looking for a kind of shop in the market of Yinhai. But it wasn't until nightfall that she finally found one.

The shop looks very shabby, and the light at the door is very humble. A red cross sign similar to a human clinic covers the light box which has been broken into several pieces, as if it will go out in the next second.

However, several robot owners recommended it to her.

After a long hesitation, she finally made up her mind, pushed the door open and went in.

There is only one room in the shop. There is a screen in the middle. In front of the screen are two sofas. The light in the room is bright. You can even see the situation behind the screen through the screen.

There are some books on the sofa. I don't know how long they have been used here. The paper color of the books has turned yellow and some pages have been rolled up.

Hearing Tong Liya coming in, a man flashed behind the screen.

This is not a robot, but a real human!

This man is a man, with a monocular medical magnifying glass. He is holding a delicate hammer in his hand, with short hair and a graceful beard, which is shaved into two waves and extends to his cheek.

"Are you... Here to see a doctor? Just a moment, please. I'll see you as soon as I finish my work. " The male doctor finished, did not wait for Tong Liya to reply, then flashed back.

"Oh." Tong Liya answered, then sat down on the sofa, picked up the books and turned them.

Soon, minutes later, the male doctor turned out and said, "come in with me."

They sat back and forth at the table behind the screen, and the doctor asked, "why, what can I do for you?"

"It's said that you can modify the circuit and deal with the connection between the circuit and the nerve, right?" asked Tong Liya

"That's right!" What, what to install or replace?

Tong Liya put out her left hand and said, "help me cut this!". In the palm of her hand is a piece of metal embedded in the palm.

The male doctor held her hand in front of her, looked at it with a monocular magnifying glass for a long time, and said, "follow me."

They went to an instrument at the back of the room and asked Tong Liya to sit on the chair. The male doctor fixed her hand on a 20 cm platform, then pulled the instrument and put some metal contacts on it.

The metal contact contacts the metal sheet in Tong Liya's hand, and a weak circuit passes through her hand. Tong Liya suddenly feels dizzy. Then the instrument makes a light sound, and some information is displayed on the electronic screen on the wall.

"Oh, this is a multifunctional mixed signal output device, commonly known as ionp. He can input and output nerve signals and brain waves, as well as some body information through current and nerve current conversion. Well, this version of ionp on your body is a little old, but its function is very stable. Why, do you want to take it out? "

"Yes Tong Liya said.

"But... It will hurt when it is taken out. It may need to be anesthetized. Can you bear it?"

"I can!"

"But... Even if you take anesthetics and go to sleep, you will still feel pain. Can you stand it?"

Tong Liya frowned and said, "long winded!"

"Well, I'll prepare the instruments and anesthetics, and I'll operate on you in half an hour."

"Well... How could it take so long?"

The male doctor rolled a white eye: "the anesthetic should be prepared now!"


After taking the anesthetic, Tong Liya fell asleep, and the male doctor began to write in calligraphy.

And Tong Liya closed her eyes and felt that her body was becoming as light as white clouds, and gradually floated to the sky.

"Boom", all of a sudden is a band of light, the wind tore her body, rolled her to the sky that a piece of blue behind! Behind the jewel like sky, a black sky with bright stars appeared in front of her. As soon as his eyes turned, a huge cross shaped steel city appeared in the bright starlight of the sky.

That long farewell nostalgia, still majestic, dense all kinds of lights like gems inlaid in the black steel, bright sun line will outline it from the night, as if to welcome her home.

The city of moonlight is still beautiful.

But before she could miss the magnificent scene she had not faced for a long time, several rays tore her into a metal cabin.

The metal warehouse is fifty or sixty meters wide, with dim light. All kinds of streamlines converge from the ceiling to one end of the metal warehouse. The place where they converge is a throne in the light! There are waves in the streamline, which emerge from the wall of the metal warehouse with ripples, and then fluctuate rapidly to the gathering place according to the rhythm of the heart beat. In this fluctuation, the throne gathers all kinds of light, shrouded in a snow-white light.

On the throne, sitting a person, that is a woman, snow-white face full of worry, bright eyes with a little childish, golden hair like waves down, a white dress will undoubtedly show her tenderness and beauty.

In front of a woman is a metal platform, on which lies another woman, a black fur coat, long golden hair, and a snow-white face, which is equally beautiful and dazzling even in the dark.

Both of them are Tong Liya, but not exactly.

Tong Liya, go straight to the metal table.

"Have you thought about it?" Asked the snow-white woman. But Tong Liya was looking at the woman lying on the metal platform with her eyes slightly closed. She put her hand on her face and replied, "if I don't think well, I won't come."

She didn't seem to want to stand up, or maybe she didn't need to stand up at all, or maybe she was one with this place, so she raised her hand slightly. She wanted to touch Tong Liya, but she finally put her hand down and asked, "do you hate me?"

Tong Liya did not hide: "hate!"

Snow white all over her a stay, silent for a moment, and asked: "you give up all this?"

Tong Liya raised her head and looked at her coldly: "it doesn't matter whether to give up or to miss. Originally, I was created to feel the love and hate in the world, which has nothing to do with here. Even if I leave, there will not be a needle missing here. Whether it exists or not originally depends on me. Since there is no relationship between us, it's better to completely end this relationship. In this way, I can put it down, you can put it down, and everyone can put it down. You can't live in the past all the time

The woman in white still refuses to give up. The sacred and tender feeling on her face is distressing: "don't pretend to be indifferent. If you are willing to give up, you won't try your best to find him and revive him." You know, he doesn't love me or you. No, it shouldn't be said that the original one has died with her. The one you are looking for is just a substitute. You are deceiving yourself by replacing the one who once loved you with a substitute. "

The woman in white refers to the woman lying on the metal platform.

Tong Liya suddenly laughed.

But there were two water stains on her face.

Tong Liya looked up and said with a smile, "cheating? After cheating for so many years, do you still care about cheating again for the last time? Yeah! Just cheat. I don't care! "

"But you, I'm afraid if I break all this, you will disappear completely in my consciousness!"

Tong Liya suddenly began to laugh. She couldn't help but burst into tears!

The metal warehouse was filled with this joyful laughter for a moment, just like the laughing beast that has suppressed for a hundred years running wildly in the metal warehouse!


There is no concept of time here. I don't know how long it took for Tong Liya's laughter to calm down.

Tong Liya's face became calm again. She sighed and said, "if I leave, she will disappear here. Over the years, I have worked hard and carefully to protect her. Isn't that your wish? Watching her disappear slowly, can you give up? "

Tong Liya in white is fighting for the last chance.

Tong Liya touched the face that looked like a sleeping face again. Her fingers moved along the curve from the sideburns to the chin, and she said: "I used to think that everything in the past is complete, and it's the best to stay. Ah, yes, this should be your idea. At that time, I was not sensible, so I allowed you to do so. What's more, this is what Elena wants. When she puts all this into my body, I feel very fresh and like it very much. It's always different to have a long memory. "

"But after so many years of living on earth, I changed my mind. For ordinary people, time is a sculptor. He carves the scars and imperfections in the memory of ordinary people, leaving behind those things that are worth remembering. This makes the wound heal and life perfect. Now I am just an ordinary person, why should I carry so many burdens? "

"Most importantly, I found that what I love is no longer the one in my memory, but the one now!"

Tong Liya in white was slightly moved and wanted to say something, but she didn't say it in the end. Her lips were slightly open and she only said faintly: "it seems that you really hate me."

Tong Liya didn't speak. She just slowly left the metal platform, walked to the throne, gently picked up her white face in her hand, held her in her arms and said, "yes, I hate you! But to give up you is to dig my heart

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