That night, Li Xinyan, prisoner bird, Haijiang and Alan ruowang stayed up all night.

As mechanical fighters, their body structure allows them not to sleep, and from the development of Yinhai, they need to come up with an urgent plan to deal with the current situation, so it is more realistic to simply meet to solve some practical problems.

Besides, three of Li Xinyan, guanniao, Haijiang and Alan ruowang have been assassinated, which shows that the current situation in Yinhai is in a dangerous situation. No matter who is the black hand, some forces are ready to move in the dark, and even aim at the managers of Yinhai. If we delay further, things may become uncontrollable. If these uncontrollable factors exceed the critical value, Yinhai may face the situation of internal division. This is a dangerous signal, and we must find countermeasures as soon as possible.

No one of the four is afraid of death, but if the silver sea is hit hard, it is more painful than death. Therefore, finding countermeasures as soon as possible is the best way to solve this problem.

The four people on the scene all know that the mechanical city and human beings do not want to see the silver sea grow up, and once they notice here, if the silver sea is not strong enough, then those who wait for the silver sea will be destroyed! If we want to make Yinhai strong, we can't get around the internal problems!

Since the thread of this round of events is in Li Xinyan's place and the event is triggered by him, Li Xinyan is naturally the first to speak. He gave a more detailed account of his activities in the past two days. First, he told us about his contact with the nobles, because this is probably the root cause of his attack. Second, he informed us about the situation of these mechanical killers, so as to reach an agreement with you, Can find some clues in the chaos.

Besides, Li Xinyan is selfish.

He has fought with these mechanical killers empty handed. He has a relatively complete strength assessment of these mechanical killers, so it can be generally assessed that these mechanical fighters are available.

In the first World War, I captured eight mechanical fighters. These mechanical fighters can become the fighters of thousand bird pavilion after repairing. It's a small matter that they are assassinated. However, from the perspective of resource utilization, it's a good deal to take these mechanical killers under my command after they change their consciousness. Where does Tong Liya have a program that can be used with mechanical animals? There must also be a program that can be used for mechanical soldiers

The third thing, he put his improvement plan for the robot hierarchy in the aspects of prisoner bird, Haijiang and Alan jowan.

The improvement plan is divided into four aspects. First, no longer implement the end of the elimination system, resulting in a new no number robot.

From the perspective of social management, no right to exist is the beginning of all darkness. If there is no right to exist, it means that the society and its management have ignored a certain group of people, making them completely without a sense of existence. In this way, those who have power will trample on them, maim them, and make them fall into the dark. Even if the social management wants to amend their treatment, they will suffer from no grasp.

The simplest way to give them the basic right of survival is to give them a unique number in the society.

With this number, if they do not exist, then the society should first explain their disappearance! The process of explanation is that the society makes a just judgment for the reason of their disappearance! This closed loop is respect for the right to subsistence, so this is a system reform that Li Xinyan is determined to adhere to.

Second, for the source of most resources, especially the management of the garbage dump, that is, the source of a large number of no number robots, it is owned by Yinhai.

This is similar to the state-owned assets management system of nearly a thousand years ago.

Absolute resource monopoly produces absolute darkness. When the source of resources is held in the hands of private capital, no matter how you want to make society fair, it is a dream and can not be realized in reality. This is because once the actions of the management make these nobles feel uncomfortable, they will jump out to oppose or even assassinate the management, making these actions impossible to be implemented.

Li Xinyan was assassinated only because the nobles coveted the complete information of his mechanical body!

Therefore, we need to take over some key resources from the system, and cut off the root of those uncontrollable things!

Of course, the specific implementation method can be discussed later, but this system change is an urgent matter.

Third, the reform of economic system.

Any crowd, as long as there are people who can move, no matter whether they are people or robots, will have economic activities. To put it simply, if two robots fight each other and damage each other, their behavior will cause maintenance, energy consumption and other behaviors. Then when energy consumption is used up, they need to supplement energy, and when physical injury is damaged, they need to repair. Therefore, all activities will inevitably produce transactions, and ultimately fall on economic activities.

In contrast, most of the factories in Yinhai are in the hands of the mechanical aristocrats. That is to say, the mechanical aristocrats hold most of the economic lifelines of Yinhai, and the biggest leader is not others. It is the thousand bird Pavilion, the prisoner who controls the thousand bird Pavilion.

Fundamentally speaking, the prisoner bird is the king here, and it can be concluded that the current level of social system in Yinhai is only out of the feudal stage of human society!

As for human beings, there are independent resistance organizations on their side. If divided from the social form, it should be the stage of capitalist society, such as the he family. Although they monopolize the supply of many resources in the underground city, they can not completely influence the decision-making of the high-level military headquarters, which makes them unable to cover up the sky and do whatever they want in the underground city base!

The mechanical city has entered the stage of electronic society!

Their information exchange is extremely developed, and each node has been completely managed by the mechanical city. Although the current situation is eliminating the old robots, which is unfair to them, from an objective point of view, the 12 node theocracy ensures the vitality and complete fairness of the robots in normal life, which makes the combat power of the mechanical city completely surpass that of the tropical society!

In the three-phase comparison, when the social systems are different, we must improve the economic system of Yinhai. Otherwise, we can't gather the combat effectiveness of Yinhai, and we can't guarantee that Yinhai can have enough strength to complete self-protection in the face of the attack of the human world and the attack of the mechanical City!

Fourth, if we say that the current situation of the machinery city is inclined to complete mechanization, but the development goal of Yinhai is different from it, it is inclined to the development path of humanization. If the direction is different, all kinds of differences will be reflected.

For example, in terms of combat power. At present, the main force of mechanical city is mechanical beast, which is a retrogression of mechanical city society. Although the combat effectiveness of the mechanical Corps dominated by mechanical animals is better than that of human beings at present, through Li Xinyan's analysis of the fighting process with mechanical animals in his memory, the combat cost of mechanical animals is far higher than that of human beings.

The manufacturing cost of mechanical animals is much higher than that of human beings, which requires them to have a high supply of resources in order to maintain the superior combat effectiveness in the battle. However, if we have the same resources, their combat effectiveness will certainly lag behind those opponents who demand less resources. At that time, they must be on the side of a strategic position!

Millet plus rifles, beat the tank to increase the run, which has been proved more than a thousand years ago, is not a groundless case!

This shows that the non intelligent development route, although it may seem powerful at this stage, is a way to go downhill!

On the other hand, although the human side has been oppressed by the mechanical city for more than 100 years, it has not died. This fully shows the resilience of the humanized development society.

By comparison, Yinhai has chosen the right route, but how to consolidate this route needs to be studied and practiced in terms of system and method.


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